Department of Environmental Science

Dr. R. K.Srivastava
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Head |
QUALIFICATION: | M.Sc. (Env. Sci.) & Ph.D. Chemical Engg. IIT- Delhi |
SPECIALISATION: | Environmental Impact Assessment, Industrial & Urban Pollution Control and Management, Phytoremediation of Wastewater |
EMAIL: | rajeevsrivastava08[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-7500241436, +91-9997983678 (M) |
Teaching Experience and Courses Taught
Teaching Experience: 24 Years
Industrial experience: 6 Years
Courses taught in the Deptt. of Environmental Sciences at G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar are as folows
Course No. | Course Title | Level |
BBE-742 | E.I.A. and Management | PG |
BBE-621 | Environmental Pollution | PG |
BBE-643 | Biodegradation & Waste Treatment Design | PG |
BBE-722 | Air and Water Pollution | PG |
BBE-204 | Environmental Studies & Disaster Management | UG |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Sl. No. | Title of the Projects | Name of the funding agency | Duration |
Environmental Impact Assessment on SIDCUL Integrated Industrial Estate–Pantnagar. Cost of project: Rs. 16.00 Lakhs |
Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology | April, 2007 to March, 2012 | |
Demonstration of Municipal Waste Water Management through Fuel Wood Plantation. Cost of project: Rs. 13.97 Lakhs |
IIT, Delhi under Indo- U.K. EPSRC project | August, 2008 to Sept, 2012 | |
Development of Alternative Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Bio-energy Plantation and Additional Economic Opportunities. Cost of project: Rs. 20.18 Lakhs |
IIT, Delhi under Indo-U.K. Science-bridge project | April 2010 to Dec 2014 | |
Agriculture Waste Management for Generation of Wealth – Exploitation of Household and animal waste for creation of wealth. Cost of project Rs. 5.00 Lakhs |
Funded by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | April 2015- April 2016. | |
Integrated Technology System for Phytoremediation of Domestic Waste Water with Floating Rafts (Floating Wetland): R&D and Pilot Testing. Cost of project Rs. 12.66 Lakhs |
Ministry of Drinking Water supply & Sanitation, Govt. of India in collaboration with IIT, Delhi | April 2016 to Sept. 2017 | |
Preparation of State of Environment report of Uttarakhand. Cost of project Rs. 24.92 Lakhs |
Funded by Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board, Dehradun | April 2017 to Nov. 2019 | |
Assessment of the bio resource base of the selected area in view of constantly changing components of bio resources including due to climate change. Cost of project: Rs. 10.00 Lakhs |
INHERE – Almora, Uttarakhand (DST Project) |
Feb. 2018 to 31 March 2021 | |
Reclamation of Wastewater for Water Reuse and Water Security through Sustainable Water Resource Management Cost Rs. 32.96 Lakhs |
Ministry of Earth Science (Govt. of India) | April 2019- till date (for 3 Years) | |
Low Cost-Renewable Energy Driven (LC-RED) Water Treatment Solutions Cost Rs. 5.03 Cr. (Rs. 69.77 Lakhs GBP) |
Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi | April 2019- till date (for 5 Years) | |
Bio-mimetic and Phyto-technologies Designed for Low-cost Purification and Recycling of Water -EU-Indo Water Cooperation Horizon 2020 Cost 9.70 Cr. (Rs. 1.05 Cr. GBP) |
Indo-EU funded project by DBT, Govt of India | June 2019- till date (for 4.5 Years) | |
Water Energy Food Nexus through Solar Green House Based Hydroponic Solutions with Android Mobile Application for Rural Farmer and Urban Users Cost Rs. 3.02 Cr. (Rs. 5.20 Lakhs GBP) | DST, Govt of India | April, 2021- till date | |
Popularization/Awareness activities, exposure visits, hands on training EDP activieis, academic exposure. Cost Rs. 6.15 Lakhs. | U-COST, Dehradun | Sept. 2021 – March 2023 |
Selected Research Publications
- Pandey, A., Srivastava, R.K. and Kaushal R. (2017) Model for economical and sustainable bioenergy production under greywater irrigation trial Current Science, Vol. 112(8), pp. 1743-1748.
- Solanki, P., Narayan M. and Srivastava, R.K. (2017) Effectiveness of Domestic Wastewater Treatment using Floating Rafts a Promising Phyto-remedial Approach: A review. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, Vol. 9(4).
- Solanki, P., Narayan M., Meena, S.S., and Srivastava, R.K. (2017) Floating raft wastewater treatment system: A review. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, Vol. 11(2) pp. 1113-1116.
- Chhimwal M., Narayan M. and Srivastava, R.K. (2017) Electricity Generation from Microbial Fuel Cell by using Different Bio-waste as Substrate. Environment and Ecology, Vol. 35 (4A) pp 2958—2964.
- Kumar, S., Srivastava, R.K., Pandy, R.K., Jadhav, R. and Kumar, A. (2017) Technological Intervention in Waste-water Treatment by Using Nanomaterials. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 5 (4) pp 120-129.
