Dr. Ravi Kiran Head, Department of Agrometeorology, College of Agriculture Contacts +91-9411320536 ravikiransaxena[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Department of Agrometeorology
The department of Agrometeorology came in to existence in the year 2000 after the bifurcation of Soil Science Department. Until the inception of department, teaching research and extension activities in Agrometeorology were carried out within the Department of Soil Science. The M. Sc. Programme in Agrometeorology was initiated in 1995, while Ph. D. programme was started in 2000. Research thrust in Agrometeorology includes Climatic characterization of Uttarakhand, application of weather driven dynamic crop growth and yield simulation models for various crops, crop-weather relationships, weather-crop-insects/disease interactions, climate changes and its effects on crop productivity, evapotranspiration, suitability analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS etc.
Department is imparting education to UG and PG students related to application of meteorology in Agriculture. Department is continuously taking up research projects related to Agrometeorology, Remote Sensing and GIS for devising the methodologies/techniques for sustainable Agriculture production and precision crop management. The main moto of the department is to encourage the weather based responsive farming in Uttarakhand state to maximize the production and to protect the environment from different Hazards.
To develop department of Agrometeorology as a Center of Excellence for imparting quality education and conducting cutting edge research in the field of crop-weather interaction, pests/diseases weather interaction, climate change, its impact on agriculture and mitigation measures, geospatial technologies and their uses in agriculture and sustainable natural resources management.Mandate:
For details regarding achievements, facilities, extension and alumni click on it.
Infrastructure & Facilities
GHG Lab with IRGA and GC
- Remote Sensing Lab with image processings of softtware like ENVI, Erdas-imaging and ILWIS, Lab Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- GIS lab with two server, 10 workstations, AO Scanner, AO Plotter, colour printer, ArcGIS, ArcView and Quantum GIS software, Lab Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Movable microclimatic station with sensors at five different heights, Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain (Plot C-6, NEBCRC)
- Global Positioning System
- Ceptometer (Licor LP-80)
- Two weighing lysimeters, Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- 18 volumetric lysimeters, Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Central Instrument Lab with instruments like pH meter, conductivity meter, flame photometer, spectrometer, shaker, digital weighing machine, incubator, oven etc. Lab Incharge - Dr A.S. Nain.
- Geoinforrnatics Lab
- Advanced Analytical Lab
- Smart class room aids fitted in committee room
- EDUSAT lab with all accessories like satellite interactive terminal, Lab Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Video and audio lecture recording facilities, Incharge - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- A-View video conferencing facilities with dedicated server and high speed internet, Incharge- Dr A.S. Nain.
- Climate Smart on Agriculture Lab at CRC, Pantnagar
- Artificial Intelligence Lab at CAL, College of Agriculture
- Robotics in Agriculture Lab at CAL, College of Agriculture

Dr. Ravi Kiran
Professor & Head

Dr. A.S. Nain
Professor & Director Research

Dr. R.K. Singh

Dr. Rajeev Ranjan
Assistant Professor
Ongoing Extension Activities
Seminar/workshop/training/Symposium (conducted in last five years)
- Training — "Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture" during May 8-22, 2013 (15 days), Course Director - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Workshop — "Geospatial Technology for Natural Resource Management" during May 21-22, 2013 (2 Days), Organizing Secretary.- Dr. A.S. Nain.
- International Symposium - three days International Symposium on "New-Dimensions in Agrometeorology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-20 14), GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, 16-18 October, 2014, Organizing Secretary.- Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Training- "Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS" for faculty and students of the University from 29th April 2014 to 9th May 2014, Course Director.- Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Training- EDUSAT based Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) outreach training programme on Microwave (SAR) Remote Sensing for Natural Resources from 3rd February 2014 to 29th March 2014, Course Director - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- International Training- Simulation in Plant Disease Epidemiology"20-22 October, 2014, School of International Agriculture, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Course Director - Dr. A.S. Nain.
- Workshop- two days workshop on "Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of Indian Agriculture: The Roadmap Ahead, 17-18, November, 2014, Dr. A.S. Nain acted as Convener of Theme III & IV