Dr. Shiv Prasad Head, Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Contacts +91-5944-233067 (O), +91-9411377368 (M) shivp2003[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
About Us
Salient Achievements:
Embryo Biotechnology

Dr. Shiv Prasad
Professor & Head

Dr. H.P. Gupta
+91-5944-233067 (O), +91-9411329387 (M)

Dr. Mridula Sharma
Associate Professor

Dr. Sunil Kumar
Assistant Professor
Semen Biotechnology: Extensive studies were undertaken in the area of Andrology, Artificial Insemination and Semenology including qualitative and quantitative aspects.
- Studies on Semenology aspects of Crossbred bulls of different breed/genetic Friesian are not good producers, especially when the exotic inheritance increased more than constitution revealed that Crossbred bulls having exotic inheritance of Red Dane and Holstein-62.50%. Crossbred bulls with 50.00% exotic inheritance were better. There was non-significant effect of seasons on semen production potential of these bulls.
- Different modifications of egg yolk tris dilutor (EYT) were successfully developed to cryopreserve cattle and buffalo semen. Foetal calf serum (10.00%), caffeine (1.00mM), insulin (10.00µg/ml) and ascorbic acid (45.00µM) singly and/or in various combinations were found suitable additives to EYT for cryopreservation of bovine and bubaline semen.
- The antioxidant n-propyl gallate (15.00µM), stimulants-caffeine (1.00mM) and Bradykinin (2.00ng/ ml) and membrane stabilizer Demecolcin (0.50µg/ml) had significant beneficial effect on buffalo semen cryopreservation and had better in-vitro fertility. Use of buffalo semen frozen in modified dilutor (Tris + 15.00µM n-propyl gallate + 1.00mM caffeine + 0.50 µg/ ml Demecolcin) under field conditions, revealed 52.00% conception (n=75) compared to 45.00% conception (n=119) using control (Tris) dilutor.
- During investigation into bacterial load of semen and suitable antibiotic, it was concluded that streptomycin (800.00µg per ml) and penicillin (800.00 IU per ml) was the minimum effective dose to reduce the bacterial load to permissible level in frozen semen of cattle and buffalo. Minimum and maximum dose of amikacin for bovine frozen semen was 100.00 and 2500.00 µg/ml. Corresponding values for buffalo were 250.00 and 2000.00 µg/ml. December witnessed minimum bacterial load in cattle and buffalo semen ejaculate, while maximum one was in August.
- FMD vaccination of cattle and buffalo bulls, adversely affected the semen quality, which returned to normal in 60-75 days.
- While studying different aspects of female fertility, it was found that proteins and sialic acid in estrual mucus of Crossbred and Sahiwal cows and Murrah buffaloes were higher in normal animals than in repeat breeders and they were responsible for higher conception rate. However, progesterone level differed non-significantly between normal and repeat breeding animals.
- Incidence of retained placenta was the highest in cattle during winter followed by metritis and dystokia.However, metritis was witnessed maximum in buffaloes followed by RP, dystokia and vaginal prolapse. Overall incidences of reproductive disorders were maximum (45-89.00%) in rainy season. Studies on caesarotomy in dystokia cases revealed that most of operated cows and buffaloes attained normal health status in 168 hrs.
- Emetic nuts were found significantly (P<.01) effective remedy to treat anestrus, as 88.80% of the treated cows exhibited estrus as compared to only 15.00% in control.
- Different drugs were tested to select suitable therapeutic package to treat anestrum in buffaloes. The overall recovery rate with Receptal treatment was 85.71% at Livestock Research Center of the University and 50.00% in field buffaloes compared to 0.00 and 12.50% recovery in control groups, respectively. The overall recovery with Crestar treatment on anoestrous buffaloes was 62.50% in L.R.C. buffaloes and 87.50% in field buffaloes compared to 2.50% recovery in control groups both in L.R.C. and field buffaloes. The anoestrous recovery in field buffaloes ranged from 75.00% to 87.50% with CIDR treatment. The CIDR treatment was found to be the most suitable.
Details of PG Students
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of admission | Advisor Name | Thesis Title (Tentative) |
Dr. Shashank Singh Bisht | 48244 | 2021 | Dr. Mridula Sharma Associate Professor, VGO |
“Studies on Addition of Herbal Antioxidants in Semen Extender and its Effect on Sahiwal Bull Frozen Semen” | |
Dr. Preeti Gautam | 51277 | 2022 | Dr. Mridula Sharma Associate Professor, VGO |
Not yet decided | |
Dr. Kamesh Kannaujia | 51276 | 2022 | Dr. Shiv Prasad Professor & Head, VGO |
Not yet decided | |
Dr. Ajay Choudhary | 51307 | 2022 | Dr. Sunil Kumar Assistant Professor, VGO |
Not yet decided |
Details of Ph.D. Students
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of admission | Advisor Name | Thesis Title (Tentative) |
Dr. Damini Arya | 46043 | 2021 | Dr. Shiv Prasad Professor & Head, VGO |
Not yet decided |