The University Library serves as the academic heart of the university to support teaching programmes, research activities, extension and outreach services. It also advances the success and impact of the university community by providing access to information and recorded knowledge by investing in environment conductive to study, research and learning. The library was established in 1960’s and was first housed in directorate of research building. Later in 1984, it was opened in a grand five-story building having a lower level and four upper floors. The floors are divided into service areas, collections and offices and can accommodate 500 patrons at a time. On the main floor the students can check out books, get research help from a librarian at the reference desk, use Online Catalogue and reference resources. The library is centrally located facing the administrative building and all colleges surround in a semicircle. The library houses nearly 4.25 lakh volumes and provides electronic access to thousands of periodical titles besides books and databases. It is managed and operated by 10 faculty librarians and support staff. The library has special place in the country owing to the fact that it supported the university in heralding the green revolution in 1960’s and imparting quality education to students in Agriculture and Technology.
The University Library has been driven by ethos of continuous improvement to meet the challenges of information explosion and the paradigm shift that the libraries have gone through globally in providing access to information/ e- resources through remote servers. The library is member of Union Catalogues like World Cat of OCLC, US and AgriCat of Indian Agricultural Libraries. The entire collection of the library is accessible every time of the year through Web PAC. Besides the library is a member of collaborative digital repository called Krishikosh and provides access to rare digitized books and theses submitted by the university students.
Expert teacher librarians are available in person and online to help in access and to navigate through our rich world class collections. Students can also avail assistance in preparing research papers, plagiarism check etc. The library has inviting ambiance and spaces for group study, quite reading, a smart class room, study carrels for solo study and research.
Photo | Name | Designation | Responsibilities | Contacts |
Dr. Neena Singh | Deputy Librarian | Management of Automated Circulations systems, RFID systems, QR codes, Koha on Cloud Server etc. Strengthen & Renovation of Library Infrastructure. Coordinator- NDLI, CeRA, Shodhganga and DrillBit plagiarism detection. Research Support and Teaching Information Literacy courses. | |
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Dr. D.P. Singh | Deputy Librarian | Maintenance activities of the library. Management of Physical Resources-old collection and E-Documentation | |
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Dr. K.P.Sexena | Deputy Librarian | Acquisition of Periodicals, Physical and E-Resources | |
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Dr. Jagdambika Prasad | Deputy Librarian | Manage Library Loans and Library dues, Staff Duty Arrangement in sections. Maintenance of Physical Learning Resources. | |
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Mrs. Poonam Singh | Deputy Librarian | Library Loans, Management of Book Bank and Text Books section, clear No dues etc. Member Library server | |
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Mrs. Hema Haldua | Deputy Librarian | Technical Processing of Learning Resources in Automated Environment | |
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Dr. Suman Lata Yadav | Deputy Librarian | Collection Development, Acquisition of Books and Learning Resources, Member library server and Plagiarism support | |
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Mrs. Chanda Arya | Deputy Librarian | Reference Management, Help Desk and Reader Services. Management of Library Stores | |
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Dr. Superna Sharma | Assistant Librarian | Acquisition of physical journals and other periodicals subscribed by Library | |
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Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh | Assistant Librarian | Acquisition of Learning Resources (physicals books). Teaching Information Literacy Courses | |
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Dr. Geetanjali Rana Kanwar | Assistant Librarian | Library Loans and Patrons help in Branch Library of College of Community Sciences | |
The digital products have become more powerful than the source documents themselves, due to the fact that they are infinitely more accessible, user friendly and can be linked seamlessly with other library resources.
The university library hosts many digital collections valuable to research and, teaching materials in different disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Community Sciences, Biological Sciences, Basic Sciences, Fisheries Sciences, Engineering and Agribusiness Management. These collections are subscribed and some are open access, accessible from anywhere in the world.
Subscribed Resources
The library subscribes to the following E-books, Journals and Databases in different discipline of Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Basic Sciences and Engineering Sciences.
Patrons can access the following e-books procured by the library. Please check the following link to explore the e-books.
Online Journals
The library subscribes to many e-journals and databases to support its core collection / the print collection. These includes:ASCE Journals: Journals from American Society for Civil Engineers. Please explore the following link.
