Department of Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering

Dr. Dinesh Pandey
DESIGNATION: | Associate Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | B.Sc. Ag. & A.H., M.Sc. in Agriculture Biotechnology, Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology |
SPECIALISATION: | Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Signal transduction |
EMAIL: | dineshpandey73[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in dinesh[dot]pandey[at]gbpuat-cbsh[dot]ac[dot]in |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412120784 |
Teaching Experience: 17 years
Courses taught are as follows:
Molecular Cell Biology, Techniques in Cell Biology, Concepts in Genomics and Proteomics, Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Molecular Diagnostics technology, Immunotechnology, Immunology & Molecular Diagnostics, Principles of Biotechnology, Advances in Functional genomics and Proteomics, Plant Genome Engineering, Advances in Genetic Engineering, Immunological applications in Biotechnology, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Techniques in Genetic Engineering, Microbial Technology, Biocomputing and System Biology, Regulations in Biotechnolgy
(A) Biotic stress management: One of the ways to boost up productivity of is to avoid yield losses caused by various biotic stresses in crop plants. Our group has been using traditional Molecular Biology tools along with modern Omics technologies to identify and isolate potential target candidate genes/proteins involved in pathogenesis/ defense response against Alternaria blight disease which causes significant yield losses in Brassica particularly in Northern India. Efforts are being made to develop defense inducer based nanoformulation for effective management of Alternaria blight disease by following nanobiotechnological approaches. Besides Fungal genomics has been utilized to identify various pathogenecity factors of pathogen of Karnal bunt disease of wheat.
(B) Nutritional Quality improvement: Various ethnic crops and underutilized pseudo cereal crops of Uttarakhand are rich in nutritionally important proteins and minerals. Our group focuses on identification and isolation of genes encoding nutritionally important proteins and promoters from Finger millet and grain Amaranth (Ramdana) by using OMICs and GWAS based approaches. These genes/proteins can be utilized for Biofortification of staple food crops and development of value added products. Fertilization and Nanotechnological approaches are also being utilized to improve these crops in terms of mineral contents.
Research Projects handled as Project Investigator ( in last five years)
S.No. | Title of Project | Funding Agency | Duration | Approved Cost/Financial Outlay |
1 | De novo genome sequencing of Karnal bunt pathogen (Tilletia indica)Pathogen of Wheat : Chracterization of pathogenecity genes/proteins for development of Diagnostics | DBT, India | March 2017 up to February 2021 | 64 lakhs |
2 | North Western Himalayan Bioinformatics Grid | DBT, India | March 2019 - March 2022 | 99 lakhs |
1 | Isolation and Studies on Brassica calreticulin to reveal it’s particular domain possesing antioxidative role and exploration of it’s proper mechanism in mitigating the oxidative stress (in mentorship of Dr Rini Joshi DST-WOSA Young scientist) | DST, New Delhi | March 2018 - November 2021 | 32 Lakhs |
- Pathak RK, Baunthiyal M, Shukla R, Dinesh Pandey, Taj G and Kumar A (2017) In Silico Identification of Mimicking Molecules as Defense Inducers Triggering Jasmonic Acid Mediated Immunity against Alternaria Blight Disease in Brassica Species. Front. Plant Sci. 8:609.
- Dinesh Pandey, Rajendran, S.R.C.K., Gaur, M. and A. Kumar. 2016. Plant Defense Signalling and responses to necrotrophic fungal pathogens. J Plant Growth Regul. 35: 1159.
- A. Mishra, Dinesh Pandey, H. Punetha , R. Prabhusankar , A. K. Gupta , G. Taj & A. Kumar.2015. Expression analysis of MAP K 4 and MAP K 6 during pathogenesis of Alternaria blight in susceptible and tolerant genotypes of Brassica juncea. Eur J Plant Pathol. 142 (3) : 633-643.
- Arpita Mishra, Dinesh Pandey, Manoj Singh and Anil Kumar. 2011. Involvement of hsr203J like gene homologue, protease and protease inhibitors in triggering differential defense response against Alternaria blight in Brassica Australasian Plant Pathology (2011): 40 (5),461-470 .
- P. Kannan, Dinesh Pandey, A.K.Gupta, H.Punetha, Gohar Taj and Anil Kumar. 2011. Expression analysis of MAP 2K 9 and MAP K 6 during pathogenesis of Alternaria blight in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia. Molecular Biology Reports. 39,4, 4439-4444.
i) Patents granted by Patent Office, New Delhi
S.No. | Title of invention | Date of grant | Image |
1. | A Method and a Kit for eluting one or more proteins (Patent no. 345176) | 26/08/2020 | View |
ii) Patents Published by Patent Office, New Delhi
S.No. | Title of Invention | Year of Patent filing | Year of Publication |
1. | Finger millet prolamin based nano- delivery vehicle for lipophilic substances- Beta carotene | 2017 | 2018 |
2. | Promoter of alpha prolamin gene from Finger millet for regulation of seed storage protein gene | 2019 | 2020 |
- Dinesh Pandey, H.Punetha and Anil Kumar. 2013. Nanoprodigyiki ki krishi me upyogita. Kisan Bharati. Vol.40 (3), p 1-5.
