Dr. Satish Kumar Sharma Head, Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture Contacts +91-5944233632 (O), +91-9412962535 (M) headfoodtech[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Department of Food Science and Technology is one of the oldest Food Tech. departments in the country. It was carved out of Animal Science Department in 1971 as Department of Dairy Technology and was later named as Department of Food Science and Technology in 1973. Since then, this department is serving the country by producing excellent human resource, technologies and food products of significance. Former students of this department are serving at very senior positions in government sector, academia as well as in food industries.
To become a leading destination for students pursuing education and research in Food Science and Technology.
Sustenance and prosperity through food science and technology.
To generate best scientific and technical brains in food science and technology for Academia, Industry and Government.
Teaching, research & extension education in the area of Food Science and Technology with major emphasis on field &, horticultural crops & dairy products including their postharvest management, processing, value addition and waste utilization.
Students’ Stats
Programme | Year of Start | No. of Students Passed Out | No. of Students on Roll |
M.Sc. (Food Tech.) | 1975 | 285 | Prog. discontinued |
Ph.D. (Food Tech.) | 1983 | 48 | 11 |
B.Sc. (Food Tech.) | 2006 | 252 | Prog. discontinued |
B.Tech. (Food Tech.) | 2020 | 29 | 76 |
M.Tech. (Food Processing Tech.) | 2023 | -- | 05 |
Ph.D. (Food Processing Tech.) | 2023 | -- | 03 |
Degrees Offered
Facilities: The department has following well developed facilities:
- Food Chemistry and Nutraceuticals Lab
- Food Microbiology and Safety Lab
- Cereals, Grains and Functional Foods lab
- Research Lab – AQCL
- Food Testing lab
Research Facilities:
- Table-top Ultra-Filtration Unit
- Water Activity Meter
- AAS Unit
- Microwave Oven
- Nitrogen Analyser
- Texture Analyzer
- Solvent Fat Extraction Unit
- UVV is Spectrophotometer
- Vacuum packaging machine
- Dietary Fibre Analyser
- Brookfield Viscometer
- Falling Number Apparatus
- Lab Mill
- Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
- Refrigerated centrifuge
- Autoclaves
- Laminar Flow Chamber
- Biosafety Cabinet
- Incubators
- Tablet making machine
- Baking ovens
- Sieve Shakers
- Probe Sonicator
- Computers
- Printers
- Photocopiers

Dr. Satish Kumar Sharma
Professor & Head
+91-05944233632 (O), +91-9412962535 (M)

Dr. Anil Kumar
Junior Research Officer/Asstt. Prof.

