Dr. S.K. Guru Head, Department of Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-9411195441 sk[dot]guru[at]gbpuat-cbsh[dot]ac[dot]in
About Us
The Department of Plant Physiology came into existence in 1987. The major research thrust areas of the Department include etiology of mango malformation, mechanism of ion transport in plants, somatic embryogenesis in cereals, tree biology and molecular biology of photosynthesis. The Department is also trying to develop techniques of micro-nutrient application in agricultural crops and development of new cultivars for mass propagation through tissue culture.
Degrees Offered
Courses Offered
Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
Under-Graduate | ||
BPY-212 | Fundamentals of Crop Physiology | 2(1-0-1) |
Post-Graduate | ||
BPY-614 | Principles of Plant Physiology-I: Plant Water Relations and Mineral Nutrition | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-615 | Principles of Plant Physiology-II: Metabolic Processes and Growth Regulation | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-616 | Plant Developmental Biology: Physiological and Molecular Basis | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-617 | Physiological and Molecular Responses of Plants to Abiotic Stresses | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-618 | Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-619 | Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Mineral Nutrient Acquisition and their Functions | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-620 | Seed Physiology | 3(2-0-1) |
BPY-687 | Master's Special Problem | 01/01(0+1/0+2) |
BPY-688 | Master's Seminar | 1 |
BPY-690 | Master's Research | 30 |
BPY-711 | Signal Perceptions and Transduction and Regulation of Physiological Processes | 2(2-0-0) |
BPY-712 | Plant Phenomics-Next Generation Phenomics Platform | 2(2-0-0) |
BPY-713 | Experimental Techniques to Characterize Plant Processes for Crop Improvement | 2(0-0-2) |
BPY-714 | Global Climate Change and Crop Response | 2(2-0-0) |
BPY-715 | Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Source-sink Capacity for Enhancing Yield | 3(3-0-0) |
BPY-716 | Weed Biology and Physiology of Herbicide Action | 2(2-0-0) |
BPY-787 | Doctoral Special Problem | 01/01(0+1/0+2) |
BPY-788 | Doctoral Seminar I | 1(1-0-0) |
BPY-789 | Doctoral Seminar II | 1(1-0-0) |
BPY-790 | Doctoral Research | 75 |
Functional laboratories in the department
Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Infra Red Gas Analyser, Laminar Flow, Plant Efficiency Analyser, SPAD meter, Leaf area meter, Oxygraph, Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis Assembly, Weighing balance, Flame Photometer, Microtome, Micro Khejdal Assembly, pH meter, BOD Incubator, Deep Freezer(-200C), Hot air Oven, Magnetic Stirrer, Distillation Unit, Thermal cycler, Gel Documentation Unit, ELISA reader, Refrigerated micro centriguge.

Dr. S.K. Guru
Professor & Head

Dr. Gurdeep Bains

Dr. Deepti Shankhdhar

Dr. S.C. Shankhdhar