Department of Microbiology

Dr. Lakshmi Tewari
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Head |
SPECIALISATION: | Agricultural Microbiology, Bioenergy (Cellulosic ethanol), Plant-Microbe interaction, Bioremediation |
EMAIL: | lakshmimtewari[at]gmail[dot]com lakshmi[dot]tewari[at]gbpuat-cbsh[dot]ac[dot]in lakshmitewari[dot]cbsh[at]gbpuat-tech[dot]ac[dot]in |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412120605 |
Detailed Profile | View |
Teaching Experience and Courses Taught
Teaching and Research Experience: 29 years
Courses taught are as follows:
UG programme:
M.Sc. Programme:
Ph.D. Programme:
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Selected Research Publications
Total Number of Research Papers: 50
Total Citations: 2108
h-Index: 17
i10-Inex: 24
- Sharma, B., Tiwari, S., Kumar, R., Kumar, M., & Tewari, L. (2023). Eco-friendly detoxification of hazardous Congo red dye using novel fungal strain Trametes flavida WTFP2: Deduced enzymatic biomineralization process through combinatorial in-silico and in-vitro studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 455, 131503. Impact factor 14.224, NAAS rating 20.00
- Sharma, B., Tiwari, S., Bisht, S., Bhrdwaj, A., Nayarisseri, A., & Tewari, L. (2023). Coupling effect of ionophore and oxidoreductases produced by halotolerant novel fungal strain Trametes flavida WTFP2 on dye wastewater treatment: An optimized green bioprocess. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(3), 109629. Impact factor 7.968, NAAS rating 13.97
- TIWARI, S., SHARMA, B., BISHT, N., & TEWARI, L. (2022). Role of beneficial microbial gene pool in mitigating salt/nutrient stress of plants in saline soil through underground phytostimulating signalling molecules: A review. Pedosphere. Impact factor 5.54, NAAS rating 11.51
- Sharma, D., Uniyal, S., & Tewari, L. (2021). Biocatalytic transesterification of algal oil employing a heterogenous methanol tolerant lipase enzyme aggregate from Bacillus mycoides strain CV18. Process Biochemistry, 111, 43-52. Impact factor 4.885, NAAS rating 10.89
- Bisht, N., Dalal, V., & Tewari, L. (2021). Molecular modeling and dynamics simulation of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme from high efficacy cellulosic ethanol-producing yeast mutant strain Pichia kudriavzevii BGY1-γm. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-15. Impact factor 5.235, NAAS rating 11.24
- Barkha Sharma , Shalini Tiwari , Neha Bisht , Lakshmi Tewari. (2021). Eco-friendly bioprocess using agar plug immobilized Penicillium crustosum PWWS-6 biomass for treatment of waste water contaminated with toxic Congo red dye for use in agriculture. Industrial Crops & Products 170 (2021) 113755. Impact factor 6.44, NAAS rating 12.45
- Heena Parveen, Neha Bisht and Lakshmi Tewari. 2020. Optimization and biochemical characterization of thermo-alkalotolerant cellulase enzyme from Aspergillus terreus PPCF. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology 54 (9-10): 977-986. (Impact factor 0.857; NAAS rating 6.76).
- Raj Kumar Pandey, Salil Tewari, and Lakshmi Tewari 2018. Lignolytic mushroom Lenzites elegens WDP2: Laccase production, characterization, and bioremediation of synthetic dyes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.158: 50- 58. (Impact factor 4.872; NAAS rating 9.97).
- Heena Parveen and Lakshmi Tewari 2018. Optimization of fermentation conditions for enhanced Beta glucosidase production from cellulolytic Aspergillus terreus strain PPCF using agro residues. Environment and Ecology. 36(4): 911-921. ( NAAS rating 4.18). Raj Kumar Pandey, Khan Chand and Lakshmi Tewari.2018. Solid state fermentation and crude cellulase based bioconversion of potential bamboo biomass to reducing sugar for bioenergy production. Journal of science for food and Agriculture. Impact factor 4.125; NAAS rating 10.00).
- Disha Sharma, B.K.Kumbher, A.K. Verma and Lakshmi Tewari. 2014. Optimization of critical growth parameters for enhancing extracellular lipase production by alkalophilic Bacillus sp. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 3:205-211. (Impact factor 2.80).
- Jitendra Kumar Saini, Reetu Saini, and Lakshmi Tewari. 2014. Lignocellulosic agriculture waste as biomass feedstocks for second generation bioethanol production: concepts and recent developments. 3Biotech. DOI 10.1007/s13205-014-0246-5. (Impact factor 2.27, NAAS rating 7.79).
- Utobo, E.B. and Tewari, L. 2014. Soil enzymes as indicators of soil ecosystem status. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.13I(1):147-169. (Impact factor- 0.740 ).
- Anwesa Sarkar, J P Pandey, Anupama Singh, Lakshmi Tewari, Anil Kumar.2014. Potential use of Algae- A Review. Journal of Engineering and Technology Research.2 (5):57-68.
- Jitendra K. Saini, Rahul K. Anurag, Arti Arya, B.K. Kumbhar and Lakshmi Tewari. 2013. Optimization of saccharification of sweet sorghum bagasse using response surface methodology. Industrial Crops and Products 44: 211– 219. (Impact factor 4.244, NAAS rating 10.15).