ASCE Journals OnlineASME Journals: Journals from American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Click below to access journals from ASME.
ASME Journals OnlineSouth Asia Archive: Provides access to content spanning in all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Science and Technology, Medicine etc. from Taylor & Francis Group.
South Asia Archive (SAA)Other Online Journals
Patrons can also access journals from the following publishers in various disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Basic Sciences, Animal and Veterinary Sciences etc.Online Databases:
The university library also subscribes to the following online databases in addition to the e-journals.
CAB Abstract:
The library subscribes to popular CAB Abstract Database online. The library has offline collection to this database in CD form since the year 1973. To access CABI online please click here CAB Abstract
EBSCOHost Bussiness Source Elite Plus
Provides full text articles for more than 1,100 scholarly business, economics journals, and management including nearly 500 peer-reviewed publications. This database includes fulltext (pdf) coverage dating back as far as 1985, and detailed company profiles for the world's 10,000 largest companies. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost
J-Gate Social & Management Sciences Social & Management Sciences (JSMS):
Is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature it is the most efficient comprehensive platform to access research information from 7 Million+ Articles Indexed | 12,000+ Journals. Click on JSMS to explore.
Provides authentic and comprehensive secondary level Socio-economic Statistical information about India and its states on various socio-economic parameters like Economy, Agriculture, Consumer affairs, Environment and Forest, Education, Health, Housing, Industries, Social welfare, Developmental Schemes etc. To explore this database please click here
Consortium Resources
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA):
The Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is the first of its kind online platform for facilitating 24x7 online accesses of select journals in the field of agricultural and allied sciences to researchers, teachers, students, policy planners, administrators and extension specialists in National Agriculture and Research System (NARS).
Our library is member of CeRA Consortium and has access to vast collection of more than 4000 National and International e-journals, Annual Reviews and even e-Books from reputed publishers. Please click on CeRA below to browse journals from this consortium by Title, Subject and Publishers. Both quick as well as advanced searches can be made easily. CeRA
Open Access Digital Repository
The library has created an Institutional Repository that hosts digitized theses and dissertations submitted by our students. More than 8020 physical theses from the year 1960 to 2000 have been digitized and is accessible through campus LAN. Some theses were digitized under Krishiprabha-World Bank funded project from 2001-2007, these are now merged with Krishikosh, a National Digital Repository in Agricultural and Allied Sciences.
Indian universities play a vital role in generation and dissemination of knowledge by conducting research works and producing Theses and Dissertations that are a unique source of research information and knowledge. Every year about 8,000-10,000 PhDs in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sciences are being awarded in India. Krishikosh is an Institutional Repository of Indian National Agricultural Research System. It is full text searchable open access repository having large collection of Theses, Books, Research Reports, Proceedings, Technical Reports etc. It includes more than 150,000 PhD and M.Sc theses and 2,00,000 other digital items. To browse Krishikosh repository please click here. Krishikosh
ShodGanga is a repository of full-text theses or ETD submitted to Indian universities. It facilitates open access to theses and dissertations for all academic communities across India and worldwide. ShodhGanga is hosted by Information Library Network (INFLIBNET) and is supported by University Grants Commission (UGC). The members universities submit their electronic version of theses and dissertations from time to time to update the repository. ShodGanga provides access to more than 3,10,334 full text thesis from more than 475 universities. Explore ShodhGanga repository here. ShodhGanga
Shod Gangotri
ShodhGangotri is a Repository of Indian Research in Progress including synopses or research proposals for PhD programme submitted by research scholars to different Universities in India.
The synopsis or summary of ongoing research in ShodhGangotri is later mapped to full-text theses in ShodGanga Repository. Once the full-text thesis is submitted for a synopsis in ShodGangotri, a link to the full-text thesis would be provided from ShodhGangotri to "ShodhGanga". The Research in Progress repository reveals the trends and directions of research being conducted in Indian universities, and also helps in avoiding duplication of research activities. It is one stop platform to know about research in progress. To explore ShodGangotri repository please click here.
