Department of Soil Science

Dr. Shri Ram
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | Ph.D. (Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science) |
SPECIALISATION: | Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility |
EMAIL: | shriram_189[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411324812 (M) |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Selected Research Publications
- Vineet Kumar, Shri Ram and Ramesh Chandra (2019) Crop productivity and Biological Properties Influenced by Long Term Fertilizers and manures under Rice-Wheat Sequence on Mollisols of North India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science 8 (9) : 299-312
- Singh, Kharag; Ram, Shri; Nehra, Anuj ; Singh, Krishna Pal (2019) Effect of Magnetized Water on Urea-Loading Efficiency of Mesoporous Nano-Silica : A Seed Germination Study on Wheat Crop. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Volume 19 ( 4), April 2019, pp. 2016-2026(11)
- Pawan Kumar Pant* and Shri Ram (2018) Long-Term Manuring and Fertilization Effects on Soil Physical Properties after Forty Two Cycles under Rice-Wheat System in North Indian Mollisols. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319, 7(7): 232-240
- Pawan Kumar Pant1•Shri Ram1•Veer Singh1 (2017) Yield and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics as Affected by the Long-Term Use of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers Under Rice–Wheat Cropping System in Subtropical Mollisols .Available from: publication/319894246 #fullTextFileContent [accessed Jun 19 2020]. Agric. Res. D O I 10.1007/s40003-017-0282-6 Received: 5 March 2016 / Accepted: 21 August 2017ÓNAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) 2017
- Pawan Kumar Pant*, Shri Ram and Aakash Mishra (2017) Sequential extraction of different pools of phosphorus in alluvial and acid Soils of Uttarakhand. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9 (4): 2280 – 2284 (2017)
PG/Ph.D. Students Guided
(A) Hindi Articles:
(B) Book Chapter
(C) Books/ Manuals
- (i) Hindi Book : “Vayvharik Mrada Parikshan Avum Urvrak Prabandhan” (2003) Published By G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttrakhand).
- (ii) Practical manual on “Soil, Fertilizers and integrated Nutrient Management” (2004)
(D) Research Bulletin
- “Impact of Long term Fertilizer Application on Crop Productivity, grain and soil quality under Rice Wheat System on Mollisols in Northern India” (ed) Shri Ram, Muneshwar Singh, Pradeep Sirari & A.K. Patra (2016).
(E) Affiliation of Professional Bodies / Institutions