Dr. Aditi Vats Head, Department of Family Resource Management, College of Community Science Contacts +91-5944-234009 (O), +91-9412947427(M) aditivats44[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Family resource management teaching started at the UG level with the inception of College in 1971. The Department came into being in 1994 with Master’s Programme in Family Resource Management. The Ph.D Programme in Family Resource Management got commenced in 2004. A well-knit UG, PG and Ph.D Programme with updated syllabus have been operating in the Department.
The department aims to create awareness for resource environments of family systems in India and to prepare students to effectively assist rural-urban households in resource generation and allocation issues. The Department imparts understanding of the concept of aesthetically and functionally efficient dwellings and makes students aware of the ergonomic principles in relation to household, equipment, occupations in residential and commercial setting and its management. It aims to develop entrepreneurship skills in students in terms of self-employment and micro-enterprise management. It also interacts with other disciplines located in the university to do advanced research in various facets of Family Resource Management. It conducts research on resource Management, Occupational Ergonomics & Safety Principles, Women’s Empowerment & Gender Studies, Work & Work Improvement Technology, Drudgery Reduction and Cost Analysis of Work.
Vision of the department
Mission of the department
Objectives of the department
- To inculcate entrepreneurial skill and to organize trainings/courses for the Community to facilitate entrepreneurship.
- To promote economic and technological empowerment among women and youth in Home, farm and allied field.
- To develop interactive linkages with industries, government as well as non- government organizations all over India.
Academic Programmes
Sl. No. | Name of the Program | Year of Start | Intake Capacity |
B.Sc. Home Science (2+2) with professional electives in Interior Designing and Decoration | 2004-2016 | 70 | |
B. Sc. (Hons. Community Science) (3+1) “Vocational module on Event and Décor Management” | 2017 onwards | According to rank obtained in first three years (appro. 15 students per department ) | |
Masters degree – Family Res. Mgt. (Two Year Programme) |
1994 | 04 | |
Ph.D Programme- Family Res. Mgt (Three Year Programme) |
2004 | 04 | |
M. Sc. Community Science (Family Resource Management) | 2022 | 05 | |
Ph.D. Community Science (Family Resource Management) | 2022 | 05 |

Dr. Aditi Vats
Professor & Head

Dr. Deepa Vinay

Dr. Seema Kwatra
Professor & Head, Department of HDFS

Dr. Chhaya Shukla
Associate Professor

Prof. T. A. Khastgir
Assistant Professor

Dr. Divya Singh
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sandhya Rani
Assistant Professor
Research Areas
- Resource management
- Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Principles
- Women’s Empowerment and Gender studies
- Family and Environment
- Consumerism
- Traditional art and craft
M.Sc. Researches Family Resource Management
S. No. | Title of the Thesis | Year of completion | Name | Fellowship |
Ergonomic factors at workplace: A meta analysis among bank employees | 2017 | Neha Arya | ||
Acceptability of women friendly drudgery reducing farm tools in selected villages of Tarai and hills of Uttarakhand | 2017 | Dipti Arya | - | |
Assessment of consumer behavior towards plastic money in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand state | 2018 | Sakshi Mishra | - | |
Assessment of livelihood security in disaster prone areas of Uttarakhand | 2018 | Sulekha Beri | - | |
Ergonomic assessment of architectural activities among architects in two districts of Uttrakhand | 2019 | Mehak Dadwal | - | |
Impact of stress among post graduate students of GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | 2019 | Sangya Singh | - | |
A comparative study of physical fitness, personality traits, aggression behaviour and happiness level of sports and nonsports students | 2019 | Smita | - | |
To study the work culture among young entrepreneurs in selected districts of Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand | 2020 | Rohini Pandey | - | |
Assessment of musculoskeletal disorder among garage workers | 2020 | Alka | - | |
An exploratory study on impact assessment of universal health coverage in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand state | 2020 | Pratibha | - | |
An exploratory study on design and development of space saving multipurpose furniture | 2021 | Pooja Shah | - | |
An analytical study of domestic e-waste management and disposal methods of Gadag district of Karnataka state | 2021 | Aishwarya Kumbar | ICAR | |
Ergonomic assessment of risk factors among farm workers in vegetable production system | 2022 | Kamna Pundir | - | |