Shod Gangotri
Research Resources
Includes periodicals like journals, Abstracting and Indexing journals, Review journals, Newsletters, Research reports, Annual Reports, Statistical Reports etc.
Current Periodicals: The library subscribes to select journals from different disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Basic Sciences, Community Sciences, Fisheries Sciences, Engineering and Technology and Agri – Management. These are designated as “Current Periodicals” in the library catalogue/OPAC. The current periodicals are placed on the first floor of the library.
Other Periodicals: The back volumes are shelved in regular stacks after binding by call numbers. These are available on the second and third floor of the library. Many of our journals have been replaced by e-journals and are available in electronic format. search our E-Journals or the library catalog to get access to these current issues.
Book Collections
The library holds a good collection of 2.6 lakh print books selected by the joint efforts of the faculty members of different colleges of the university. These are text books or curriculum material, reference books, rare books. The text book collections are housed in the ground floor, and the second floor of the library. The collections housed in Ground Floor consist of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Fishery Sciences, Agri-Business Management, Biological Sciences etc. for use of undergraduates, postgraduates, research scholars and teachers. Second floor consist of educational materials on social sciences. Some books are available in digital format and we are in the process of strengthening the digital collection of books. The new or latest additions of books procured are displayed in the Reference Section/Ground Floor for two weeks and thereafter shelved in respective floors. For details please refer to the floor chart of the library. Reference and Rare Reference Collection The Library also has significant collection of Reference Books in print housed in the First Floor of the library and Rare books, including maps, typographical sheets placed in the Ground floor Designated as “Rare Reference Collection”. These have the distention of being among the finest in the State of Uttrakhand Kumaun Region. The rare and fragile material from this section do not circulate and are available for reference only. They may be requested for viewing in advance by appointment from one hour by the Incharge of the circulation section.
Book Bank
The Library has a Book Bank in the Ground Floor that has a curriculum focused books on different disciplines. These are available to the students from weaker sections of the society as well as to other students for a period of one full semester. The book Bank has a good collection of more than sixty thousand books that are in multiple copies and latest editions.
Book-Bank Text Books (Author Catalogue)Rental Text Books
Besides the Book Bank, the library has a Rental Text Book scheme under which all student community both Under Graduates (UG) and Post Graduates (PG) students can avail 10 text books for the courses they are studying for the entire one semester. Here are some of the most used titles of Text Books along with information on multiple copies. Please click on links below to explore the text books available in the library.
Theses and Dissertations In Print
The research material of the students in form of Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations and Thesis are available in the library both in Physical and the Electronic format. A good collection of more than 20,500 thesis are available in physical form from the year 1960 since the establishment of the university. From 2009 the university has mandated the submission of electronic version of thesis (Theses) and Dissertations. These are available in Compact discs and later uploaded in digital repository. We have methodically digitized millions of pages of print thesis and these are now uploaded in collaborative Krishikosh Digital Repository hosted by IARI, Headquarter, New Delhi and accessible through Krishikosh platform. Print thesis are not in circulation and are available for reference only. You will find them in the first floor of the library.
The library provides access to many journals on trial for certain period for patrons to explore the content or the research papers. Trial access through Consortium of e- Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is currently available for following Journals:
Off Campus Remote Access Remote Access through Informatics under trial is currently available for the off campus bona fide users of this University. This facility may be availed by sending written request with complete credentials at
Library Loans
To avail library facilities the patrons have to be a registered member of the library. The students and faculty members can take loan of physical resources like books and periodicals excluding CD resources. As per library policy the student community of Pant varsity are entitled for loans as per provisions given below.
Students can register themselves online and submit e a screen shot to the circulation counter as a token of proof for self registration. To register online please go to Library Webpage, and login to create your User ID and Password.
You can also click here to Register Online Link
Students can also register off line by filling out a registration card (please collect from circulation counter) and submit to the staff at the circulation desk. You are also required to bring your coloured picture to be attached with registration card /form, write your name and ID number behind the picture before submitting.
Upon registration, you will be issued a Smart Card that can be used for all library loans. This card is valid for the entire period of study/ degree programme. For library membership you will first need an ID Card that will be issued to you from the registrar’s office.
Library Loans for Student Community
UG Students: Four books from general collection including books from Reserved Section . In addition 10 books for Book Bank or Rental Section. The books can be borrowed for a period of 15 days and can be further renewed if required. Books form Book Bank/Rental Section is issued for the entire semester.
PG Students: Seven books including books from Reserved Section and 10 books from Book Bank or Rental Section for the entire semester. Books from general collection is issued for a period of 15 days, which can be further renewed if required.
PhD Students: Research students can borrow 07 books for a period of 15 days including books from Reserved section and 10 books from Books Bank and Rental Section for the entire semester.
Library Loans for Faculty Members
The faculty of different colleges are entitled for loan of 12 books including books from General Text Books Collection, Reserved Section (overnight only) and some books from Rental Section. The faculty members can issue books required for teaching for a period of one semester and other books for one month.
Library Loans for Non Teaching Staff
Non teaching staff can borrow two books for a period of one month and can renew further if required.
Borrow, Return and Renew Rules
All members of the library are requested to note the following rules and regulations regarding library loans.
Online Public Access Catalogue is the gateway or key to the library resources. Database of all learning resources available in the library is created using Open Source Library Management System, called KOHA. The newly acquired resources are added to the database from time to time and also displayed in OPAC month wise. You may click on each displayed book to know the details of the book and Call Number. New Books are displayed in display racks for a month and shall be issued after the period of display. Please note the Call Number to locate the books from stacks. To learn how to use the OPAC please click below.
Library OPACReference Service
The library has a reference desk in the First Floor for all kind of help regarding locating a resource, use of OPAC, Kiosk and Book drop, understanding collections or any other queries should you have. Patrons can also post their queries online through 'ASK US’ and should expect a reply in 3-4 days time.
Off Line Database Search
The library has a good collection of off line database in compact disks /CD. Most of the abstracting databases are in CD’s that can be accessed from the e-Documentation Section. Following databases are available for access. The patrons can take a soft copy of the content for teaching and research purpose.
AGRICOLA (Agricultural Online Access) library has this database from 1970-1995.
AGRIS (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology) Database is available from 1975 - continued
CAB Abstracts also called CABI covers all disciplines of Agricultural Sciences is available form 1973 - continued
BIOSIS:Is bibliographic database with Abstract and Citation Index. Its covers the Life Science and Biomedical Sciences literature. The library has this database from 2003 - continued
FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstract) Is an extensive abstract database of scientific and technical literature related to food, beverage and nutrition. The library has this database in CD’s from 1969 - continued
COMPENDEX: Computerized Engineering Index is an engineering bibliographic database, available in the library from 1990 – continued .
Institutional Repository
The library has an institutional repository created for providing online access to students research materials including the Master’s and Doctoral dissertations and theses. More than 8025 physical theses, dissertations and project works of research students and some rare books have been digitized since the foundation of the University in 1960. The repository has digitized theses from the year 1960 to 2000. These are accessible through campus LAN. Please ask the reference desk for more information. From the year 2001 onwards the research material of the students is available online through ‘Krishikosh Repository’ as well as the Institutional Repository. The library receives one copy of e-thesis submitted to the university as part of fulfilment of their academic degrees, these are uploaded after the embargo period and made accessible under open access through Krishikosh Repository. To know more about Krishikosh please click here Krishikosh
Wi-Fi Services
The library offers Wi-Fi services for patrons. The reading spaces of the library have fast Wi-Fi connectivity to access learning resources. Please click here Library WI-FI to access guidelines directions on use of Wi-Fi and how to connect using your Mobile or Laptop devices. You may also visit the Reference Desk to learn more about Wi-Fi facility in the library.
Self-Check-in/Checkout Services
The library is automated using advance Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) with automated devices and machines like Kiosks and Book Drop facilitating self checkout (issue) and check-in (return) of the books using a smart card. The book drop is operational 24x7 and located outside the library. You may take help of Reference Desk / Circulation Counter for any issues related to operating the Kiosk Machines or the Book Drop.
