Dr. J.P. Jaiswal Head, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture Contacts +91-5944-233879, 233242 (O), +91-7579145670 (M) +91-5944-233473 jpj[dot]gbpu[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
Inception of Department of Plant Breeding was held in 1960 with the aim to impart teaching, research and extension in plant breeding (name transformed to Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding in 1976). The department has played a pivotal role in ushering the Green Revolution in India by developing landmark varieties of wheat, rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds, forage, sugarcane and other crops. Till the year 2021, 264 varieties have been developed and commercially released in various crops. Thirteen crop varieties have been ranked as “Land-Mark Varieties” at the country level. Department facilitated registration of 3 farmers Varieties with the PPV&FRA. One of the most outstanding impacts of the breeding programme has been the massive seed production of various crops and “Pantnagar Seeds” is the most popular brand among the farmers of the country.
The Department has well-knit under graduate (U.G.) and post graduate (P.G.) programmes with updated and modern course curricula as per the ICAR guidelines. A broad range of carefully designed courses complimented by lectures in other departments appropriately address the academic needs of the students. The Department has excellent facilities for teaching various courses in Genetics & Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Seed Technology as required for undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes. Department has been graced by distinguished faculty, four faculty members have been honored with NAAS Fellowship. Excellent facilities for the thesis and research to students are available in the major crops. There are 12 well-equipped laboratories in the department for teaching and research work. Currently in addition to 13 All India Coordinated Research Projects (ACRIP) on different crops funded by ICAR and 9 ad-hoc projects funded by different funding agencies viz., DBT, DST, ICAR, NBPGR, DAC/PPV&FRA, CGIAR, NOVOD etc. are under implementation.
To impart quality education in field the of Genetics & Plant Breeding to UG and PG students and to develop high yielding crop Varieties with biotic, abiotic stress resistance, climate resilient and high quality.
Functional laboratories in the department

Dr. J.P. Jaiswal
Professor & Head

Dr. R.K. Panwar

Dr. Indra Deo

Dr. S.K. Verma

Dr. P.S. Shukla
(On deputation)

Dr. A.S. Jeena

Dr. M.K. Nautiyal

Dr. N.K. Singh

Dr. Birendra Prasad

Dr. P.K. Pandey
Dr. D.C. Baskheti

Dr. M.K. Karnwal

Dr. Anju Arora

Dr. Swati

Dr. Anil Kumar
Dr. Usha Pant
Senior Research Officer
Faculty Awards/Honours
- AICRP on Rice received Golden Jubilee Best Centre Award 2015 by ICAR during 50th Annual Group Meeting of ACRIP-Rice held at Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad from April 11 to 15, 2015.
- AICRP on Rapeseed-Mustard received Best Centre Award by ICAR during 20th Annual Group Meeting of AICRP-RM held at S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) from July 5-7, 2013.
- AICRP on Sorghum received Best Centre Award 2010 by ICAR during 41st Annual Group Meet of ACRIP-Sorghum held at Uinversity of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad from April 15 to 17, 2011.
- Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding received Department Excellence Award 2013 of College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
- Dr. J.P. Jaiswal was honored with Faculty Excellence Award 2013 of College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
- Dr. H.S. Chawla was honored with Faculty Excellence Award 2014 of College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
- Dr. N.K. Singh was honored with Faculty Excellence Award 2014 of College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar.
- Dr. H.S. Chawla delivered Prof. F.C. Steward Memorial Lecture in 35th Annual Meeting of PTCA (India) & Natl. Symp. on Advances in Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, March 10-12, 2014.
- Dr. Salil K. Tewari was conferred with “Fellow of Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India” during International Conference on Water Quality and Management for Climate Resilient Agriculture held at Jalgaon , May 28-31, 2013
- Dr. Salil K. Tewari Co-Chaired the Session in the International Conference on water quality and Management for climate resilient Agriculture held at Jalgaon , May 28-31, 2013
- Dr. P.S.Shukla has been nominated memberof the Board of Management, JNKVV, Adhartal, Jabalpur, M.P.
View List of Varieties Released till 2023
विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा विकसित फसलों की उन्नत किस्में
Five Decades of Soyabean Research at Pantnagar (1976-2016). For Details Click Here
Research Projects:
Coordinated Projects:
S.No. | Title | Funding Agency | P.I./ Co-PI |
All India Coordinated Project on Wheat & Barley Improvement | ICAR | Dr. J.P. Jaiswal, Dr. Swati, Dr. Anil Kumar | |
All India Coordinated Project on Rice Improvement | ICAR | Dr. I.D. Pandey, Dr. M.K. Nautyal, Dr. D.C. Baskheti | |
All India Coordinated Project on Maize Improvement | ICAR | Dr. N.K. Singh | |
All India Coordinated Project on Rapeseed-Mustard Improvement | ICAR | Dr. Usha Pant | |
All India Coordinated Project on Soybean Improvement | ICAR | Dr. M.K. Karnwal | |
All India Coordinated Project on Sorghum Improvement | ICAR | Dr. P.K. Pandey | |
All India Coordinated Project on Forage Crops Improvement | ICAR | Dr. Birendra Prasad | |
All India Coordinated Project on Pigeonpea Improvement | ICAR | Dr. R.K. Panwar, Dr. S.K. Verma | |
All India Coordinated Project on Chickpea Improvement | ICAR | Dr. R.K. Panwar, Dr. Anju Arora | |
All India Coordinated Project on MULLaRP Improvement | ICAR | Dr. R.K. Panwar, Dr. S.K. Verma | |
All India Coordinated Project on Sugarcane Improvement | ICAR | Dr. A.S. Jeena | |
All India Coordinated Project on Seed Technology Improvement | ICAR | Dr. M.K. Karnwal |
Technical Bulletin
Ongoing Extension Activities:
S.No. | Title of the of Seminar/Workshop/Training/Symposium | Organized by |
1. | National Seminar on “Holistic Development of Agroforestry: Potential and Policy Issues” organized on February 13-14, 2015. | Dr. S.K. Tewari |
2. | ICAR sponsored 21 days summer school on “New Paradigms in Heterosis Breeding: Conventional and Molecular Approaches“, 10-30 Sept., 2014. | Dr H.S. Chawla |
3. | ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on “Changing climatic conditions:Issues and breeding strategies for abiotic stress tolerance in plants” from Feb 11 to March 3, 2014. | Dr H.S. Chawla |
4. | One day NRDC sponsored Training on “Harnessing Intellectual Property and its Management for Growth and Prosperity‘ Organized by Intellectual Property Management Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Jan 25, 2014. | Dr. M.K. Karnwal |
5. | IICAR sponsored 10 days short course on “New Dimensions in quality seed production technology with special reference to hybrid seed production of field and vegetable crops, IPR and PPV & FR Act” held from Feb 18 to 27, 2013. | Dr H.S. Chawla |
6. | One day Awareness and sensitization programme on PPV&FR Act, 2001, Organized by Genetics & Plant Breeding Deptt, G.B. Pant Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, 9th March, 2013. | Dr. P.K. Shrotria |
7. | One day Awareness and sensitization programme on PPV&FR Act, 2001, Organized by Genetics & Plant Breeding Deptt, G.B. Pant Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, 9th March, 2013. | Dr. P.K. Shrotria |