Dr. R. K. Srivastava Head, Department of Environmental Science, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-5944-233321 (O), +91-7500241436, +91-9997983678 (M) rajeevsrivastava08[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Growing concern of the University in the environmental issues in various agro-climatic zones led to the establishment of this Department in 1984. It runs highly sought after Master’s and Ph.D. programmes in Environmental Science besides offering mandatory courses in UG and PG curricula of the University. The major thrust areas of research include environmental impact assessment, environmental pollution, biodiversity, environmental stresses and bio-remediation of agro-industrial waste. The instrumental facilities for environmental monitoring of air, water & soil samples have been developed.
Degrees Offered
Courses Offered
Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
Under-Graduate | ||
BBE-201 | An Introduction to Environmental Science | 2(2-0-0) |
Post-Graduate | ||
BBE 500 | Physical Environment | 2(2-2-0) |
BBE 511 | Ecophysiology | 3(3-0-0) |
BBE 513 | Social Environment & Human Ecology | 3(3-0-0) |
BBE 600 | Seminar | 1 |
BBE 601 | Special Problems | 1-2 |
BBE 611 | Environmental Physiology | 2(1-0-1) |
BBE 612 | Ecosystem Analysis | 3(2-0-1) |
BBE 621 | Environmental Pollution | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE 622 | Ecotoxicology | 2(1-0-1) |
BBE 631 | Resource and Energy Conservation | 2(1-0-1) |
BBE 642 | Environmental Monitoring | 2(1-0-1) |
BBE 644 | Experimentation in Environmental Sciences | 2(0-0-2) |
BBE 722 | Air and Water Pollution | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE 732 | Environmental Waste Utilization | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE 742 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Mgt. | 3(2-0-1) |
BBE-565 / HRM-565 | Household and Environment | 3(2-0-1) |
BBE-602 /BPC-602 | Environmental Chemistry | 3(2-0-1) |
BBE-651 /BMB-651 | Environmental Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE 613 | Biodiversity: Concepts and Management Practices | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE 645 | Biodegradation and Waste Treatment Design | 2(2-0-0) |
BBE / APA-211 | Environmental Science and Agroecology | 3(2-0-1) |
BBE-660 /TCE-660 | Environmental Engg. | 2(2-2-0) |
BBE-788 | Doctoral Seminar I | 1 |
BBE-789 | Doctoral Seminar II | 1 |
BBE-690 | M.Sc. Thesis Research | 20 |
BE-790 | Ph.D. Thesis Research | 45 |
Infrastructural Facilities
Departmental Facilities
Gas chromatograph, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Gel Doc System, High volume air Samplers, Stack Monitoring Kit, Deep Freezer, BOD incubators, Centrifuge, Laminar Flow, Flame Photometer, Fibre extraction system, COD Digestion unit, CHN analyser, TOC analyser, AAS, Respirable Dust Sampler, Dissolved Oxygen meter, EC meter, TDS Meter, Noise Meter, Water Purification System, and other small equipments of environmental interest.

Dr. R. K. Srivastava
Professor & Head
+91-7500241436, +91-9997983678

Dr. J.P.N. Rai

Dr. Shweta Saraswat
Assistant Professor
+91-9412828867, +91-8475875373