Dr. Pramod Mall Head, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture Contacts +91-9548615415 drmall722000[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Initially the department was a component of division of Plant Science. In 1964, it became a separate department within the College of Agriculture with an objective of achieving excellence in teaching Entomology to under-graduate students and conducting problem oriented research. The department started M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology and Ph. D. programme in 1967 and 1979, respectively. This department has produced 346 M.Sc. (Ag.) and 106 Ph.D. students.
Vision:The major emphasis on fundamental science research in agricultural entomology is in the areas viz.; genetics of insect pest population; insecticide toxicology; pesticide residue in food chain; comprehensive investigations on beneficial insects; insect biosystematics; host plant resistance and ecofriendly management of crop pests.
We embrace discovery, transitional, and applied entomological research from levels of ecological landscapes to biological molecules. The department provides exciting experience yet scientifically, agriculturally and environmentally relevant research and training as part of undergraduate and graduate instruction from a Faculty of nationally and internationally recognized scholars who contemplate our science from a global perspective.
Mission mode programmes for increasing crop yields through minimizing crop losses due to insect pests; conservation and promotion of crop-specific pollinators for enhancing crop productivity, molecular characterization and taxonomic studies for agriculturally important insects, development of crop, area and season-specific pest calendars and pest management modules for the country.
Programmes running in the department with number of seats (Uttarakhand domicile and ICAR)
S. No. | Programme | Number of seats/ Students |
M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology | 12 (UK)+4 (ICAR)=16 | |
Ph.D. Entomology | 4 (UK) +1(OS)+ 2 (ICAR)=7 | |
Certificate course on Mass production of Important Bio-control Agents | 30-40 | |
Certificate course on Apiculture | 40-50 | |
Certificate course on Sericulture | 20-25 |
Facilities and Infrastructure
The department has well developed facilities with well equipped modern equipment for effective teaching, training and research.
Dr. Pramod Mall
Professor & Head
+91-05944233632 (O), +91-9548615415 (M)

