Department of Physics

Dr. B.C. Chanyal
DESIGNATION: | Assistant Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | B.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Physics) |
SPECIALISATION: | Theoretical Physics (High Energy Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Theory, Group Theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromodynamics, etc.) |
EMAIL: | bcchanyal[at]gmail[dot]com bc[dot]chanyal[at]gbpuat-cbsh[dot]ac[dot]in |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412969280 (M) |
Academic Background and Qualifications
Education Profile
Academic Qualification
Teaching Experience
About Fifteen years teaching experience in U.G. and P.G. levels.
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Papers Publication
A. Sole Author Publications
- B.C. Chanyal, On the quaternion transformation and field equations in curved space-time, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 93, 185 (2023)
- B.C. Chanyal, On octonion quark confinement condition, Modern Physics Letters A 36 (37), 2150264 (2021)
- B.C. Chanyal, Quaternionic approach on the Dirac Maxwell, Bernoulli and Navier Stokes equations for dyonic fluid plasma, International Journal of Modern Physics A34, 1950202 (2019)
- B.C. Chanyal, Linearised Electromagnetic and Gravito-Heavisidian chirality in split octonion space-time, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15,1850109 (2018)
- B.C. Chanyal,A new development in quantum field equations of dyons, Canadian Journal of Physics 96,1192 (2018)
- B.C. Chanyal, Generalized Klein-Gordon field equations with octonion space-time (OST) algebra, Chinese Journal of Physics 55,432 (2017)
- B.C. Chanyal, A relativistic quantum theory of dyons wave propagation, Canadian Journal of Physics 95,1200 (2017)
- B.C. Chanyal, A Complete Set of Conservation Laws of Dyons with the Clifford-Octonion Algebra, Ukrainian Journal of Physics 62,539 (2017)
- B.C. Chanyal, Split Octonion Reformulation for Electromagnetic Chiral Media of Massive Dyons, Communications in Theoretical Physics 68,701 (2017)
- B.C. Chanyal, Dual octonion electrodynamics with the massive field of dyons, Journal of Math. Physics 57,033503 (2016)
- B.C. Chanyal, Generalized Gravito- Heavisidian Field Equations with split octonions, Math. Sci. International Research Journal 5,100 (2016)
- B.C. Chanyal, Classical geometrodynamics with Zorn vector-matrix algebra for gravito-dyons, Reports on Mathematical Physics 76 (1), 1-20 (2015)
- B.C. Chanyal, Split octonion reformulation of generalized linear gravitational field equations, Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (5), 051702 (2015)
- B.C. Chanyal, Octonion generalization of Pauli and Dirac matrices, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 12 (01), 1550007 (2015)
- B.C. Chanyal, Octonionic matrix representation and electromagnetism, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 65 (11), 1715-1728 (2014)
- B.C. Chanyal, Sedenion unified theory of gravi-electromagnetism, Indian Journal of Physics 88 (11), 1197-1205 (2014)
- B.C. Chanyal, Octonion symmetric Dirac-Maxwell equations, Turkish Journal of Physics 38 (2), 174-186 (2014)
- B.C. Chanyal, Role of octonion in gravity and dark matter, Clifford analysis, Clifford algebras and their Applications 3 (2), 121-129 (2014)
- B.C. Chanyal, Octonion massive electrodynamics, General Relativity and Gravitation 46 (1), 1646 (2014)
B. First-Author or Co-Author Publications
- S. Bhatt, B.C. Chanyal, Generalized quaternionic free rotational Dirac equation and spinor solutions in the electromagnetic field, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 19 (07), 2250103 (2022)
- S. Marques-Bonham, B.C. Chanyal, R. Matzner, Yang–Mills-like field theories built on division quaternion and octonion algebras, The European Physical Journal Plus 135 (7), 1-34(2020)
- B.C. Chanyal and Sandhya, A comparative study of quaternionic rotational Dirac equation and its interpretation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 17, No. 02, 2050018 (2020)
- B.C. Chanyal and M. Pathak, Quaternionic Approach to Dual Magneto-hydrodynamics of Dyonic cold plasma, Advanced High Energy Physics 2018, 1-13 (2018)
- B.C. Chanyal, S. K. Chanyal, Dual number coefficient octonion algebra, field equations and conservation laws, Analysis Math. Physics 7,319 (2017)
