Department of Agrometeorology

Dr. Ajeet Singh Nain
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Director Research |
SPECIALISATION: | Agrometeorology |
EMAIL: | nain_ajeet[at]hotmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411159871 |
Research Areas/Areas of interest
Research Projects
- Sustaining Marginal & Small Farmers by Enhancing Farm Income under Changing Environment Code No-7093
Selected Research Publications
- Nain A. S. and Singh K. K. (2016). Conceptualization of A Framework of Decision Support System for Agriculture in Hilly Region, January 2016, MAUSAM, Volume 67, Number 1: 195-204.
- Harsh Vardhan Puranik, A. S. Nain and N. S. Murty (2015). Climatic Suitability Analysis of Fast Growing Tree Species Under Wastelands of Uttarakhand for Carbon Credit October 2015, MAUSAM, Volume 66, Number 4: 767-776.
- Gurveen Arora, Sumit Chaturvedi, Rajesh Kaushal, Ajeet Singh Nain, Salil Tewari, Nurnabi Meherul Alam, Om Prakash Chaturvedi (2014). Growth, biomass, carbon stocks and sequestration in age series Populus deltoides plantations in Tarai region of central Himalaya, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, TAR-1307-94.
- Tarun Thakur, S.L. Swamy, Ajeet Singh Nain (2014). Composition, structure and diversity characterization of dry tropical forest of Chhattisgarh using satellite data, Elsevier Journal of Forestry Research (2014) 25(2): DOI-10.1007/s11676-014-0486-6.
- Shraddha Rawat, A.S. Nain and Sumana Roy (2014). Biometeorological Aspects of Conception Rate in Cattle. Journal of Agrometeorology, 16(1): 116-120.
- Nain, A.S. K. Christian Kersebaum and Vinay K Dadhwal (2012). Linking crop simulation model and remote sensing for wheat yield forecast, Journal of Agrometeorology, 14(Sp. Issue): 482-490.
- Nain, A.S., Dadhwal V.K., and Singh T.P. (2004). Use of CERES-Wheat for wheat yield Forecasting in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Journal of Agriculture Science (Cambridge) 142:59-70.
- Nain, A.S., Dadhwal V.K., and Singh T.P. (2003). Analysis of Spatial and Temporal variability in wheat yields for identifying coherent zones in Punjab and Haryana region, India. Journal of Agrometeorology, 5(1): 25-34.
- Nain, A.S., Dadhwal V.K., and Singh T.P. (2002). Real time wheat yield assessment using trend and simulation model with minimal set of data. Current Science, 82(10): 1255-1258.
- Nain, A.S., Dadhwal V.K., and Singh T.P. (2000). Use of CERES-Wheat model for predicting wheat yields of Nainital district (U.P.), India. Journal of Agrometeorology. 2(2): 113-122.
Other Information
- Officer Incharge- Central Instrument Laboratory
- Incharge, GIS, EDUSAT, GHG, Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing and Analytical Laboratory I & II.
- Incharge AET
- Coordinator ISRO’s outreach Programmer Remote Sensing GIS & GPS
- Group Leader Geoinformatics Consortion
- Programme Director Center of Excellence Remote Sensing & GIS in Agriculture supported by USAC, Uttarakhand.
- Chairman, Website Maintenance Group, College of Agriculture.
- Associate Coordinator of Institutional Development Plan (IDP) Under National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP)