Dr. Subhash Chandra Dean College of Agriculture Contacts +91-5944-233632 (O), +91-9719054085(M) +91-5944-233473, +91-5944-233257 agpdean[at]yahoo[dot]com
About us
College of Agriculture is the most prestigious constituent of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. It came into being on 17th November 1960 when Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, inaugurated the university. The College has very vibrant and challenging ecosystem of teaching-learning, research and innovations which nurtures each student for a grand future ahead. The College has 11 departments, more than 30 laboratories, digitally equipped lecture complexes, meditation and wellness centre, library, Conference Rooms, Auditorium, Educational Technology Cell and hostel facilities. The college has the pride of producing thousands of brilliant graduates, postgraduates and research scholars since 1960 who are well-recognised across the world in development sector.
Dr. Islam A. Siddiqui,
The college has more than 150 illustrious and experienced scientists. The college provides an atmosphere not only for healthy academic activities but also for all-round growth and development of student’s personality. The university has followed a system of education that provides a great deal of openness transparency, flexibility and possibilities for growth.
The College Ecosystem
The College has Heads of Departments, Board of Faculty of Agriculture, College Core Action Group, College Maintenance Group, College Documentation and Showcasing Group, College Academic Group, College Placement Cell, College Disciplinary Committee and many other supporting groups for academic purposes including RAWE, AIT, ELP, Departmental societies. This compact ecosystem sustains the quality and competence at all levels including performance and discipline. The overall ecosystem is purely encouraging and motivating for all students and faculty members to perform up to the fullest without any problem and challenge. The Dean of the College directly coordinates and upkeeps all the above activities to keep the system agile and productive.
Students Placement Scenario
The college students have been widely selected for higher studies in leading institutions including IARI, IVRI, NDRI, IIM Ahmedabad, IRMA and other institutions. The students have also been well-placed in government sector, corporates and development sector. The college takes utmost efforts for the upbringing of each student through soft skill nurturing, over-all personality development, value building and leadership development under Agriculture Society and its multiple bureaus.
Degrees Offered
- M. Sc. (Agric. Extension & Communication)
- Ph. D. (Agric. Extension & Communication)
- B. Sc. Agriculture
Admission to these courses is done through an entrance examination conducted by the University.
About ISA
The International School of Agriculture is yet another feather in the cap of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar through which it is mandated to upbring excellent professionals in agricultural field from across the globe through nurturing them in science and art of Hitech agriculture. International School of Agriculture has been established to create a connect with scholars, researchers and students of other countries of the world to support the vision and mission of Government of India in generating global cooperation for the improvement of higher education and research in agriculture. It is in alignment with the clarion call for hunger free and food secured world as per the sustainable development goal of the United Nations.
The curricula is so designed that it will cater to the specific requirements of international trainees to impart skill and confidence in executing, implementing as well as coordinating such Hitech units in their respective countries. The programme will run in the historical Pantnagar University campus for initial 3-months and then a 3-months of hand-holding will be provided to the trainees after their return to their respective countries through online mode. The trainees will be kept in close vigil by the Pantnagar experts to help them plan, execute and coordinate in their countries.
As the University is the first agricultural university of the country and has completed six decades of its inception in 2020 so the University has generated a pool of improved, replicable and scalable agricultural technologies, which could be of immense use to the world, which the university plans to impart through the International School of Agriculture.
Any candidate who is sponsored from their respective country for the course, will be eligible to participate in the programme. The candidates for the programme must have working knowledge of English as the programme will he held in English only. The candidates should also possess working knowledge of any field of agriculture either through their study/training or practice. The candidates should be prepared to take practical exercises for hands on training.
The candidates should be nominated by their respective government for getting admissions in Hitech Agriculture Diploma course.
US $6220 (Six Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty only) which will include the tuition fee, the accommodation/food/incidental expenses, local transportation and the institutional fee.
Medical Examination
All the admissions would be subject to medical fitness certificate as per medical standard prescribed for foreign nationals. The candidates should submit their medical fitness certificate along with their applications. The candidates should have been double vaccinated and also should carry RTPCR report of a check up done within 72 hours of arrival in India.
Age Limit
No age limit for the sponsored candidates.
Normal and maximum duration of the course
The normal duration of the course will be six months. Initial three months of classes will be held in Pantnagar campus, and the remaining three months will be follow-up classes of the practices and technologies taught at Pantnagar and it will be held in online mode. The student would be required to complete all his/her diploma requirement within six months duration only.
Examination system
The internal examination system of the University would be applicable to this diploma course and the candidates would be governed by the academic regulations of the internal exam system.
Highly skilled and proficient faculty members and visiting faculty will be covering the courses.
Proper boarding and lodging facilities will be provided to the international students with proper amenities of hospitality and housekeeping.
Award of Diploma
The candidates successfully completing the courses would be awarded Diploma by the University.
Course structure
Specialized and applied aspects of hitech agriculture including Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Food Processing, Animal and Fisheries Sciences and Agri-business Management will be covered under the diploma programme. The programme will be flexible and customized to the specific future role of international participants.
For any query, please contact:
Dr. S.K. Kashyap
Dean, College of Agriculture and Coordinator, International School of Agriculture
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar
Distt. U.S. Nagar, (Uttarakhand) India
Ph.No. +915944-233632 (O)
Mobile No. +917500241487
E-mail: agpdean@yahoo.com
The College of Agriculture is proud to have been serving the cause of agriculture since 1960. This enormous feat has received immense contribution from our alumni and we are proud of each of them. Since 1960, thousands of students have passed out from the College who are serving all across the world in different public and private organizations, as entrepreneurs, as academicians, as scientists, as policymakers, and as responsible global citizens. Our alumni are our consistent strength and we shall continuously make efforts to connect and collaborate with them.
Endowment Fund College of Agriculture Click Here
To visit the alumni portal, please click here- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 1, June 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 2, July 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 3, August 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 4, September 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 5, October 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 6, November 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 7, December 2020
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 8, January 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 9, February 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 10-11, March-April 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 12, May 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 13, June 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 14, July 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 15, August 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 16, September 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 17, October 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 18, November 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 19, December 2021
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 20, January 2022
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 21, February 2022
- Monthly Newsletter - Issue 24, May 2022