- B.C. Chanyal, S. K. Chanyal, Ö. Bektaş, S. Yüce, A new approach on electromagnetism with dual number coefficient octonion algebra, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13, 1630013 (2016)
- B.C. Chanyal, S K Chanyal, V. Singh, AS Rawat, Proca-Maxwell Equations for Dyons with Quaternion, Applied Mathematics and Physics 4,9 (2016)
- B.C. Chanyal, VK Sharma, OPS Negi, Octonionic gravi-electromagnetism and dark matter, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54 (10), 3516-3532 (2015)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Octonion electrodynamics in isotropic and chiral medium, International Journal of Modern Physics A 29 (02), 1450008 (2014)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Octonion and conservation laws for dyons, International Journal of Modern Physics A 28 (26), 1350125 (2013)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Octonionic non-abelian gauge theory, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52 (10), 3522-3533 (2013)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Octonion model of dark matter, Journal of Theoretical Physics 2, 23 (2013)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Octonion representation of the superstring theory, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2, 1459 (2013)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, T Li, OPS Negi, Octonion quantum chromodynamics, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 51 (11), 3410-3422 (2012)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Generalized split-octonion electrodynamics, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 50 (6), 1919-1926 (2011)
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, Generalized octonion electrodynamics, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49 (6), 1333-1343 (2010)
C. Online Preprint Publications
- B.C. Chanyal, “On the quaternion transformation and field equations in curved space-time” ArXiv preprint (arXiv:2108.05725) 2021.
- B.C. Chanyal, PS Bisht, OPS Negi, “Octonion in Superstring Theory” viXra preprint (viXra:1302.0070) 2013.
- B.C. Chanyal, “Split Octonion Electrodynamics and Energy-Momentum Conservation Laws for Dyons” viXra preprint (viXra:1302.0001) 2013.
- B.C. Chanyal, “Octonion Electrodynamics and Physics Beyond Standard Model” viXra preprint (viXra:1301.0101) 2013.
- B.C. Chanyal, “Octonion Dark Matter” viXra preprint (viXra:1302.0013) 2013.
Books/ Book Chapters
Book Published
Book Chapters Published
Selected Research Publications
- BC Chanyal, On the quaternion transformation and field equations in curved space-time, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences (2022) Online Published.DOI: 10.1007/s40010-022-00791-y.
- S Bhatt, BC Chanyal, Generalized quaternionic free rotational Dirac equation and spinor solutions in the electromagnetic field, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 19 (07), 2250103 (2022)
- BC Chanyal, On octonion quark confinement condition,Modern Physics Letters A 36 (37), 2150264 (2021)
- S Marques-Bonham, BC Chanyal, R Matzner, Yang–Mills-like field theories built on division quaternion and octonion algebras, The European Physical Journal Plus 135 (7), 1-34 (2020)
- BC Chanyal, K Sandhya, A comparative study of quaternionic rotational Dirac equation and its interpretation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 17 (02), 2050018 (2020)
- BC Chanyal, Quaternionic approach on the Dirac–Maxwell, Bernoulli and Navier–Stokes equations for dyonic fluid plasma, International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 (31), 1950202 (2019)
- BC Chanyal, M Pathak, Quaternionic approach to dual Magneto-hydrodynamics of dyonic cold plasma, Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 (Article ID 7843730), 13 (2018)
- BC Chanyal, A new development in quantum field equations of dyons, Canadian Journal of Physics 96 (11), 1192-1200 (2018)
- BC Chanyal, Linearised Electromagnetic and Gravito-Heavisidian chirality in split octonion space-time, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15, 1850109 (p1-17) (2018).
Awards & Recognition
Other Information
Membership of Professional Societies:
Participation in National/ International Activities: 40
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