Dr. Rajesh Kumar Head, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Contacts +91-9412404020 rajeshvet[at]rediffmail[dot]com
About Us
Department of Veterinary Microbiology in CVASc is involved in teaching of both UG, PG & PhD courses as per the guidelines of Veterinary Council of India. Department is also involved in conducting research work related to vaccine development, diagnostic tests and antimicrobial resistance for livestock and poultry diseases. There have been several projects running in the department funded extramurally by DBT, DST & ICAR. Department is well equipped with instruments and facilities required for research work for virology, immunology & bacteriology.
Departmental Facilities
(i) Instruments and equipments:
(ii) Animal house facility:
Departmental animal house is available for accommodating the lab animals and for performing animal experiments.
(iii) Research labs:
Department has four labs viz Virology lab, Bacteriology & Mycology lab, Immunology lab, Molecular Biology lab, Antimicrobial resistance Lab, Diagnostic Microbiology lab for teaching & research work.
(iv) Seminar hall:
One seminar hall for conducting seminars of PG students and also for departmental meetings is available.
(v) Storeroom:
Two store rooms for keeping the departmental items are available.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Professor & Head

Dr. Anuj Tewari
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jubeda Begum
(On EOL)
Assistant Professor
Salient Achievements:
- Live attenuated cell culture vaccine against sheep pox was developed using Karnal strain of sheep pox virus.
- Vaccine for protection of poultry against salmonellosis and a process for preparing the same (Patents, US 6,605, 285 B2 (Aug, 12, 2003) and India-189049-96 (March, 01, 2001)
- Autogenous vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome virus (fowl adenovirus) in broiler birds.
- IgY based passive immunotherapy against hydropericardium syndrome virus (fowl adenovirus) in broiler birds.
- Inactivated cell culture vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome virus (fowl adenovirus) in broiler birds.
- Immune complex vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome virus (fowl adenovirus) in broiler birds.
- Cell culture vaccine against Marek’s disease and Infectious bursal disease in poultry.
- Serological and molecular diagnostic tests for goat pox and sheep pox in goat and sheep, Newcastle disease, Fowl pox, Inclusion body hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome, Infectious bursal disease in poultry and parvovirus infection in dogs.
- Congo red binding test for detection of pathogenicity of Escherichia coli strains in poultry.
- A competitive ELISA test was developed for specific detection of antibodies to Haemorrhagic septicaemia in sera of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.
- Anatomical studies on the Nervous system of buffalo and goat.
- To detect the presence of urea in adulterated/ synthetic milk, a strip test has been developed. The test is sensitive enough to detect urea at a concentration of 0.1% in milk in only one minute.
- Immunodiagnostic tests like ELISA, rider immunoassay (RIA), coagglutination (COAT), counter current Immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), fluorescent antibody test (FAT) have been standardized and carried out for the diagnosis of Infectious diseases, viz. infectious bursal disease, canine parvovirus infection, new castle, rota virus infection and salmonellosis.
- A Marek’s disease virus strain isolated locally from an apparently healthy bird was attenuated in chicken embryo fibroblast cell culture. The virus at its 20th passage level was used as a vaccine and the protection afforded was comparable to other available MD vaccines.
- Salmonella Toxoid afford 100% protection in mice.
- Congo red binding test for detection of pathogenecity of Escherichia coli strains in poultry developed.
- Studies based on serotypes of E.coli and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in colibacillosis in poultry were determined.
- Enterotoxin and four novel cytotoxins of Salmonella were purified and characterized.
Detailed Information of PG Students
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of admission | Name of Advisor | Thesis title (Tentative) |
Dr. Saumya Joshi | 49764 | 2023 | Dr. Anuj Tewari | To be decided |
Detailed Information of Ph.D. Students
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of admission | Name of Advisor | Thesis title (Tentative) |
Dr. Preetinder Singh | 58181 | 2021 | Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Studies on molecular epidemiology and post vaccination antibody response against Peste-des-petits ruminants virus in goats. |