Dr. A.K. Gaur Head, Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-5944-233898 (O), +91-9412120798 anilgaur12[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering (MBGE) is the nodal Department of the University, for administering the undergraduate and post graduate programs in Biotechnology. The Department, since almost its inception in 1988, is continuously running the Master’s degree program in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; while the doctoral program and the undergraduate program in Biotechnology were started in the years 1995 and 2008 respectively.
The department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering is continuously striving to provide world class teaching and research facilities to our stake holders in some of the cutting edge areas of Biotechnology. With the generous teaching grant support from Central as well as State Government, along with research support from various National as well as International funding agencies, the department has successfully established 06 state of art thematic research laboratories. Apart from well equipped post-graduate as well as undergraduate teaching laboratories, the Department also has a Bioinformatics & System Biology laboratory for in-silico experimentation and AI based learning.
More than 350 students have completed their Master’s degree in Agriculture Biotechnology while more than 60 students have also completed M.V.Sc. degree in Biotechnology from the Department. About 70 students have completed their doctoral degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. The department has an excellent placement profile, with most of the students opting for avenues of higher learning at reputed National and International Institutes. The department can boast of an illustrious alumni profile with student pass-outs like Dr Kakoli Ghosh, (FAO), and Dr Meenakshi Sundaram, (ICAR), etc. Apart from the Agriculture Biotechnology students, the department also has deep-rooted collaborations with various other departments of the University like Environmental Sc., Genetics & Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, etc; thus making it a truly interdisciplinary in nature.
Degrees Offered
Courses Offered
Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
Under-Graduate | ||
BWP-101 | Work Programme | 1(1-0-0) |
BMB-300 | Introduction to Molecular Biology & Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-320 | Chemical and Biochemical Reaction Technology | 2(2-0-0) |
AGP-302 | Introduction to Plant Biotechnology | 3(2-0-1) |
BMB-330 | Cell Biology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB/BBM-340 | Microbial Technology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-350 | Bioinformatics & Molecular Modeling | 3(2-0-1) |
BMB-360 | Molecular Marker Technology | 3(2-0-1) |
BMB-370 | Recombinant DNA Technology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-380 | Biocomputing and system Biology | 3(1-0-2) |
BMB-390 | Regulations in Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-400 | Genomics and Proteomics | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-402 | Plant Cell Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-401 | Animal Cell Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-410 | Bioanalytics and Bioseparation | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-415 | Cellular Targeting and Drug Delivery | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-420 | Application of Nanobiotechnology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-425 | Herbal drug design & Metabolomics | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-430 | Transgenic Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-435 | Molecular Cytogenetics | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-440 | Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and Green House Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-450 | Vaccine Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-455 | Molecular Diagnostics | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-460 | Bioprocess Technology | 4(2-0-2) |
BMB-405 | Seminar | 1 |
BMB-475 | Project Work | 8(0-0-4) |
Post-Graduate | ||
BMB-510 | Principles of Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-520 | Fundamentals of Molecular Biology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-530 | Molecular Cell Biology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-535 | Techniques in Cell Biology | 2(0-0-2) |
BMB-540 | Molecular Genetics & Breeding | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-545 | Techniques in Molecular Biology | 2(0-0-2) |
BMB-550 | Concepts in Genomics & Proteomics | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-560 | Immunology & Molecular Diagnostics | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-570 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 3(2-0-1) |
BMB-575 | Biosafety, IPR & Bioethics | 1(1-0-0) |
BMB-600 | Master's Seminar | 1 |
BMB-601 | Special Problems | 2 |
BMB-610 | Principles in Genetic Engineering | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-615 | Techniques in Genetic Engineering | 3(0-0-3) |
BMB-620 | Microbial/ Industrial Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-625 | Plant Tissue Culture & Genetic Transformation | 3(1-0-2) |
BMB-630 | Animal Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-635 | Animal Cell Culture: Principles & Applications | 3(1-0-2) |
BMB-640 | Nano-Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-650 | Crop Biotechnology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-690 | Master’s Thesis Research | 20 |
BMB-710 | Advanced Molecular Biology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-715 | Computer Applications in Molecular Modeling | 2(0-0-2) |
BMB-720 | Advances in Genetic Engineering | 3(2-0-1) |
BMB-730 | Advances in Functional Genomics & Proteomics | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-735 | Immunological Applications in Biotechnology | 2(1-0-1) |
BMB-740 | Advances in Microbial Biotechnology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-750 | Advances in Crop Biotechnology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-760 | Advances in Animal Biotechnology | 3(3-0-0) |
BMB-785 | Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture Technology | 2(2-0-0) |
BMB-788 | Doctoral Seminar I | 1 |
BMB-789 | Doctoral Seminar II | 1 |
BMB-790 | Ph.D. Thesis Research | 45 |
Research Labs
Teaching Labs
Modi Xerox Machine, Ice Flakar machine, CryoCan, Electronic Single Pan balance Model, Ovens, Refrigerator, Centrifuge TL-100 Backman, Water bath, Lyophilizar, Spectrophotometer, Vacuum Pump 0.25 HP, Microfuge model, UV-Vcs. Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis system, RC. 5C Super Speed Refrigerated centrifuge, Wide Photomicroscope with transmitted light illumination (Bebovert invested Microscope Leitz with its accessories), Homogenizer, Polywar wide field microscope, HPLC System, Incubator Shaker, CO Incubator autozen System B-5061, Plant 2 Growth Chamber, Electrophoresis system Submarine (Analytical Model (SES 02),Preparative model (SES 03), Ultra Low Freezer -900C (Deep Freezer), Microscope, Olympus Model HB, Fume Cup Board, Elisa Reader, Gas Chromatography, Electrophoresis System, Stebgel System, Protein gel electrophoresis, Gel Documentation system, Phosphor Imager, FTIR Spectrophotometer, pH Analyser, Rotary Vacume and filter evaporator, Magnetic Stirrer, PCR, Digital colorimeter, Aspirater appasator, Electronic Analytical Balance, GC-MS, Super Critical Fluid Extraction facility, HPLC System (Semi-preprative), surface Plasmon Resonance, Hydroshear,, Genetic Analyzer, Micro-array, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis, FPLC System, Caplillary Electrophoresis, Nano-drop Spectrophotometer, Microspectrophotometer, Real-time PCR, UV Fluorescent Microscope, Thermal Block, Fluorescence Plate Reader, Transgenic Green Houses, Pathogen Inoculation facility, Hybridization cum cross linkers.

