Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry

Dr. Tanuj Kumar Ambwani

DESIGNATION:Professor & Head
QUALIFICATION:Ph.D. (Veterinary Biochemistry), M.B.A
SPECIALISATION:Veterinary Biochemistry
CONTACT NO.:+91-9411538592 (M)

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Veterinary Biochemistry; Phytochemical research; Animal Biotechnology

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Ambwani, S. Ambwani,T. K. and Chauhan, R. S. (2018). Immunotoxic effects of cypermethrin in mitogen stimulated chicken lymphocytes due to oxidative stress and apoptosis. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(2): 37-42.

    2. Ruwali, P., Ambwani, T.K. and Gautam, P. (2018).In vitro immunomodulatory potential of Artemisia indica Willd. in chicken lymphocytes.Veterinary World, 11(1): 80-87.

    3. Ambwani, S., Tandon, R., Ambwani, T. K. and Malik, Y. S. (2018). Current knowledge on nanodelivery systems and their applications in enhancing the efficacy of herbal drugs. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 6(1): 87-107.

    4. Ruwali, P., Ambwani, T. K. and Gautam, P. (2017). In vitro antioxidative potential of Artemisia indica Wild. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences.87 (11): 1326–1331.

    5. Ganguly, B., Ambwani, T. K. and Rastogi, S. K. (2017). Electronic Northern Analysis of Genes and Modeling of Gene Networks Underlying Bovine Milk Fat Production. Genetics Research International. Doi.10.1155/2017/191530.