Department of Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering

Dr. Anil Kumar
(On Deputation)
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Biotech Stress and Nutritional Biology |
EMAIL: | ak_gupta2k[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411195450 |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
S.No. | Title of Project | PI/ Co PI | Funding Agency | Duration | Outlay |
1 | De Novo Genome Sequencing of Karnal Bunt (Tilletia Indica) Pathogen of Wheat: Characterization of Pathogenecity Genes/ Proteins for Development of Diagnostics | PI: Dr. Anil Kumar | DBT, New Delhi | 2017-2019(3 Years) | 64.00 Lakhs |
2 | Programme Mode Support in Agricultural Biotechnology, Phase –II | Dr. Anil Kumar (Coordinator) | DBT, Govt. of India | 2012-2018 | 270.9 Lakhs |
3 | Molecular Characterization of calcium signaling and transport machinery of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) towards development of superior genotypes and nutraceuticals for calcium biofortification. | Dr. Anil Kumar | --- | --- | --- |
Selected Research Publications
- Avashthi Himanshu, Jha Richa, Sharma Mugdha, Yadav Arvind Kumar, Mishra A.K., Ramteke Pramod Wasudeo and Kumar Anil (2017). Artificial Neural Networks (ANNS) Approach For Classification of Seed Storage Proteins Of Various Nutritionally Superior Cereal Crops. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 9(5): 3749-3751.
- Rajesh K. Pathak, Mamta Baunthiyal, Rohit Shukla, Dinesh Pandey, Gohar Taj and Anil Kumar (2017). In Silico Identification of Mimicking Molecules as Defense Inducers Triggering Jasmonic Acid Mediated Immunity against Alternaria Blight Disease in Brassica Species. Front. Plant Sci. 8:609. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00609.
- Anil Kumar, Vishakha Pandey, Manoj Singh, Dinesh Pandey, M. S. Saharan, Soma S. Marla (2017). Draft genome sequence of Karnal bunt pathogen (Tilletia indica) of wheat provides insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of quarantined fungus. PLoS ONE 12 (2): e0171323. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171323.
- Neha R. Tomar, Rajiv Kumar and Anil Kumar (2017). Evaluation of Protective Capacity of Glycoprotein Based DNA Vaccine against Rabies Virus. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 6(7): 2336-2343.
- Snigdha Tiwari, Dinesh Pandey, Manu Gaur and Anil Kumar (2017) Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on Disease Severity and Expression of Plant Defensin Gene during Alternaria brassicae Infection in Arabidopsis. Int . J. Curr. Micro boil. App. Sci (2017) 6(7): 857-865.
Other Information
- Krishi Shiksha Samman- 2018 to G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar for its purposeful and noteworthy contribution to the field of Agriculture based on potential Pro-Iron booster technology developed by us.
- Dr B. B. Singh award for excellent research during valedictory function of foundation week of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar.
- Bharat Ratna Dr C. Subramaniam Award for Outstanding Teachers 2015 by ICAR, Govt. of India, New Delhi to provide recognition to outstanding teachers and to promote quality teaching in the field of Agriculture.
- Uttarakhand State Governor Award-2015 for the best research work by His Excellency Governor of Uttarakhand, Sri K K Paul.
- Archana Sharma Memorial Award-2016 by Society for Plant Research (VEGETOS) and African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO)
- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University Best Teacher Award-2015
- Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences-2015 by esteemed Academy, Chennai.
- Outstanding Faculty Performer Recognition-2015 by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
- INSA Teacher’s Award-2014 to recognize and honor the contributions for showing consistent and high level of teaching in Science & Technology.
- Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists-2013 in Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists.
- Honorary Member-2012 in Executive Council of National Academy of Biological Sciences, Chennai
- Member-2012 in Executive Council of Society of Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology.
- Fellow of Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India (CHAI)-2012 for his contribution and commitment to the furtherance of horticulture. During four days Global Conferences, and National exhibition, organised by ASM Foundation and OUAT, Bhubneswar.
- Honorary Member-2010 of National Academy of Sciences, India for his scientific contribution in the field of Biological Sciences.
- Scientist of Excellence Award- 2007 for his contributions in the field of Biotechnology by Society of Plant Research on 15th March, 2008 at Modipuram (Meerut), during two days Symposium on “Role of Biotechnology in the National Development”.
- Shiksha Rattan Award for outstanding service achievements & contributions by India International Friendship Society on 27th Nov, 2007 at New Delhi, 2007.
- Visiting Scientist under world bank-GEF project 2007 as part of Indian delegation for visiting University of Tsukaba (Japan) to study the Biosafety measures for risk assessment for LMOs/GMOs
- Visiting Scientist under ICAR-NATP scheme 2004 for visiting University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA
- Food and Agricultural Organization Fellowship Award under ICAR-AHRD scheme from FAO, Rome (Italy) 2000-2001 for visiting Hebrew University of Jerushalam, Rehovot (Israel).
- Young Scientist Project Award from Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.1998.
- International Bursary Award travel support for attending training on Molecular Diagnostics’ at Edinburgh (UK) under Prof. John Seth. 1996.
- Regional Service Award recipient for presenting papers at International Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia sponsored by IFCC and APACC, 1993.
- Regional Service Award recipient for presenting papers at 5th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, Kobe, Japan, Sponsored by IFCC. 1991.
- Regional Service Award for presenting paper at 4th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, Hong Kong, sponsored by IFCC. 1988.