Dr. Ashutosh Mishra Head, Department of Aquatic Environment Management, College of Fisheries Contacts +91-9410120651 ashutosh36in[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
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Courses Offered

Dr. Ashutosh Mishra
Professor & Head

Dr. Malobica Das Trakroo
Achievements of Deptt. of Aquatic Environment Management during 2016- 2017
Significant Academic achievements
Faculty participation in Conference, seminar, workshop etc.
Seminars/ conferences/ workshops/ trainings organized
Significant achievement at Fish Hatchery
SNo. | Student Name | Id No. | Year | Advisor Name | Topic of the thesis work |
1. | Mr. Yogesh Pathak | 41768 | 2016-2017 | Dr. A.P. Sharma | Not yet decided |
2. | Ms. Shivangi | 43948 | 2016-2017 | Dr. Ashutosh Mishra | Not yet decided |
3. | Mr. Dinesh Mohan | 43956 | 2016-2017 | Dr. M. Das Trakroo | Not yet decided |
4. | Mr. Jettibiona Mahiza | 51118 | 2016-2017 | Dr. Hema Tewari | Not yet decided |
5. | Mr. B. Ravinder | 49498 | 2015-2016 | Dr. A.P. Sharma | Limnlogical profile and ichyo fauna diversity of Nanak sagar reservoir. |
6. | Mr. Pawan Kumar Joshi | 41755 | 2015-2016 | Dr. Ashutosh Mishra | Assessment of Heavy metals in water sediment, macro-vegetation and fish of Lake Nainital |
7. | Ms. Kusum Lata Goswami | 41766 | 2015-2016 | Dr. M. Das Trakroo | An In-sight in to Phytoplankton community of Nainital lake, Uttarakhand |
8. | Mr. Sumit Kumar | 41759 | 2015-2016 | Dr. M. Das Trakroo | Observation on Zooplankton community of Nanak Sagar Reservoir, Uttrakhand |
9. | Ms. Anupma Bhatt | 41762 | 2015-2016 | Dr. Hema Tewari | Plank tonic diversity of Haripura and Baur reservoir of Uttarakhand |
10. | Mr. Pankaj Nagar | 48031 | 2014-2015 | Dr. Ashutosh Mishra | Effect of water recirculation on growth of Catla catla |
11. | Ms. Gitanjali Tamta | 4004 | 2014-2015 | Dr. M. Das Trakroo | Variability in Ecological characteristics of river kosi of uttarakhand above and below Barrage. |
12. | Mr. Khimesh Ruwali | 40016 | 2014-2015 | Dr. Hema Tewari | Study on Heavy metal conc. In Two Fresh water lakes of Kumaun Region of Uttarakhand |
13. | Ms. Bonika Pant | 38457 | 2013-2014 | Dr. M. Das Trakroo | Assessment of microbial biodiversity of mid Himalayan lake, Bhimtal |
14. | Ms. Vibha Lohani | 38458 | 2013-2014 | Dr. Hema Tewari | Study of periphyton diversity in a semi temperate lake of Uttarakhand |