Dr. Simran Kaur Arora
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sweta Rai
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sabbu Sangeeta
Assistant Professor
+91-9359566639, +91-7579253635
S.No. | Project Title | Funding Agency | PI & Co-PI | Duration | Total budget (Rs in lakh) |
Bioefficacy Testing of 2% 1- Methyl Cyclo-propene (Smart Fresh Pro Tabs) on apple as Post-Harvest Treatment Under India Conditions (Project Code 2286) |
Smart Fresh USA Through Tropical Agrosystems India Pvt Ltd. | SK Sharma - PI Anil Kumar – Co-PI |
10.54 | 2024-25 | |
Developing Nutrient - Enrichment Technologies & Products of Commercial Value in a Nutraceutical Food Crop, Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) (Project Code 8045) |
DBT, Govt. of India | Dr S.K. Sharma - PI Dr Sweta Rai - Co-PI |
99.70 | 2023-26 | |
Effect of Bovine Milk Exosomes Supplementation on Drug Induced Colitis and Gut Microbiota in Mice | Uttarakhand Council for Biotechnology | Dr Sweta Rai – PI Dr Aman Kamboj – Co PI |
6.30 | 2024-27 | |
Establishment of Common Incubation facility at GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand of Processing of Fruits, Frozen Vegetables & Desserts, Spices and Extruded Products (Project Code 8020) | Government of India, MoFPI, New Delhi | Dr S.K. Sharma - PI Dr Anil Kumar - Co-PI |
272.12 | 2021-2024 (Concluded) |
Undertaking Capacity Building Programme of Prime Ministers Formalization of Micro Food Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme as State Level Technical Institution (SLTI) for Uttarakhand (Project Code 8025) |
Government of India, MoFPI, New Delhi, Through SNA | Dr S.K. Sharma -PI Dr Prabhakaran - Co-PI Dr A Kushwaha- Co-PI Dr Vipul Gupta- Co-PI Dr Anil Kumar- Co-PI Dr Sweta Rai- Co-PI Dr Sabbu Sangeeta- Co-PI |
180.34 | 2021-24 (Concluded) | |
Testing of Bioefficacy of Ethephon 15 % WP on Mango and Banana as Post-Harvest Artificial Ripening Treatment Under Controlled Conditions | M/s J K Enterprises, Nasik, Maharashtra | Dr S.K. Sharma - PI Dr Anil Kumar - Co-PI |
13.63 | 2022-23 (Concluded) |
Multilocation Testing of Bioefficacy of 12% 1-MCP (Methylcyclopropane) on Apple as Postharvest Treatment under Indian Conditions Project Code - 2206 |
EcoPlants Co. Ltd. Korea through M/s Ecoplants India Private Limited, Haryana | Dr S.K. Sharma - PI Dr Sabbu Sangeeta - Co-PI |
34.692 | 2021-22 (Concluded) |
Multilocation Trials for Providing Test Samples to Estimate Residue of 0.014% 1- Methylcyclopropane (Smart Fresh Inbox Sachet) on Apple as Post-harvest Treatment Under Indian Conditions Project Code - 2225 |
AgroFresh Ltd., USA through M/s Tropical Agrosystem (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai | <Dr S.K. Sharma - PI Dr Sweta Rai - Co-PI |
7.05 | 2021-22 (Concluded) |
Testing of Bioefficacy of 1- Methylcyclopropene (Smart Fresh 3.3% VP) and 0.014% 1-Methylcyclopropene (Smart Fresh Inbox) on apple as Post-harvest Treatment Under Indian Conditions Project Code - 1928 |
AgroFresh Ltd., USA through M/s Tropical Agrosystem (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai | Dr S.K. Sharma - PI | 8.03 | 2017-18 (Concluded) |
Evaluation of Ice Battery System to be supplied by ITE Co. Ltd. for microbiological quality of raw milk during storage | ITE Co. Delhi | Anil Kumar | 4.95 | 2015-16 (Concluded) |
Screening of fruit and vegetables varieties/ germplasm for direct consumption and production of value added processed products | GBPUAT Pantnagar | Dr CS Chopra - PI | 7.05 | 2012-13 (Concluded) |
Ongoing Extension Activities:
Food processing Centre, Department of Food Science & Technology was granted FSSAI Registration No. (FSSAI certificate No. 22616072000061) since 2016.
Faculty awards/ honours:
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was awarded with the Faculty Excellence Award (2016).
- Dr. Gurmukh Singh, Professor & Head, was nominated as a member of Board of Studies of Food Technology Chaudhary Devi Lal University, SIRSA (Haryana) in 2010.
- Dr. Gurmukh Singh, Professor & Head was nominated as a member of Board of Life Science Research in DRD Ministry of Defence in 2010 .
- Dr Gurmukh singh was awarded Bharat Jyoti award by Indian International Friendship Society on May 25, 2010
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Kejeriwal Award (2002) by All Food Processors’ Association, New Delhi
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Dr J S Pruthi Award (2005) by All Food Processors’ Association, New Delhi
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was awarded with Post Doctoral Fellowship by University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (South African Chair on Postharvest Technology) Awarded but not availed
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Young Scientist Award (2010) by Indian Society of Hill Agriculture
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Founder Fellow Award (2010) by Indian Society of Hill Agriculture
- Dr. S.K. Sharma won Best Paper Award (2010) by Indian Society of Hill Agriculture
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Young Achiever Award (2012) by Society for Development of Human and Nature, Solan H.P.
- Dr. S.K. Sharma was honoured with Faculty Excellence Award (2013) by College of Agriculture, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar
- Dr. C.S. Chopra was honoured with Good Teacher Award for the year 2013-14.
Student awards/achievement
- Vice-Chancellor’s Gold Medal for B.Sc. Food Tech. programme-2016 was awarded to Km. Neha Rawat (Id. No. 43916, OGPA: 8.677)
- Vice-Chancellor’s Silver Medal for B.Sc. Food Tech. programme-2016 was awarded to Km. Sukirti (Id. No. 43924, OGPA: 8.272)
- Vice-Chancellor’s Bronze Medal for B.Sc. Food Tech. programme-2016 was awarded to Km. Ritu Joshi (Id. No.43914, OGPA: 8.138)
- Ms. Divya Rore a student of B.Sc. (Food Tech) student got placement in in M/s Ravi Food products in Bangalore as a Production Executive in 2014.
- Km. Divya Choudhary (Id No. 44771) was honoured with Italian Technical Services Award (Silver Medal and Certificate) -2015 for Excellence performance in Course studies presented by All India Food Processor Association.
- Mr. Pintu Chowdhary a student of B.Sc. (Food Tech) qualified Gate-2014
- Mr. Beena Joshi a student of B.Sc. (Food Tech) was awarded with Food Safety award-2013 by the All India Food Processers Association and Italian Technical Services for excellence in academics.
- Ms. Divya Goswami, Mr. Himanshu, Mr. Mukesh Belwal and Mr. Pintu Chowdhary, students of B.Sc. (Food Tech) secured 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th rank in ICAR JRF in 2013-14
- Mr. Alok Kumar a student of B.Sc. (Food Tech) was selected for admission in M.Sc. (Food Tech) in CFTR I, Mysore in 2013.