Library Cafe
A Library Cafe was started in the year 2016 for students in the ground floor of the library to engage reading with fresh coffee, tea, soup etc. The idea was to encourage patrons spontaneous visit to the library, stay longer and make extensive use of the library resources. The cafe has seating arrangements in the open spaces of the library with good ambiance. Patrons are advised not to carry their drinks in the reading areas and other floors of the library. Currently the cafe is closed due to covid-19 situation and classes being online.
FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions
Patrons may go through the following FAQ for understanding their library and its services. Please click here FAQ
Every student at G B Pant Varsity is expected to respect the academic integrity and the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of others in all academic undertaking. We are here to explain you on how to document sources of information, the styles for writing bibliographical references, referencing software’s and to avoid plagiarism.
Citation Management
A number of guides/citation styles are available for citing sources. Patrons can choose as per their research requirements. Some of the styles for writing bibliographical references are as given below:
Software /Tools for Citation Management
Citation management software’s or tools allows scholars and authors to organize and retrieve information. The scholars can use these tools for recording and managing bibliographical citation or references. Besides managing references most softwares also allows patrons to search references from online libraries. These online libraries are usually based on Z39.50 public protocol. Some of popular the citation management tools are discussed below.
Zotero is an interesting research tool that helps you to collect all your research in a single, searchable interface .The the patrons can add images, audio and video files, PDFs, snapshots of web pages and much more. Zotero allows you to index the full text content of your library automatically and enables you to find whatever you are looking for with the help of few keystrokes.
If you are a researcher, try Zotero it’s a research assistant tool that automatically senses content in your web browser, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click. Whether you're searching for a preprint on, a journal article from JSTOR, a news story from the New York Times, or a book from your university library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites.
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, collaborate and share your research sources. Self-guided instructions and help in the form of tutorials and FAQ are available through Zotero
To know more about Zotero and how to down load, installation instruction click here Zotero
Zoterobib is free citation management tool that helps you to create a bibliography quickly in different citation styles. This open source research tool helps you to build bibliography instantly from any device without creating an account or installing any software. Click here to explore Zoterbib
Mendeley is a tool to organize, read, and annotate document in one place. Patron can connect and collaborate with millions of researches worldwide. Store and cite their dataset with one secure online repository. Manage citation and create bibliography with number of styles to choose from. Mendeley empowers researchers to store and share their data to find new opportunities.
Mendeley is also a free, open source, web-based tool for managing references, creating bibliographies and organizing pdfs. To know more about Mendeley , self-guided instructions tutorials, FAQ and help please click here Mendeley
End note is another Citation /reference management software produced by Clarivate analytics earlier Thomson Reuters. A thirty days free trial is available through Endnote website.
Endnote allows scholars to store and share references, download and file and facilitate collaboration. Scholars can also search across references metadata, full text journal article, file attachment and personal annotations and locate research in just seconds.
To explore more about this tool please click here EndNote
Grammar Check
Grammarly helps You to eliminate grammar errors and find perfect words to express yourself and eliminate grammatical errors. The tool helps you to easily Improve any text, improve Word Choice, and fix punctuation errors, besides find and add sources much faster. Click here to start grammar check
Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism in Research
Students and researchers should know that Passing off another’s work as your own is poor scholarship, and also means that you have failed to complete the learning process. Plagiarism is unethical practice and can have serious consequences for your present and future career. Please understand that Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas, either planned or accidental of another author or researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgment.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s intellectual work as your own. In academics or research plagiarizing involves using ideas, words, writing or information from a source without acknowledging or including a proper citation.
To know more about plagiarism, types of plagiarism, why plagiarism matter, avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, frequently asked question about plagiarism please click here.
The university library provides DrillBit Plagiarism Detection System to its students and faculty members. The research students can contact the library or their research advisor to check their intellectual or research work including theses, dissertation and project work. To log in to DrillBit Plagiarism Detection software please click here DrillBit Login
To learn more about the Drillbit Plagiarism Detection System and for Account activation, Document Submission, Report Analysis View, Managing Multiple Submissions please see PPT tutorials for faculty members, students and research scholars. Click DrillBit to explore the PPT tutorials.
Current Awareness
It is important for the research scholars, and faculty members to be updated with the recent published information and latest developments. The library provides current awareness service as out lined below.
New Books at University Library
The library displays new books in the first floor reference area for two weeks. The patrons can also browse the latest books from the online catalogue OPAC or WebOPAC by month. Please click on each displayed book to know the details about the book, its call number, copies and its availability.
Social Media: Facebook
The library also uses social networking tool like Facebook to help you to keep updated with the latest information and day to day activities of the library.
Please click here Library Facebook to browse the library Facebook page.
If you need more information and help. Please Ask Us
Digital Libraries
The patrons have access to vast amount of digital contents from several digital libraries across the globe. Some of the digital libraries are given below:World Digital Library (WDL)
WDL is Launched by UNESCO and 32 partner institutions in 2009 . WDL Makes available free of cost multilingual digital material from different countries and cultures around the world. Has 19,147 items from 193 countries. Includes maps, rare books, sound recordings, photographs etc. To Access WDL please click World Digital Library
National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
The National Digital Library of India is hosted by IIT Kharagpur, its project under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. NDLI integrates all existing digitized/digital content of the Nation and provides a single window access with e-learning facility. It provides free/open access to learning resources and has a User Group from Primary to Higher Education. Includes books in Science, Humanities, Management , Engineering, law, Literature, Ancient Indian Art etc. School and CBSE board Books and learning content besides Covid-19 Research Repository. Featured Collections like Talks and Webinars You can access the National Digital Library here NDLI
National Science Digital Library
National Science Digital Library (NSDL) aims to provide comprehensive S&T Information to students of science, engineering and technology in the country. It’s a project of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). NSDL provides curriculum based content to address the information needs of the undergraduate students of science and Technology. The content creation and development for NSDL has gone through rigorous procedures to make available quality content for the students. Authored by eminent teachers and validated by renowned faculty in Indian universities and colleges. To access National Science Digital Library please click NSDL
AGRIS (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology)
AGRIS is a global public domain database with more than 12 million bibliographical records on Agricultural Science and Technology. It is one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature providing free access to millions of bibliographic records in 90 different languages. AGRIS became operational in 1975 and the database was maintained by Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development, (CIARD). The content for AGRIS is provided by more than 150 participating institutions from 65 countries across the globe. The AGRIS Search system, allows scientists, researchers and students to perform sophisticated searches using keywords from the AGROVOC thesaurus, specific journal titles or names of countries, institutions, and authors. To Access this database please click AGRIS
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access)
Agricola is a database of agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It indexes journals, magazines, conference reports, theses and dissertations, books and book chapters in Agriculture and Allied fields from 1970 onwards, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. To access the database please click here AGRICOLA
E- Journals
Many e-journals are available under Open Access. You may explore some of the following:Open Access Journals from ICAR
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Journals like The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (OAJMP) are now Freely accessible, however, you may be required to register first to access the full contents. To access journals published from ICAR please click here ICAR-JournalsE-Books
Patrons have access to several e-books in different subjects on various platforms, some of which are mentioned below.E-Books from ICAR
A number of open access e-Books, Manuals, Hand books etc are available from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the field of Horticulture, Medicinal Plants , Integrated Farming, Seed Production etc. Please click here e- Books to access e-books published by ICAR.