Books/Book Chapters
- Banerjee, T., Srivastava, R.K. and Melkania, U., 2008. Floral distribution pattern in surroundings of SIDCUL IIE-Pantnagar. In: Singh, J., ed. Biodiversity, Environment & Sustainability. MD Publications Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 181-189.
- Banerjee, T., Pathak, J. and Srivastava, R.K., 2009. Climate change and Kyoto protocol: Global and Indian concerns. In: Gautam, P.L., Singh, V. & Melkania, U. eds. Ecosystem Diversity and Carbon Sequestration-Challenges and a way out for Ushering in a Sustainable Future. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 309-319.
- Singh, M. & Srivastava, R.K. 2009 Performance study of a Fixed-bed Biofilm Sequencing Batch Reactor Under Different Operational Conditions. In: Science and Technology in Uttarakhand Selected Research Articles of Science and Technology Congress -2009. eds. Dobhal Rajendra, Uniyal D.P., Purohit B.P. Macmillan, New Delhi. Pp. 91-99.
- Banerjee, T., Srivastava, R.K. and Hung, Y.T. 2010. Plastics Waste Management in India: An Integrated Solid Waste Management Approach. In. Hung, Y.-T., Wang, L.K. & Shammas, N. ed. Handbook of Environmental and Waste Management. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore
- Rastogi, A., Singh. Vir, Melkania U., Srivastava, R.K. and Sharma A., 2011. Physico-chemical Analysis of the Wastewater from a Pulp and Paper Mill in the Rarai Area of Uttarakhand. In: Information Technology and Environmental Management .MD Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
- Kaphaliya B. and Srivastava, R.K. 2012. Global Climate Change and Salinity: Impact of Salinitry on the Environment. In: Singh, V., Kumar, B., Nautiyal, N., Rastogi, A., and Shankhwar, A.K. eds. Climate Change and Hydrosphere: The water planet in crises. Biotech Books New Delhi, pp. 109-120.
- Shankhwar, A.K., Nautiyal, N., Kumar B., Rastogi, A., Srivastava, R. K. and Singh, V. 2012. Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Freshwater Resources: A Critical Review. In: Singh, V., Kumar, B., Nautiyal, N., Rastogi, A., and Shankhwar, A.K. eds. Climate Change and Hydrosphere: The water planet in crises. Biotech Books New Delhi, pp. 121-146.
- Bisht B.S., Melkania, U., Singh.V., Srivastava. R. K., & Nautiyal. N. 2012. Climate change and Agriculture: Emerging Scenarios and Adaptation strategies Biotech Books., New Delhi, India. p. 331. ISBN 978-7622-233-4.
- Ramola, S. and Srivastava, R.K. 2014. Biochar: Sustainable bioproducts for Improving Agricultural Ecosystem. In: Singh, V., Kumar, G., Papnai, V., Vegi, eds. Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development. S.K. Book Agency, New Delhi, pp. 145-158.
- Singh, M. and Srivastava, R.K. 2014. Short rotation woody crops as vegetation filters and their potential application in the treatment of municipal wastewater. In: Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation. IGI Global Publishing, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Mishra, T. Ramola, S. and Srivastava, R.K. 2014. Environment Friendly Slow Release Nano Fertilizer for Sustainable Agriculture. Chapter in Book: Ecology, Environment and Agriculture.
- Singh, M. and Srivastava, R.K. 2015. Vegetation Filters: The Potential of Short Rotation Woody Crops for the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. In: Handbook of research on Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation. IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA,. pp. 196-221.
- Kaphaliya B. and Srivastava, R.K. 2015. Assessment of rotatory biological contactor for pollutant removal from effluent of a fast moving consumer goods industry and biochemical analysis of the bacteria involve in the treatment Proceeding of the 1st National Conference on Recent Advances in Sciences & Technology (NCRAST-2015). Vol.01, pp166-174. Jagdamba Publishing Company, New Delhi.
- Kumar, M., Srivastava, R.K. and Banerjee, T. 2017. Climatic Impacts of Aerosols: A Sustainability Challenge. In book: Environmental Science and Engineering, Edition: First, Chapter: Climate Change and Sustainable Technologies, Publisher: Studium Press LLC, USA, Editor: BR Gurjar, Vol. 12 pp.11-27.
- Pandey, R.K., Tewari L. & Srivastava, R.K. 2018. Second Generation Bio-ethanol Production for Sustainable Environment. Chapter in Book: Agro-Waste Management, Editors: Gusain P., Arya M., Singh V. pp. 97-109. Avon Publications New Delhi.
- Narayan, M., Solanki, P. & Srivastava, R.K. 2018. Treatment of Sewage (Domestic Wastewater or Municipal Wastewater) and Electricity Production by Integrating Constructed Wetland with Microbial Fuel Cell. In book chapter: In Sewage. Intech Open.
