Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry

Dr. Mumtesh Kumar Saxena

QUALIFICATION:Ph.D. (Animal Biotechnology)
SPECIALISATION: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
CONTACT NO.:+91-9458269455 (M)

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Genetic Engg. with special reference to development of sub unit vaccine

  • Molecular marker with special reference to virulence and drug resistance

  • Use of nanoadjuvant systems for vaccine delivery

  • Research projects

    1. Molecular Typing and Virulence gene analysis of Salmonella in North India ( DST -2005-2008)

    2. Characterization of potent protective antigens of Pasteurella multocida and development of recombinant DNA vaccine ( DBT -2005-2008)

    3. Molecular Typing and Virulence gene analysis of Salmonella in North India ( DBT- 2007-2010)

    4. Expression of Omp28 with special reference to development of r-DNA vaccine of Salmonella ( DST-2009-12)

    5. Creation of double gene mutant ( stn and inv)of Salmonella Typhimurium and testing of immune-potential of mutant ( DBT-2012-15)

    6. Recombinant penton base and fiber proteins of inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome virus of poultry: Production and testing of immune-potential ( DBT-2016-19)

    Selected Research Publications

    1. Saxena, M. K., Kumar, A.A., Chaudhari, P., Shivachandra, S.B., Singh, V.P. and Sharma, B. (2005) Ribotyping of Indian isolates of Pasteurella multocida based on 16 and 23 s r-RNA genes .Veterinary Research Communication. 29:527-535.

    2. Saxena, M.K., Singh, V.P., Kumar, A.A., Chaudhari, P., Singh, V.P., Shivachandra, S.B., Biswas, A. and Sharma. B. (2006) REP-PCR analysis of Indian Isolates of Pasteurella multocida. Veterinary Research Communication. 30: 851-861.

    3. Tamuly S. and Saxena M.K. (2012) Preparation of Calcium Phosphate nano-particles and evaluation of their effect on muscle cell of rat. Current Science .102:610-612.

    4. Tamuly, S., M.K.Saxena, A.Saxena, R.Kumar and R. Jha. Comparative evaluation of Humoral immune response generated by calcium phosphate nanoparticle adjuvanted and saponin adjuvanted recombinant outer membrane protein 87 (Omp 87) of Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2 in mice (2014) Journal of Nanopharmaceutic and drug delivery .2:1-7 doi:10.1166/jnd.2014.1045

    5. Pandey, M., Saxena, M.K., Saxena, A., Jha, R., Rastogi, S.K.and Kumar, R. (2018) Cloning, expression and purification of the outer membrane protein28 of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium for subunit vaccine development. Veterinarski Arhiv. 88 (4):559-568.


  • Research paper entitled “Characterization of Calcium phosphate nano-particles of Salmonella Typhimurium ‘authored by Anjani Saxena, Yashpal Singh, M.K Saxena Rajesh Kumar and S.P. Singh awarded as Best Oral Presentation Award in Second All India Seminar on Advances in Engg. And Technology for sustainable development held at G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar on Nov 2017

  • Research paper entitled “Epitope mapping of inv E gene to explore possibility for development of sub-unit vaccine of Salmonella Typhimurium authored by Yashpal Singh, Apoorv Tewari, Rajesh Kumar and Mumtesh Kumar Saxena was awarded as Young Scientist Award in 12th UCOST conference at Dehradun on March 2018

  • Research paper entitled “Isolation and Protein profiling of Omps of Salmonella Typhi authored by Yashpal Singh, Anil Kumar, Anjani Saxena, Rajesh Kumar and M.K.Saxena authored by Yashpal Singh, Apoorv Tewari, Rajesh Kumar and Mumtesh Kumar Saxena was awarded as Third Best Oral presentation Award in International conference on impact of biotechnology in agriculture and environment at KCMT Bareilly on 17th Feb 2018

  • Editor of Virology and Immunology

  • Associate Editor of World Journal of Veterinary Science

  • Research paper entitled “ Defined gene deletion mutation : a technique for live vaccine development in Salmonella authored by R.N.Trivedi, Suhaib ul Haq Khan, Rajesh Kumar and M.K.Saxena was awarded as Best paper Award in National Symposium on One Healh initiative to foster inter sectoral collaboration for Human and Animal Health held at G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar on April 2016