Department of Environmental Science

Dr. J.P.N. Rai
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Industrial waste degradation and bioremediation. |
EMAIL: | jamesraionline[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9997226123 (M) |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
- Studies on biotic pressure, biodiversity-carrying capacity relationship in alpine meadows of NDBR, cost Rs from MOEF New Delhi,
- Effective utilization of treated distillery effluent from Jubilant Organosys. Gajraula U.P.
- Evaluation of agro-potentiality of pulp and paper mill effluent, for irrigation, from ICAR New Delhi
- Phytoremedation of toxic metals of brass Industry wastes and its impact on crop productivity & Nitrogen fixation potential from ICAR New Delhi
- Monitoring of ground water quality in ferti-irrigated area of JOL from Jubilant Organosys. Gajraula U.P.
- Phytoremedation of toxic metals of industrial wastes and screening of metal mining plants for reclamation of contaminated sites. from DST New Delhi
Selected Research Publications
- Rashmi Paliwal. A.P. Rawat. Monica Rawat. and Rai, J.P.N. (2017) Bioligninolysis: Recent updates for Biotechnological Solution, publication Springer, Applied Biochemistry and biotechnology. 162: 735-743
- Krishna Giri and Rai, J.P.N. (2017) Biodegaration of Endosulfan isomers in broth culture and soil microcosm by Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from soil publisher Routledge, International Journal of Environmental Studies. 69: 729-742
- Monica Rawat and Rai, J.P.N. (2017); Adsorption of heavy metals by Paenibacillus ualidus stream mp5 isolated from industrial effluent-polluted soil publisher Taylor & Francis, Bioremediation Journal, 26:66-73
- Monica Rawat, M., Rawat, A.P., Giri, K., and Rai, J.P.N., (2017) Cr (VI) sorption by free and immobilized chromate-reducing bacterial cells in PVA alginate matrix: equilibrium isotherm and kinetic studies. Environmental Science Pollution Research. 20:5198-5211.
- Giri K., and Rai, J.P.N., (2017) Biodegardation of hexachloro cyclohexane by two species of Bacillus isolated from contaminated soil. Chemistry and ecology. 30(2):97-109.