Occupational Health Hazards among Bamboo Handicraft workers: A Study in Samastipur District of Bihar | 2022 | Ankita Renu | ICAR |
Ph.D. Researches Family Resource Management
S.No. | Title of the Thesis | Year of completion | Name | Fellowship |
Ergonomic evaluation of transplantation activity of vegetable production by traditional and hand operated sapling transplanter | 2017 | Neha Tripathi | - | |
Effect of Working Environment and Psychological Capital on Health Status of Female Workforce in Watch Assembly Unit | 2017 | Bhupinder Oulakh | DST- INSPIRE | |
Impact of packaging material on health and environment: A study in Gadarpur block of Uttarakhand | 2018 | Kirti Kesarwani | DST- INSPIRE | |
An ergonomic analysis of drudgery involved in sugarcane production system | 2018 | Sushma Gangwar | - | |
Status of women empowerment for enhancement of sustainable quality of life | 2018 | Poonam | RGNF Fellowship | |
Psychological Assessment and Postural Analysis of Smartphone Users | 2018 | Diksha Gautam | UGC-NET JRF | |
Value Addition and Utilization of Pea Industry Waste for Livelihood Security | 2018 | Upasana Rana | - | |
Study of Occupational Health and Wellbeing of Glass Manufacturing Unit Workers: An Ergonomic Approach | 2019 | Sonia Tewari | UGC-NET JRF | |
Ergonomics of load carrying activities and humanizing the work of Railway Assistants | 2019 | Savahat | - | |
Occupational health hazards among the employees engaged in laundry sectors | 2021 | Kanchan Pant | UGC-NET JRF | |
A study on the assessment of occupational health hazards among cobblers | 2020 | Deepika Pandey | - | |
A study on musculoskeletal disorders of stone masonry workers in high hills of Kumaon region of Uttarakhand | 2021 | Neha Arya | - | |
An Ergonomic Evaluation of Occupational Health Hazards Among The Dental Practioners of Uttarakhand. | 2022 | Garima Pant | - | |
9 students pursuing Ph.D from department of FRM |
A Workshop on "FIRST AID” under the course HRM 495 Event and Decor Management was organized by the fourth year students of Family Resource Management Department, College of Home Science G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar on 8-9 May under the guidance of Dr. Chhaya Shukla, Dr. Deepa Vinay, Director, Placement and Counseling was present as the chief guest. The purpose of the event was to acquaint the students with basic knowledge and application of first aid and to give information on the importance and need of first aid. Along with this, practical information about event management was also provided to the students.
Organizing First Aid Workshop under Student Ready Programme Course
A Workshop on "BANKING AND CYBER CRIME" was organized on 20 May under the guidance of Dr. Chhaya Shukla course incharge HRM 495 Event and Decor Management. This programme was organized by fourth year students of Department of Family Resource Management College of Home Science G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar. Dr. Anuradha dutta was the chief guest of the event. Mrs Shefali Roonwal branch head and Mr.Prakash Chandra pant Chief manager SBI were the expert of this programme. The purpose of the event was to acquaint the students with basic knowledge and awareness on cyber crime and fraud faced by the customer. Along with this, banking information like credit card, mutual fund, insurance etc. were also given.
A workshop on Orientation to ILES was organized on 25/5/2022 by the fourth year students of deptt. of Family Resource Management, Home Science College of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, under Student Ready Program. Dr. Chhaya Shukla course In -charge HRM 495 Event and Decor Management was the coordinator of this event. Its objective was to provide the students with detailed information about the International English Language Testing System. This program was mainly organized for those students who want to go to countries outside India like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA etc. for higher education. The keynote speaker of the event was Mr. Amar, Marketing Officer of SEMA Overseas Rudrapur. Giving detailed information about the English Language Testing System to the students wishing to pursue higher education abroad, Mr. Amar highlighted the main points related to its process, admission timings of different countries, required documents, process of applying etc. The chief guest of this program was Dr. Alka Goyal, Dean of Home Science College. Mr. Amar in his presidential address, he said that there is no substitute for hard work for excellent achievements. After setting a goal, students should work hard to achieve it. Organizing such type of workshops, from time to time, encourages the students as well as guides them properly. Apart from this in the afternoon session on the same day in informative and interactive session on communication skills was also organized. The expert for this event was Dr. V.L.V. Kameshwari, Prof., Deptt. of Ag. And Communication.
A Summer camp entitled “Fuel the Summer” under the course HRM 495 Event and Décor Management was organized for the school children (class 3rd to class 8th) by the fourth year students of Family Resource Management Department, College of Home Science G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar from 13-18 June 22 under the guidance of Dr. Chhaya Shukla. The activities undertaken in the summer camp were yoga classes followed by dance and art and craft classes. The purpose of organizing of this summer camp was to acquaint the students with basic knowledge of how to organize an event and application of theoretical knowledge to practical aspect. Forty two participants attended the camp. In valedictory function, the chief guest was honorable Vice Chancellor Dr A.K. Shukla accompanied by Dean, College Of Agriculture And Dean Student Welfare .Dr Alka Goel, Dean College Of Home Science in her address blessed and appreciated their commendable effort made by the student and the course Incharge Dr. Chhaya Shukla, Dr. Shehnaz Jahan Dr. Anuradha Dutta, Dr.Seema Kwatra, Dr. Anupama Pandey, Mr. T. Abhik Khastgir, Dr. Suneeta Sharma, Dr. Divya Singh, Dr. Sandhya Rani and Dr. Shifali Masseyand other faculty member graced the occasion.
Organizing Summer Camp under Student Ready Programme Course
During the Amrit Mahotsav period of independence, a seven-day training program was organized on the topic "Entrepreneurial Skill Enhancement Techniques for Economic Empowerment" from 23-29 August 2022 by the college of Home Science, Govind Ballabh Pant Agricultural and Technological University, Pantnagar under Sub SC plan sponsored by ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP), DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012. Through this training program, the trainees acquire the necessary skills for making value added products like file cover, memento, other decoration items by aipan art; paper jewelery by quilling technique; dupatta, cushion cover, stool cover and other textile decorative items by tie and dye technique. Practical knowledge and experience of various techniques for product development were provided. This program also provides the information about financial provisions for doing their own work along with entrepreneurial approach and practical understanding for the economic empowerment of women and girls.
Capacity building training organized on entrepreneurial skills
Students Awards (International/National/State level only)
- Dr. Bhupender Oulakh has been awarded Post Doctoral Fellowship sponsored by ICSSR under the supervision of Dr. Deepa Vinay for the period of two year w.e.f. 01.02.2018 on “Gender Dimension in Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture for Women Farmers of Uttarakhnd”.
- Young Scientist Award was given to Dr. Diksha Gautam by 13th UCOST from 26th to 28th February, 2019 under the guidance Dr. Deepa Vinay.
- Young Scientist Award was given to Dr. Poonam by 13th UCOST from 26th to 28th February, 2019 under the guidance Dr. Aditi Vats.
- Best Research scholar Award – 2018 given to Dr. Poonam for the 2nd International Conference “ Advances in Agricultural, Biological and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Future (ABAS, 2018) 20-22 Oct-2018, Sardar Patel Auditorium, Swami Vivekananda Subharti University, Meerut (U.P), India. under the guidance Dr. Aditi Vats.
- Poonam and Dr. Aditi Vats- Health related problems/musculoskeletal postural discomfort (pain) due to load carrying activities of women in Uttarakhand State, got award for Best Poster Presentation Award for the National Conference, Identification, Convergences, implementation & Development of Researchable Issues for Sustainable Development (ICIESSD-2019) on 20-21 April, 2019 held at SVPU& T Meerut.
- Best poster presentation awarded in International Symposium on Peri Urban Agriculture for improving livelihood opportunities held at Lucknow in November ,2014 on Inappropriate Waste Disposal of Packaging Material : A Threat to Agriculture.
- Ms. Upasana and Ms. Diksha Gautam Ph.D. students of Department of Family Resource Management have been conferred with Best Paper Award in National Seminar organized by Samagra Vikas Welfare Society at BBAU, Lucknow from 10-11 February, 2018.
- Ms. Sonia Tewari and Dr. Deepa Vinay was awarded with Best Paper Award for Research paper entitled “Development of Standardized tool for assessing the workplace wellbeing of the workers in informal sector” in National Conference on Emerging Issues in Research and Development organized by Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur on February 03, 2019.
- Dr. Upasana, SRF, FRM awarded with Innovator of the Year Award in 13th Uttarakhand state Science and Technology Congress held at Dehradun from 26th to 28th February, 2019.
- Best Poster Presentation Award given to Dr. Poonam for the National Conference, Identification, Convergences, implementation & Development of Researchable Issues for Sustainable Development (ICIESSD-2019) on 20-21 April, 2019 held at SVPU& T Meerut under the guidance Dr. Aditi Vats.
- Second Runner-Up Award for Poster Presentation on paper entitled “Impact Of Drudgery Reducing Technology for Hill Women in Rice Production System” ‘Hill Agriculture in Perspective HAP-2016’. Presented by Dr. Deepa Vinay, Dr. Seema Kwatra and Dr. Suneeta Sharma.
- Dr. Aditi Vats nominated for Best Teacher Award at UG Level on the basis of Student Evaluation, 2015-16.
- Young Scientist Award was given to Ms. Preeti Singh, Ph.D Student of Department of Family Resource Management by UCOST under the guidance of Dr. Promila Sharma.
Students associated with industries/NGOs in inplant training and research work
(i) Agencies/organization associated with PG research work
(ii) University Industry Collaboration
(iii) Outside university linkages
(iv) Linkage with NGO’s
(v) Consultancy projects awarded from Bajaj Auto Ltd. Pantnagar
Departmental activities
(i) Student tours:
An educational Tour of Ph.D students of FRM department was planned on 03rd January 2018 to Muradabad under the course No. HRM-761 Occupational Ergonomics. An Educational Tour of IIIrd and IVth Year Vocational Elective Students was planned on 24th March 2018 to Rudrapur under the Courses No. HRM-426, Management of Floor and Floor Coverings, HRM-431 Fittings & Fixtures, HRM-428 Interior Design Project Management and HRM-433 Professional Practices. The objective of taking this tour was to give exposure to the students about various new products related with interior, furniture and furnishing materials through market surveys.
(ii) Exhibitions and professional shows and activities:
An Annual Exhibition “Darshana 2018” was organized by Vocational Students of FRM on 3rd and 4th May 2018 under the guidance of Mr. T.A. Khastgir (Incharge), Dr. Divya Singh, Assistant Professor, and Ms. Sandhya Rani, Assistant Professor. The objective of organizing the exhibition was to showcase the work done by the students and to arouse a general aesthetic taste among the students of other colleges, schools and campus residents of the university, so that a general public can be benefited by the exhibition.
Participation in conference/seminars/workshops
- Dr. Deepa Vinay, Dr. Seema Kwatra and Dr. Suneeta Sharma Attended National Conference On “Hill Agriculture In Perspective HAP-2016 to be held at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar during February 26-28, 2016.
- Dr. Seema Kwatra attended XXI Biennial Workshop of AICRP on Home Science held at PJTSAU, Telangana from 13-14 February 2015
- Dr. Promila Sharma attended International Conference on Research and Innovation in Engineering (ICRIE) at Delhi NCR, India from 12-13 February 2016.
- Dr. Promila Sharma attended a 66th National Conference of Indian Association of Occupational Health OCCUCON 2016 from 18 -20 February 2016, at NIMHANS, Bangalore.
- Dr. Chhaya Shukla, Associate Professor of Family Resource Management delivered lecture on skill enhancement on paper mache on 30 march 2022` in a training programme on Capacity Building for skill Development among SC women of Uttarakhand organized by College of Home Science, GBPUA&T Pantnagar.
- Vats Aditi vats participated as a resource person and given lecture on ‘Quilling Technique For Jewellery Making’ in training on “Capacity Building for Skill Development” among SC women of Uttarakhand Organized by Department of CT & FRM, Sponsored by ICAR – NIAP New Delhi Aug. 23 – 29, 2022.
- Aditi Vats participated and given lecture on training under SC/ST plan to rural women Sponsored by ICAR – NIAP New Delhi March 28 – 30, 2022.