Dr. M.S. Khan

Dr. R. P. Srivastava

Dr. A.K. Karnatak
(On Deputation

Dr. A.K. Pandey

Dr. R.M. Srivastava
+91-9412355968, +91-9837982989

Dr. Poonam Srivastava

Dr. Ruchira Tiwari

Dr. Meena Agnihotri

Dr. J.P. Purwar

Dr. R.P. Maurya
Associate Professor
+91-9412120689, +91-9639750151

Dr. Renu Pandey
Assistant Professor
+91-8954722026, +91-9873239377
- Developed IPM module for insect pest of different crop pests.
- Developed Bio-Intensive Pest Management Program for Varroa mite infesting Honeybees colonies especially with plant animal origin products.
- Documentation of insect pollinators’ diversity and crop pollination studies on various crops in Uttarakhand.
- Quantification of the role of specific pollinators in enhancing productivity in different crops.
- Diversity of wild bees and their potential as pollinators in various crops including oilseeds, leguminous, horticultural and ornamental crops.
- Identified major insect pollinators of apple, pear, peach, litchi, mango, sponge gourd (cucurbits) and mustard.
- Explored diversity and studied nesting behavior of Megachilid bees in Uttarakhand.
- Studied nesting behavior and developed nesting structure for conservation of the Leaf cutter bee (Megachile spp.) and Carpenter bees (Ceratina & Xylocopa spp.).
- Demonstrated role of honeybees in increasing fruit quality and yield through managed honeybee pollination (in apple, pear, peach, and plum).
- Developed management strategies against Varroa mite and the wax moth, enemies of honeybees.
- Developed technology for safe storage of honey bee combs.
- Validated indigenous technology for pollen substitute during dearth period.
- Studied nesting behaviour and domiciliation of carpenter bee, Xylocopa sp.
- Dr. M. S. Khan and Dr. Poonam Srivastva published first report world over on Megachile (Eutricharea) studiosa Bingham which would help in understanding the ecology, behavior, and role of this leafcutter bee in biodiversity pool.
- Dr. M. S. Khan first time identified 14 potential weedy plants supporting indigenous insect pollinators and published innovative concept idea that sustainable management of weedy species in agro-ecosystems and scrub-lands can provide important forage resources to the pollinators helping in increasing agricultural productivity in the country.
- Dr. Meena Agnihotri recorded and published 92 species of butterflies from Tarai region of Uttarakhand.
- Dr. J.P. Purvar studied synergistic/ antagonistic effect of Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria bassiana with botanical and chemical insecticides against Spodoptera litura in Green Gram.
- Dr. R. P. Maurya reported 6 natural enemies (Acerophagus papayae, Spalgis epius, Leptomastix dactylopii, Anegleis cardoni, Rodolia fumida and Aenasius arizonensis) of mealy bugs prevailing in different crops for the first time in Uttarakhand.
- Dr. Renu Pandey isolated new entomopathogenic fungi Clonostachys rosea from mango hopper.
- Dr. J. P. Purvar studied “Rapid technology” for compatibility test of Bacillus thuringiensis with insecticides.
Ongoing Extension Activities:
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Trainings organized
Faculty awards/ honours:
- Dr. M. S. Khan has been awarded for trends in Horticultural Crops held on Hisar, Best oral presentation during the National Seminar on Recent 22-24, March,2010.at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar.
- Dr. S.N. Tiwari awarded of Faculty Excellence Award at Agriculture College, G.B.P.U.A&T. Pantnagar on 01.01.2013.
- Dr. A.K. Karnatak nominated Member of Board of Studies of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology of Banarus Hindu University for a period of 2 Years from 2012 to 2014.
- Dr. A. K. Karnatak nominated in Board of Governors of Himalayan University Dehradun by His Excellency Governor of Uttarakhand.
- Dr. A.K. Karnatak recipient of Dr. R.S. Paroda Award for outstanding contribution in the field of ‘Crop Production and Protection Technology” presented in 15th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers Congress held at Allahabad from February 22-24, 2013.
- Dr. Ruchira Tiwari recipient of Best Paper Award presented on topic “Organic beekeeping” in National Seminar on Innovations in Traditional Agriculture organized by Uttarakhand Asian Agri-history Foundation, Pantnagar on 15 and 16 November 2013.
- Dr. Ruchira Tiwari recipient of Innovator of The Year Award -2013 for working on Organic Bee Management Using Animal And Plant Origin Products. The award has been received at state level from Sri, Surendra Singh Negi, Minister of Science in 8th USSTC, Dehradun.
- Dr. Ruchira Tiwari recipient of Best Teaching Practices Award -2013
- The Department of Entomology was bestowed with Best Organizing Competency Award 2013 by DDG and ADG, ICAR during the Biennial workshop of Honeybee and Pollinators at G.B.P.U.A. & T. Pantnagar from 17-20 June, 2013.
- Dr. Poonam Srivastava awarded as Ist best lead presenter/ Researcher award by DDG Horticulture, ICAR during the 2nd Group Discussion of AICRP on Fruits at MPUA & T, Udaipur during the year 2015.
- Dr. M. S. Khan has been awarded for Best Oral Presentation during the National Entomologist Meet held on 5-7 February, 2015 at IINRG, Ranchi.
- Dr. Poonam Srivastava received “Best Teaching Practice Award 2016” by Dean College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar Jan1, 2017.
- Dr. Poonam Srivastava received “Best Abstract Award” for the article entitled “Relationship of shoot gall psylla (Apsylla cistellata Buckton) oviposition with gall formation, panicle initiation and adult emergence in mango” in 2nd International online conference on biological sciences organized on July 22, 2018.
- Dr. Ruchira Tiwari awarded “Dr. Rajendra Prasad Excellence Award 2020” by Society of Tropical Agriculture during 11th International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Plant Sciences, New Delhi.
- Dr. Ruchira Tiwari awarded “Indo-Asian: William Kirby distinguished Innovative Scientist Award 2020” In Entomology International Meritorious Research Foundation, Andhra Pradesh
- Dr. Poonam Srivastava delivered four live TV talks on Doordardarshan (DD 1- Hello Kisan) on the topics Fruit Pest Management and Beekeeping during the year 2021-22.
- Dr. M. S. Khan, Dr. R.M. Srivastava, Dr. Poonam Srivastava and Dr. Meena Agnihotri have been recieved “Faculty Excellence Award- 2021” by Dean College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar Jan1, 2022.
- Dr. M. S. Khan applied patent for the “Stingless Bee Hive Apparatus and Methods thereof” during the year 2021.
- Dr. R.M. Srivastava applied patents for “Plant originated formulation for management of insect pests of vegetable crops” and “Multipurpose device for bioassay of whitefly in laboratory”.
Student awards/achievement
- Ms. Geetanjly has been awarded Young Scientist Award 2015 in UCOST, Dehradun.
- Ms. Pooja Singh, Deepika Chauhan and Kiran Negi have been awarded for Best Poster Presentation during the National Entomologist’s Meet held on 5-7 February, 2015 at IINRG, Ranchi.
- Ms. Jyoti Raina has been awarded “Best Abstract Award” for the article entitled “Relationship of shoot gall psylla (Apsylla cistellata Buckton) oviposition with gall formation, panicle initiation and adult emergence in mango” in 2nd International online conference on biological sciences organized on July 22, 2018.
- Dr. Neha Kunjwal, Dr. Jyoti Raina, Dr. M.S. Sai Reddy, Dr. J.M. Samraj, Dr. Cheenesh Patel, Ms. Dikhsha Rawat and Mr. S.D. Divija awarded with “Student Excellence award 2021” by Dean College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar Jan1, 2022.
Text Books:
Book Chapters:
Lab Manuals:
Technical bulletin
Technical bulletin in hindi by Dr. A.K. Karnatak