Department of Environmental Science

Dr. J.P.N. Rai

SPECIALISATION:Industrial waste degradation and bioremediation.
CONTACT NO.:+91-9997226123 (M)

Research Areas/ Areas of Interest

  • Ecotechnology
  • Industrial Waste Bio-remediation

  • Research Projects

    1. Studies on biotic pressure, biodiversity-carrying capacity relationship in alpine meadows of NDBR, cost Rs from MOEF New Delhi,
    2. Effective utilization of treated distillery effluent from Jubilant Organosys. Gajraula U.P.
    3. Evaluation of agro-potentiality of pulp and paper mill effluent, for irrigation, from ICAR New Delhi
    4. Phytoremedation of toxic metals of brass Industry wastes and its impact on crop productivity & Nitrogen fixation potential from ICAR New Delhi
    5. Monitoring of ground water quality in ferti-irrigated area of JOL from Jubilant Organosys. Gajraula U.P.
    6. Phytoremedation of toxic metals of industrial wastes and screening of metal mining plants for reclamation of contaminated sites. from DST New Delhi

    Selected Research Publications

    1. Rashmi Paliwal. A.P. Rawat. Monica Rawat. and Rai, J.P.N. (2017) Bioligninolysis: Recent updates for Biotechnological Solution, publication Springer, Applied Biochemistry and biotechnology. 162: 735-743

    2. Krishna Giri and Rai, J.P.N. (2017) Biodegaration of Endosulfan isomers in broth culture and soil microcosm by Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from soil publisher Routledge, International Journal of Environmental Studies. 69: 729-742

    3. Monica Rawat and Rai, J.P.N. (2017); Adsorption of heavy metals by Paenibacillus ualidus stream mp5 isolated from industrial effluent-polluted soil publisher Taylor & Francis, Bioremediation Journal, 26:66-73

    4. Monica Rawat, M., Rawat, A.P., Giri, K., and Rai, J.P.N., (2017) Cr (VI) sorption by free and immobilized chromate-reducing bacterial cells in PVA alginate matrix: equilibrium isotherm and kinetic studies. Environmental Science Pollution Research. 20:5198-5211.

    5. Giri K., and Rai, J.P.N., (2017) Biodegardation of hexachloro cyclohexane by two species of Bacillus isolated from contaminated soil. Chemistry and ecology. 30(2):97-109.