Dr. G.C. Joshi Officer Incharge, Radiations & Isotopic Tracers Laboratory, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-7500241550 (M) drjoshigirish[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Early in the development of the University in 1960’s, the necessity for developing a Radiotracer Laboratory was realised due to the unique importance of Radiations and Radioisotopes in modern agricultural and basic research. The Radiations and Isotopic Tracers Laboratory (R.I.T.L.) was constructed under the guidance of BARC, DAE, (Govt. of India) in the College of Basic Sciences & Humanities and recognized as a ‘B’- class laboratory by A.E.R.B. (Govt. of India) for handling/use of radioisotopes.
The laboratory functions primarily as a Central Research Facility for the university. It has emerged as an active centre for inter-disciplinary teaching and research involving radioisotopes in basic, agricultural, & veterinary sciences, as also in engineering and biotechnology and
Courses Offered
Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
BPC-615 | Radio- Chemistry | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-616 | Use of radio isotopes in Research | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-617 | Radiotracer techniques in Mol. Biology | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-512 | Radioisotopic techniques in Mech. Engg. | 1(0-0-1) |
BPP-550 | Radiation Biophysics | 2(2-1-0) |
BPP-661 | Nuclear Techniques in Agricultural & Biology | 2(2-0-0) |
Liquid Scintillation Counter, Phosphor (FX) Image Analysis, Solid Scintillation Counter Gamma Ray Spectrometer (RIA), Geiger Mûller Counters, Gas Flow Proportional Counter, Plant Growth Chamber, Radiation Survey & Contamination Monitoring systems, Hands and Clothing Monitor System, Autoradiography Facilities, Remote Handling devices & Fume-Hood.
The radiotracers techniques offer many advantages over traditional methods and in many cases they are indispensable. Exploiting this potential the use of radioisotopes and radiations has been perused in many areas. The techniques have been effectively utilized at R.I.T.L. both for Post- graduate research as well as for developing externally funded research projects in diverse scientific disciplines.
During the past few years the main research activities have been in the following fields: