Department of Soil Science

Dr. Kiran P. Raverkar

QUALIFICATION:Ph.D. (Microbiology)
SPECIALISATION:Soil Microbiology
CONTACT NO.:+91-9412364837 (M)

Research Areas/ Areas of Interest

  • Soil Microbiology, Soil quality, Soil biodiversity (AIMs)

  • Research Projects

  • P.I., All India Network project on Soil Biodiversity- Biofertilizers funded by ICAR
  • Co-P.I, AINP on Organic Farming funded by ICAR
  • Co-P.I, AICRP on Soybean –Microbiology funded by ICAR
  • Co-P.I, Participatory technology development and GHG reduction for sustainable production of organic and fair trade basmati rice ICSD/ HELVETAS, Switzerland.
  • P.I., Effect of herbicide Clomazone 50% EC on soil physico-chemical properties and microflora in paddy and soybean funded by UPL, Mumbai

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Bhattacharjya, S., Bhaduri, D., Chauhan, S., Chandra. R., Raverkar, K.P., Pareek, N. 2017. Comparative evaluation of three contrasting land use systems for soil carbon, imicrobial and biochemical indicators in North-Western Himalaya. Ecological Engineering 103: 21-30.

    2. Raverkar, K.P., Pareek, N., Chandra. R., Chauvan, S. Zodape, S.T. Ghosh, A. 2015. Impact of foliar application of seaweed saps on yield, nodulation and nutritional quality in green gram (Vigna radiata L.). Legume Research. DOI: 10.5958/0976-0571.2015.00094.6.

    3. Rana, M., Raverkar, K.P., Pareek, N., Chandra, R., Singh, D.K. 2015. Impact of biodynamic preparations and panchgavya in organically managed cropping systems comprising legumes on soil biological health. Legume Research 38 (2): 219-228

    4. Lone, A.H., Raverkar, K.P., Pareek, N. 2014. In-vitro effects of herbicides on soil microbial communities. The Bioscan 9(1):11-16.

    5. Raverkar, K.P., Ajay, S.B., Gupta, Rao, D.L.N. 2005. Survival of Soybean Rhizobia in Summer and Proliferation during Monsoon in Vertisols of Central India. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science 53: 597-597.

    6. Janzen, R.A., Raverkar, K.P., Rutherford, P.M., McGill, W.B. 1996. Decreasing amounts of extractable phospho-lipid linked fatty acids in a soil during decline in number of Pseudomonas. Can. J. Soil Sci. 74:277-284.