Dr. S.S. Gupta Dean College of Technology Contacts +91-5944-233338 +91-5944-233338 deanctoffice[at]gmail[dot]com - For More information Visit college website: www[dot]gbpuat-tech[dot]ac[dot]in
About us
The College of Technology came in to existence in this prestigious university in 1966 and College of Agricultural Engineering was merged in to it. Its ten departments offer eight B. Tech Degree Programs namely Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering. In addition to it, the College offers 24 post graduate programs including a self financed MCA program.
The College of Technology, an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution, is privileged to have a well qualified and experienced faculty with judicious mix of creative, talented and committed academicians. A large number of faculty members hold Ph.D. degree in their respective fields from national and international institutions of repute.
All the programs of study are approved by AICTE and accredited by the National Board of Accreditation. Admissions to B Tech programs are through AIEEE, admissions to M Tech programs are through GATE score while to MCA program are through NIMSET score.
The College is the lead institute in Uttarakhand in the world bank project for Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) and is also the Regional Academy Centre of CISCO (including CISCO networking lab). The college is proud of its infrastructural facilities befitting to modern technological needs.
Vision: The vision of College of Technology is to become a nationally recognized leader in Technical Education, Research and Extension.
Degrees Offered
The Courses are as follows :
A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) with Vice- Chancellor as Chairman, Director Experiment Station as Member-Secretary, Deans of Colleges, Director Extension, Research Programme Coordinators, Heads of each college and progressive farmers as Members advises the Vice- Chancellor regarding allocation of funds, conditions for accepting grants and allied matters affecting the research programmes of the University. All research in the University is conducted on approved research projects designed to investigate specific problems under the leadership of faculty member(s) located in subject-matter departments.
All research in the University is conducted on approved research projects designed to investigate specific problems under the leadership of faculty member(s) located in subject-matter departments.

An animal drawn Planker of Composite Material, replacing wood, has been developed for hilly region for levelling the agricultural field

Battery-cum-manually operated boom sprayer for spraying of chemicals in field crops

Pant Fertilizer Band Placement-cum- Earthing-up Machinebeen developed for earthing- up operation especially for maize and sugarcane crops to prevent the plants from lodging

Earthing operation by developed machine in maize crop

Bio-oil derived from pine needle

Grease developed from pine needle biooil

Pant Wheat Thresher for hills

Pant Wheat Thresher in operation at farmer’s field

Pant Axial Flow Multi-crop Thresher

Department of Soil & Water Conservation Engineering is actively involved in exploring new solutions to the problems in the area of Soil and Water Conservation through mathematical modelling by making use of advanced tools and computing techniques.
Anti-ragging Squads for the year 2023-24 at College Level
AICTE Extension Approval Committee of College of Technology
AICTE Manadatory Disclosure Link
Course Structure MCA Programme of College of Technology
College Level Anti-ragging Squads for academic year 2022-23
College Level Student Grievance Redressal Committee for academic year 2019-20 to 2020-21

Prof. B.K. Singh
Officer In-charge, Training & Placement Cell
College of Technology
Recruitment Team from Escort Kubota in College of Technology
Placement Summary 2019 Passing Batch, College of Technology