Department of Soil Science

Dr. Ajaya Srivastava

DESIGNATION:Professor & Head
QUALIFICATION:Ph.D. (Soil Science & Ag. Chemistry)
SPECIALISATION:Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry
CONTACT NO.:+91-9411539422 (M)

Research Areas/ Areas of Interest

  • Soil Chemistry
  • Soil Fertility

  • Research Projects


  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Meena S S, Srivastava A, Singh V, Gangwar SP, Kumar V (2019). Effect of manure and fertilizer on chemical properties of soil in agroforestry and rice-wheat cropping systems under open field condition. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (3), 3720-3727

    2. V Kumar, A Srivastava, V Singh, S Kumar, M Bhatt (2018). Availability of macro & micronutrients and their correlation with some physico-chemical properties in soils of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Chemical Studies 6 (3), 1445-1449.

    3. V Singh, A Bhatnagar, AK Pant, A Srivastava, SP Gangwar (2020). Effect of fertilizer and manure application on soil organic carbon sequestration, soil fertility and yield sustainability under maize-wheat cropping system in subtropical mollisols. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 8 (4), 390-401

    4. M Bhatt, V Singh, A Srivastava, AK Pant, V Kumar (2020). Effect of irrigation regime and mulching on growth, yield and yield attributing character of rabi maize (Zea mays L.) in Tarai region. International Journal of Chemical Studies 8 (1), 2232-2237

    5. S Dwivedi, A Srivastava, SP Gangwar, V Singh, P Dey (2020). Impact of organic and inorganic nutrient resources on the soil properties on soybean crop grown on Mollisol of Tarai region of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Chemical Studies 8 (2), 921-923

    UG/PG/Ph.D. Students Guided

  • UG Students 06
  • PG Students 09
  • Ph.D. Students 04