Department of Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering

Dr. Sandeep Arora

SPECIALISATION:Oxidative Stress Biology
CONTACT NO.:+91-7055470555

Research Areas/ Areas of Interest

  • Nano- Biotechnology

  • Research Projects

  • DBT sponsored PMS project entitled “Cloning and functional validation of drought responsive genes from E. coracana”

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Saurabh C. S., Salvi, P., Kamble, N.U., Joshi, P.K., Majee, M. and Arora, S. (2020) Ectopic overexpression of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene (Apx1) improves salinity stress tolerance in Brassica juncea by strengthening antioxidative defense mechanism. Acta Physiol Plant 42, 45.

    2. Pande A, Saxena S C, Thapliyal M, Guru S K, Kumar A and Arora Sandeep (2018) Role of AP2/EREBP Transcription Factor Family in Environmental Stress Tolerance. Cell Cellular Life Sc. J. 3(1): 1-9

    3. Avashthi, H., Pathak, R.K., Pandey, N., Arora S., Mishra, A.K., Gupta, V.K., Ramteke, P.W., and Kumar, A. (2018) Transcriptome-wide identification of genes involved in Ascorbate–Glutathione cycle (Halliwell–Asada pathway) and related pathway for elucidating its role in antioxidative potential in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.)). 3 Biotech 8, 499.

    4. Ambwani, Sonu & Kakade, Datta & Arora, Sandeep & Ambwani, Tanuj. (2018). Nonlinear response of Gold nanoparticles pertaining to immunotoxicity in chicken lymphocytes culture system. Research journal of biotechnology. 13. 64-73.

    5. Kakade Datta, Sandeep, Arora and Sonu, Ambwani. (2018). Anti-proliferative effect of silver nanoparticles in HeLa cells due to enhanced oxidative stress. Research journal of biotechnology 13(2): 68-74.

    6. Bartwal, A., & Arora, Sandeep (2017). Drought stress-induced enzyme activity and mdar and apx gene expression in tolerant and susceptible genotypes of Eleusine coracana (L.). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 53(1), 41-49.

    7. Pandey, S., Fartyal, D., Agarwal, A., Shukla, T., James, D., Kaul, T., Negi, Y.K., Arora, Sandeep, & Reddy, M. K. (2017). Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants: Myriad Roles of Ascorbate Peroxidase. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 581.

    8. Rawat, M., Nayan, R., Negi, B., Zaidi, M. G. H., & Arora, Sandeep (2017). Physio-biochemical basis of iron-sulfide nanoparticle induced growth and seed yield enhancement in B. juncea. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 118, 274-284.

    9. Gupta, S. M., Arora, Sandeep, Mirza, N., Pande, A., Lata, C., Puranik, S., Kumar, J., & Kumar, A. (2017). Finger Millet: a “Certain” Crop for an “Uncertain” future and a solution to food insecurity and hidden hunger under stressful environments. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8,643.

    10. Bhawana Negi, Prafull Salvi, Deepesh Bhatt, Manoj Majee, Sandeep Arora (2017) Molecular cloning, in-silico characterization and functional validation of monodehydroascorbate reductase gene in Eleusine coracana. PloS one Vol. 12(11) e0187793

    Other Information

  • Total No. of Ph.D. students guided: 08
  • Total No. of M.Sc. students guided: 17