Dr. Preeti Chaturvedi Head, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-9568690312 head[dot]biologicalsc[at]gbpuat-cbsh[dot]ac[dot]in
About Us
The Department of Biological Sciences is one of the first departments established in this university in 1960. Intended with the teaching of basic biology courses at the time of inception, the department over the period has developed expertise in basic and applied fields of Botany and successfully running M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Botany since 1994 and 2009 respectively.
The areas of teaching includes the basic fields like Phycology, Mycology, Bryology, Pteridology, Gymnosperms, Lichenology, Angiosperms, Plant Ecology, Plant Reproductive Biology, Plant Taxonomy, Economic Botany on the one end vis-a-vis contemporary advance fields like Plant Diversity, Plants in Extreme Habitats and Rhizosphere Biology at the other end to present a perfect amalgam of botany to students. The thrust areas of the department are plant diversity, plant taxonomy, plant bioprospecting, plant-microbial interactions, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bryology, medicinal plants, in vitro morphogenesis and plant conservation.
Research Highlights:
The thrust areas of the department are plant diversity, bio prospecting, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, plant taxonomy, plant morphogenesis/micropropagation, medicinal plants, invasive alien species and bryology. Faculty has developed eflora of Pantnagar, a website showcasing Pantnagar flora. Tissue culture protocols of several medicinal plants have been developed. Synchronizing with the need of hour, the department has adopted inter-disciplinary approach to address the issues of plant-microbial symbiosis, conservation of medicinally important RET species and plant documentation. The faculty has contributed to the development of science through quality research publications in reputed international and national journals and by publishing books and reference materials.
Degrees Offered
Under-Graduate Program
Course Code | Course Name | Credits |
BBB-102 | Introductory Biology | 2(1-0-1*2) |
BBB-106 | Basic Botany | 3(2-0-1*2) |
M.Sc. Botany Program
Course Code | Course Name | Credits |
Major Courses | ||
BBB 601 | Plant Diversity – I | 3 Cr |
BBB 602 | Plant Diversity – II | 3 Cr |
BBB 610 | Plant Morphology and Anatomy | 2 Cr |
BBB 625 | Angiosperms: Diversity & Resource Utilization | 3 Cr |
BBB 645 | Biology of Plant Reproduction | 2 Cr |
BBB 688 | Master’s Seminar | 1 Cr |
Additional major courses | 7 Cr | |
Any PG course of 600 series in the Department | ||
Supporting Courses | ||
BBC 603 | Basic Biochemistry | 3 Cr |
BPY 615 | Principles of Plant Physiology-II | 3 Cr |
Common Courses | 5 Cr | |
BBB 690 | Master's Thesis Research | 30 Cr |
Total | 70 Cr |
Ph.D. Botany Program
Course Code | Course Name | Credits |
Major Courses | 9 Cr | |
BBB 701 | Plant Taxonomy | 3 Cr |
BBB 705 | Plants in Extreme Habitats | 2 Cr |
BBB 710 | Rhizosphere Biology | 2 Cr |
BBB 720 | Economic Botany | 3 Cr |
Remaining 02 Cr from 700 series courses of the deptt. | ||
Seminar | ||
BBB 788 | Doctoral Seminar – I | 1 Cr |
BBB 789 | Doctoral Seminar – II | 1 Cr |
Minor/ Optional Courses | ||
Supporting Courses | 6 Cr | |
BHS 652 | Research Methodology – I | 1 Cr |
BHS 653 | Research Methodology – II | 3 Cr |
BHS 654 | Research and Publication Ethics | 2 Cr |
BBB 790 | Ph.D. Thesis Research | 75 Cr |
Total | 101 Cr | |
Minor Courses (for other departments) | 6 Cr | |
BBB 701 | Plant Taxonomy | 3 Cr |
BBB 720 | Economic Botany | 3 Cr |
Departmental Facilities
Aeroponic systems, Autoclaves, BOD Incubators, CO2 Incubators, Compound Research Microscope with DIC & Phase Contrast, Computers and Printers, Deep Freezers, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, Electronic Balances, Electrophoresis Units for Protein & DNA, Horizontal Laminar Flows, Hot Air Oven, Incubator Shakers, Lyophilizer, Microwave Oven, pH Meters, Vortex Mixers, Magnetic Stirrers, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Refrigerators, Room Temperature Centrifuge, Stereo-zoom Microscope, Temperature & Humidity controlled green house, Thermal Cyclers, Triple Distillation Unit, UV Trans-illuminator, UV- Visible Spectrophotometer, Vertical Laminar Flow, Water Bath, Water Purification System, GPS handheld mapping device, Digital SLR camera, Electronic Balance, Microtome, Fermenter, Root-leaf Analyser, Flame photometer, Elchrome Scientific gel electrophoresis, Nitrogen Analyser assembly etc.

Dr. Preeti Chaturvedi
Professor & Head

Dr. A. K. Sharma
(on EOL)

Dr. D.S. Rawat
Assistant Professor
9th Conference of Indian science Congress Association (Uttarakhand Chapter) on ‘‘FUTURE INDIA: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY” was organized by the department from OCTOBER 13-14, 2018
International webinar on ‘Recent Advances in Plant Biology: Paving The Way For Green Agriculture’ was organized from 3rd-4th December, 2020

Two (02) technologies are transferred to the industries.
- Biofertilizer technology has been transferred to Nagarjun Fertilizers and PCIL, India worth Rs 2 Crores.
- AMF technology transferred to Insecticide India Ltd, New Delhi in 2019.
A patent titled, ‘A process for the preparation of a Plant Growth Promotory Bioagent’, has been granted vide No. 1002/DEL/2005 dt. 21.04.2005