- Solanki, P. & Srivastava, R.K. 2019. Phycoremediation of industrial effluents contaminated soils. In book chapter New and future developments in microbial biotechnology and bioengineering. Pp. 245-258.
- 17) Ramola, S., Belwal, T. and Srivastava, R.K. 2020. Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass Waste-Based Biochar for Environment Remediation. Chapter in Book: Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications. Kharissova, O.V. et al. (eds.) Springer nature Switzerland AG 2020. pp 1-16.
- Solanki, P., Khanna, Neha, Dotaniya ML., Narayan, M., Meena,. S.S., Srivastava, R.K. and Udayakumar S., 2020. Bioremediation of Toxic Metals from Wastewater for Water Security. Chapter in book- Rhizomicrobiome Dynamics in Bioremediation. CRC Press, Taylor and francis.
- Chhimwal, M., Srivastava, R.K., and Pattnaik, S., 2021. The Artistry of Environment Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development and its Status in India. Chapter in book-Research Trends in Environmental Science. AkiNik publication. Pp 1-16.
- Narayan M., Solanki, P., and Srivastava, R.K., 2022. Constructed Wetland –Microbial Fuel Cells (CW-MFCs): Chapter in book-Handbook of Research on Green Technologies for Sustainable Management of Agriculture Resources. IGL Blobal. DOI: 10.4.18/978-1-7998-8434-7.ch009.
- Pandey, D., Chhimwal, M., & Srivastava, R. K. (2022). Engineered Biochar as Construction Material. In Engineered Biochar (pp. 303-318). Springer, Singapore.
- Chhimwal, M., Pandey, D., & Srivastava, R. K. (2022). Pristine Biochar and Engineered Biochar: Differences and Application. In Engineered Biochar (pp. 3-19). Springer, Singapore.
- Chhimwal, M., Srivastava, R. K. & Pattnaik S. (2022). Covid-19 Origin, Spread History and Health Issues. Chapter in Book Strategies to control the Covid-19 Pandemic and Reversal of Its effects. In Divya Lakshmi Publishers and Distributors, Meerut. (pp. 1-9).
Honors/Awards/Professional Achievements
Supervised Students Awards
- Dr. Mohini Singh, ID.NO.33977 – Young Scientist Award- 2010 from U-COST Dehradun.
- Dr. Sudipta Ramola, ID No.36788– Young Scientist Award- 2013 from U-COST Dehradun.
- Dr. Bhumija Khapaliya, IDNo.32186–Young Scientist Award-2014 from U-COST Dehradun.
- Ms. Tripti Mishara, ID No.31643 –Young Scientist Award- 2014 from U-COST Dehradun.
- Ms. Maitreyie Narayan, ID No. 38280 - Young Scientist Award- 2017 from U-COST Dehradun.
- Mr. Praveen Solanki, ID No. 49630– National Ecologist of the Year -2017 in world clean Environment Congress 2017, conceived and organized by Scientific and Environmental research institute, Kolkata at Indian International centre, New Delhi.
- Ms. Monika Chhimwal, ID No. 40059 Young Scientist Award- 2019 from Agricultural Technology Development Society (ATDS) at Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Ms. Monika Chhimwal, ID No. 40059 Young environmentalist award 2019 by AETDS Society, Intentional conference at Nainital.
- Ms. Diksha Pandey, ID No. 53923 Young Professional Award- 2022 from Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology (SSDAT) at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Professional Life Membership
Additional Responsibilities
- Nodal Officer- Namami Gange, State Programme Management Group, Uttarakhand from University.
- Chairman - State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) for Uttarakhand Govt. Nominated by Central gazette notification no. 3182 dated 14 August 2018 for three years upto August 2021 for environmental clearances.
- Regional Representative North Zone – (Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, U.P., Rajasthan, J.&K., Laddakh, Himachan Pradesh) - Indian Association for Air Pollution Control, New Delhi from 21 March 2022 to till date.
- Expert Member – Technical Committee of Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board, Dehradun from 16 March 2020 to till date.
- Expert Member for District Ganga Committee for District Udham Singh Nagar under Chair person of District Magistrate, U. S. Nagar for a period of two years from 30 Sept. 2021
- Expert Member - State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) for UP Govt. Nominated by Central gazette notification No. 862 dated 12 July, 2007 for three years up to July 2010.
- Evaluated more than 500 industrial/infrastructure project for grant of environmental clearance
- Principal Investigator
- (i) R &D projects - 10 (2 International + 8 National)
- (ii) Consultancy Project - 45
- Estate Officer – GBPUA&T, Pantnagar from 18 Nov. 2010 to 18 July 2014.
- Staff Counsellor, University Wrestling Club from Aug. 2004 to 2018.
- Staff Counsellor, University Weight Lifting/Power Lifting (M) from Aug 2012 to 2018.
- Staff Counsellor, Science & Humanities Society, Pantnagar for year 2014-15.
- Coordinator, Sample Analysis Work & Consultancy Work (CBSH) for year Sept. 2014-15.
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