E- Books from Department of Space
Interesting Open Access Books and Reference books like Altus of Sea Waves, Coral Reef, Scientific Mars Altus and Remote Sensing can be accessed, to explore please click e- Books Vyom
Project Gutenberg: Online library of free e-books
Is Online library of open access e-books. Founded by Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg in 1971 its mission is to encourage creation & distribution of e-books. Patrons can easily access and no special Apps are required to read the e-Books. Searches can be made by Author, Title, Subject, Language, Type, and even popularity. You have options to explore frequently downloaded top 100 books, or recently added New e-books. This library has Offline catalogue: A handy e-book listing. To explore free e-books please click Project Gutenberg
Hathi Trust : E-books
Hathi Trust is a Partnership of Academic and Research institutions, it offers collection of millions of titles of books in different subjects digitized from libraries around the world. To explore interesting e-books please click Hathi Trust
Google books
The Google Books Library Project offers many Free Books available on public domain. It aims at scanning and making searchable the collection of several major research libraries, along with bibliographic, snippets of text from a book are often viewable. Books out of copyright and in the public domain is fully available to read or download. To Access books from Google please click Google books
Open Library
Open Library is a universal catalog for book metadata, it is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library. Patrons can download any ebook that is available as full text in a variety of formats. Currently over 1.7 million public domain books in PDF, ePub, DAISY, DjVu and ASCII text is available through affiliation of Open Library with the Internet Archive. To explore this catalog of books please click Open Library
National Achieve of India (NAI
National Achieve of India of India has extensive collection of records related to Indian history, culture, and society in the form of archival manuscripts, photographs, maps and various other information which can serve as resource for developing educational modules in many domains . To access these resources please click here NAI
References Sources
DOAJ : Directory of Open Access Journals
DOAJ is a directory of open access journals, launched in 2003. It is an independent nonprofit organization managed by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (Community interest company) based in UK. DOAJ database contains over 15,000 peer reviewed Open Access Journals covering all areas of Science, Technology, Medicines, Social science arts and humanities. To access DOAJ journal please click here DOAJ
OPEN DOAR : Directory of Open Access Repositories
Is Global Directory of OA Repositories. DOAR allows you to Search or Browse Registered Repositories by Repository Name / Country Name / Advance Search. For example you can browse many Indian ETD Repository like ShodhGanaga/Shodhgangotri or Krishikosh from here. To access Open Access Repositories please click DOAR
DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
OATD is the best possible resource for finding Open Access Graduate Theses and Dissertations published around the world. The Metadata or information about the theses comes from over 1100 Colleges, Universities, and Research Institutions. OATD currently indexes 6,655,788 theses and dissertations. To access OATD please click here OATD
OATD: Open Access Theses and Dissertations
DOAB is a directory of Open Access Books, it is nonprofit legal entity under Dutch law established by OAPEN Foundation and Open Edition in 2012 in close cooperation with DOAJ. The Foundation is based at the National Library in the Hague. It is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services and data is freely available. To access please click DOAB
Wikipedia is an open access (free) online encyclopedia created by volunteers across the world. Wikipedia is hosted by Wikimedia foundation a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Wikipedia is not a very reliable source for academic writing or research. Students are encouraged to see other sources to confirm the facts. However, Wikipedia is increasingly used by people in the academic community, from freshman students to distinguished professorship, as an easily accessible tertiary source for information about anything and everything, and as a quick "ready reference", to get a sense of a concept or idea. Please click here to access Wikipedia
Thesaurus and Dictionaries
Merriam Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
Online Merriam Dictionary And Merriam Thesaurus, is Thesaurus/Dictionary by Merriam –Webster, it searches more than 2,75,000 related words, synonyms/ antonyms, gives Meanings and Sample sentences on how words are used etc. To access this dictionary and thesaurus please click Merriam Online
Your Dictionary brings 16 authoritative sources of definitions and meanings including Webster’s New World College Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and The American Heritage Dictionary of English language. YourDictionary Thesaraus can also help you to find right word for a letter or essay or synonyms from trusted sources like Webster’s New World Roget A to Z Thesaurus. To explore please click YourDicionary
Library loans/ books issued through RFID system
Online Registration through QR Code
Access to Institutional Repository of G.B. Pant University
Access to Online Catalogue through QR code
Access To Digital Passbook Thru PC
Issue And Return Of Books Thru KIOSK
How to Access Digital Passbook through QR Code
Visit of "Vice Chancellors of different Universities to University Library" on 8th May 2019 during Vice Chancellors Meet at GBPU&AT
Visit of French Delegates of DEFIAA to University Library on 12 December 2023, Dr. Neena Singh explaining Learning Resources and Services
Dr. Neena Singh, Head University Library Addressing the Students of CABM College under Student Induction Programme (SIP) on 22nd July 2022
Visit of Director Administration and Monitoring to University Library on 28 June 2022
"Health talk organised by library on 05 March 2022 "Be Fit Now"