Department of Soil Science

Dr. Manisha Rani
DESIGNATION: | Assistant Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Soil Physics, Soil Fertility |
EMAIL: | soilsciencepantnagar[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-8375929625 (M) |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Selected Research Publications
- Kushwaha H.S.; Chaubey, A. K.; Phool Chand, Rani, M. and Shahi, U. P. 2008. Economic impact of Agromet Advisory Services at farmers’ field in rice crop. Pantnagar Journal of Reseach. 6(1) : 53 – 57.
- D. K. Singh, M. Rani, P. Tripathi, S. K. Yadav and A. K. Dubey. 2013. Weed management practices in organic basmati rice based cropping systems under Tarai conditions of Uttarakhand. Green farming. 4 (6): 711- 715.
- Yadav, S. K.; Singh, V. P., Pandey, D. S. and Rani, M. 2015. Effect of rice establishment methods and nitrogen management options on wheat in relation to growth and productivity. Annals of Plant and Soil Research.17(special issue): 31-33.
- Indirani. R., Manisha Rani, V. Sabareeswari, M. R. Latha and K. C. Sivabalan. 2019. Climate change and food security: Role of conservation agriculture for farm sustainability. In: Souvenir cum lead/abstracts Proceedings of National Conference on Farmer’s Orientation towards climate change and upgradation to sustainable agriculture FOCUS 2019, 23-24th February 2019 held at National College, Trichy. Pp: 10-15.
- Kushwaha, H. S., Kala, D. C. and Rani Manisha. 2018. Customized Fertilizers and their Role in Increasing Crop Production. Indian Farmers Digest 51 (12): 41-43 (ISSN No. 0537-1589)
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