Dr. Anil Kumar Gaur
Professor & Dean

Dr. Sandeep Arora

Dr. Anil Kumar
(On deputation)

Dr. Sundip Kumar

Dr. Gohar Taj

Dr. B. R. Singh

Dr. Sonu Ambwani
Associate Professor

Dr. Dinesh Pandey
Associate Professor

Dr. Pushpa Lohani
Associate Professor

Dr. Priyanka Pandey
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sneh Gautam
Assistant Professor
Thrust Areas
Biotic And Abiotic Stress Management Of Crops Plants
Nutritional Quality Improvement
Finger millet, an ethynic crop of Uttarakhand which is rich in nutritionally important proteins and minerals is being utilized to isolate nutritionally important genes and proteins by using transcriptomics and Genotype by Sequencing approaches. These genes/proteins can be utilized for Biofortification of staple food crops and development of value added products. We have isolated the gene encoding prolamin protein and it’s promoter from Finger millet for which a patent has been filed. We have also filed a patent for development of a nanodelivery vehicle using finger millet prolamin for slow and sustained release of fat soluble vitamins so as to increase their bioavailability. Fertilization and Nanotechnological approaches are being utilized to improve these crops in terms of mineral contents. It has been found that nano zinc and nano iron seed priming enhances zinc and iron content in Finger millet seeds and that application of 40 Kg/ha Nitrogen enhances protein quality in terms of essential amino acids.

Sl.No | Academic Years | Ph.D. | M.Sc. | UG | |
1. | 2017-18 | 01 | |||
2. | 2018-19 | 04 | |||
3. | 2019-20 | 05 | 17 | ||
4. | 2020-21 | 04 | 14 | 15 | |
5. | 2021-22 | 06 | 15 | 21 | |
6. | 2022-23 | 03 | 18 | 33 |