- Rekha Rawata, B.K. Kumbhar and Lakshmi Tewari. 2013 Optimization of alkali pretreatment for bioconversion of poplar (Populus deltoides) biomass into fermentable sugars using response surface methodology. Industrial Crops and Products. 44 220– 226. (Impact factor 4.244, NAAS rating 10.15).
- Rekha Rawat and Lakshmi Tewari. 2012. Purification and characterization of an acidothermophilic cellulase enzyme produced by Bacillus subtilis strain LFS3. Extremophiles 16 (4):637–644.
- R. Rawat, L. Tewari. 2011. Effect of Abiotic Stress on Phosphate Solubilization by Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma sp. Current Microbiology 62:1521–1526. (Impact factor 1.610, NAAS rating 7.60).
- Kapri,Anil and Tewari Lakshmi. 2010. Phosphate solubilization potential and phosphatase activity of rhizospheric Trichoderma sp .Braz. J. Microbiol.41(3): 787-795. (Impact factor 2.428, NAAS rating 8.86).
- Rekha Rawat and Lakshmi Tewari. 2010. Transmission electron microscopic study of the cytological changes in Sclerotium rolfsii parasitized by a biocontrol fungus Trichoderma sp.Mycology 1(4): 237–241. (Impact factor 1.05).
- Nidhi Gupta, Ashutosh Dubey and Lakshmi Tewari. 2009. High efficiency alcohol tolerant Saccharomyces isolates of Phoenix dactylifera for bioconversion of sugarcane juice into Bioethanol. Journal of scientific & Industrial Research.68: 401-405. (Impact factor 1.056, NAAS rating 6.56).
Book Chapters
- Raj Kumar Pandey and Lakshmi Tewari. 2018. Mycotechnology for lignocellulosic Bioethanol Production: An emerging approach to sustainable Environment. In: Microbial Biotechnology in Environmental Monitoring and cleanup . Pankaj and Anita Sharma (eds.) IGI global Publisher. pp: 28-34.DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3126-5.
- Pandey,R.K; Tewari, Lakshmi; Srivastava,R.K. 2018. Second generation bio-ethanol production for sustainable environment. In: Gusain,P., Arya,M., Singh,V.. Agro-Waste management. I ed. Avon Publications, New Delhi: 97-109.
- Tewari Lakshmi, Pandey RK,Sharma RS, Kumar N, Tewari SK. 2017. Phytostimulating mechanisms and bioactive molecules of Trichoderma species: current status and future prospects (chapter-10). In: Microorganisms for green Revolution. Microorganisms for Sustainability, vol 6. Panpatte D.G., Jhala, Y., Vyas R., Shelat H. (eds). Springer, Singapore pp: 189-213. . DOI, Online ISBN 978-981-10-6240-7
- Lakshmi Tewari, Jitendra Saini and Arti. 2012. Bioremediation of Pesticides by Microorganisms: General Aspects and Recent Advances. In. Bioremediation of Pollutants. Eds: D.K.Maheshwary and R.C. Dubey. I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,India .pp: 24-49.
- Lakshmi Tewari, Bipin Chandra and Jitendra Saini. 2012. Biological Control of Fungal Phytopathogens by Trichoderma sp.: Mechanisms of Action . In. Microbes: Diversity and Biotechnology, Eds: S. C. Sati and M. Belwal. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi: pp 99-118..
- Lakshmi Tewari, Rekha, Ruby and Bipin Chandra. 2012. Mass multiplication and development of formulations of the biocontrol agent: Trichoderma sp. In. Microbes: Diversity and Biotechnology, Eds: S. C. Sati and M. Belwal. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi: pp 159-176.
- Lakshmi Tewari, Salil K. Tewari and Rajesh Kaushal. 2008. Role of Mycorrhizal Association in Growth of Forest Trees. In: The Mycorrhizae-Diversity, Ecology and Applications Edtiors M.K.Tewari and S.C.Sati, Daya Publishing House, Delhi, India, pp232-251.
- Lakshmi Tewari. 2006. Development of formulation, mass production and delivery system of biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum In: Salient Achievements of CARP projects. Eds- Chandrika Prasad and Rajvir Singh Rathore. Published by UPCAR, Lucknow. p.27-29.
Laboratory Manuals:
Registrations/ Submissions of genes/cultures:
Patents Filed/Published
- Raj Kumar Pandey and Lakshmi Tewari. 2019. A novel process for production of thermoacidophilic and storage stable extracellular laccase enzyme from mesophilic mushroom. ( No. IPMC/F.No. 47/846 dated July22, 2019). Patent No: 201911019457, Date of Publication: 20/11/2020.
- Neha Bisht, Lakshmi Tewari, G.C. Joshi. 2021. Novel Process For Enhancing Ethanol Producing Properties of Yeast Through Gamma Mutagenesis. Patent No: 2020111012071, Date of Filling: 21/03/2021
Honors/Awards/Professional Achievements
Awards to students:
Best poster award (First Prize) for the research work entitled “Identification and molecular characterization of dye decolourizing microalgae for bioremedial potential” (Lakshmi Tewari, Ranjana Joshi, Rekha Rawat, Raj Kumar Pandey) presented in the workshop on ‘ Advances in Biotechnology and its Application in Conservation Biology’ organized by Dolphin Institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun in collaboration with Wildlife Institute of India and Zoological Survey of India, Dehradun during October 16-17, 2014.
Student Guided
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