- Lalan Kumar, Snigdha Tewari and Dinesh Pandey. 2013. Glucosinolate for Brasicacae : a boon for cancer. Indian Farmers’ Digest. Vol 46 (6) p.43.
- H. Punetha and Dinesh Pandey. 2017. Glucosinolates: health promoting phytochemicals from Brassica. Indian Farmer’s Digest, 50 (06) : 25-26.
- Dinesh Pandey and Kavita Gururani. 2018. Fingermillet : Nutritional Importance of diversely evolved crop and it’s health benefits. Indian Farmer’s Digest 51 (06) : 23-25.
- Dinesh Pandey, Aparna Agarwal and Anil Kumar. 2019. Increase in farmer's income through value addition of agricultural produce. Agriculture Life. 1(2): 37-40
- Rajesh Kumar Pathak, Dev Baksh Singh, Himanshu Sharma, Dinesh Pandey, Seema Dwivedi. 2021. Calcium uptake and translocation in plants In Calcium transport elements in plants ( Editor : S.K. Upadhyay), Elsevier Academic press, pp 373-386
- Anil Kumar, Kavita Gururani, Supriya Gupta, Apoorv Tiwari, M.K.Tripathi and Dinesh Pandey. 2021. Seed storage proteins and Amino acid synthetic pathways and their regulation in cereals with reference to Biologically and Nutritionally important proteins and bioactive peptides in Millets. In Millets and Millet Technology ( Editors : Anil Kumar, M.K.Tripathi, Dinesh Joshi and Vishnu Kumar). Springer publishers pp. 161-189
- Rajesh Kumar Pathak, Dev Bukhsh Singh, Dinesh Pandey, Vikram Singh Gaur, Anil Kumar.2022. Finger Millet Transcriptome Analysis Using High Throughput Sequencing Technologies. In The Finger millet Genome ( Editors Anil Kumar, S.Sood, B.K. Babu, S M Gupta and B.D. Rao). Springer publishers pp. 123-133.
- Anil Kumar, Dinesh Yadav, Sneh Narwal and Dinesh Pandey (2007) Transgenic Plants: Experiences and Challenges, In “Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Decisions to Diagnostics” ( Editors: Gurinder Jit Randhawa, Shashi Bhalla, V. Celia Chalam & S. K Sharma), National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, 2007, pp. 23-35.
- Anil Kumar, Dinesh Pandey, Sonu Ambwani and Dinesh Yadav (2007) Molecular strategies for detection of insertion of gene in transgenic plants In “Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Decisions to Diagnostics” (Editors: Gurinder Jit Randhawa, Shashi Bhalla, V. Celia Chalam & S. K Sharma), National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, 2007, pp. 82-102
- Anil Kumar, Soma S. Marla, Dinesh Pandey and B.R.K. Gupta (2008) Nano-bio-information technology: The Horizon of a New Concept in Life Science Research. In Proceeding of XIV Annual Convention of Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology, Feb 27-29, 2008,
- Dinesh Pandey and Anil Kumar. 2009. Padap harmono evam jaiv rasayano dwara ekikrikat padap suraksha prabandhan. In Padap vridhi niyantrak kya kyun aur kaise (Edited by Anil Kumar, Ranjan Srivastava and B.R. Singh). Vikrant publishers, Haldwani
Authored and published four Laboratory manuals for UG/PG students:
Name of Teaching manual | Publisher |
Techniques in Molecular Biology | Panima publishers, New Delhi |
Techniques in Cell Biology | Panima publishers, New Delhi |
Techniques in Immunology & Serology | Panima publishers, New Delhi |
Techniques in Genomics | Vikrant publishers, Haldwani |
Professional Achievements
(B) Awards
- 2006 - 2009 : DST Young Scientist
- 2009: Young scientist award by Uttarakhand council of Science and Technology, Dehradun
- Recipient of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan University Best Teacher award in 2015 on foundation week of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology
- Mentored Dr Rini Joshi DST-WOSA Young scientist (2018-2021) who has worked as Project Investigator in project entitled “Isolation and Studies on Brassica calreticulin to reveal it’s particular domain possesing antioxidative role and exploration of it’s proper mechanism in mitigating the oxidative stress” financialy supported by DST, Govt. of India with project outlay of 32.0 lakhs.
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