Department of Agricultural Economics

Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathi
DESIGNATION: | Assistant Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Agriculture Marketing, Cooperation, Finance and Insurance |
EMAIL: | ajaytripathi[dot]bhu[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9451178823 |
Research Areas/Areas of interest
Research Projects
Selected Research Publications
- Kapri;M. , Kesarwani; A., Kumar;R. and Tripathi; A.K.(2020) Impact of Growth Regulators and Precision Nitrogen Management Techniques on Growth Parameters of Wheat. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 38(4), ISSN: 0254-8755.
- Arora ;S., Singh; A., Chaudhary;S., Chandra Dev and Tripathi; A.K.(2020) Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors and Constraints Faced by Hybrid Paddy Growers in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand. Interntional Archiuve of Applied Sciences and Technology, 11(3):132-136.
- Kesarwani; A., Tripathi; A.K. and Kesarwani; A.(2019) Exploring the Potential Utilization of Aquatic Weed as Water Purifier. International Journal of Bio-resource Science,6(2): 87-90.
- Tripathi;A.K. and Rai; R.K (2019) Analysis of Marketable and Marketed surplus of Rice in Ghazipur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, 10(2):240-245.
- Chaudhary;S., Supriya, Rana;K. Tripathi;A.K. and P.Mishra(2019)Economics and Marketing of Dairy Products in Private and Cooperative Sectors of Uttarakhand. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., 8 (6):34-45.
- Chaudhary; S., Supriya and Tripathi;A.K.(2018) Economics of Milk and Milk Products Production: A Comparative Analysis of Dairy Farmers in Private and Cooperative Sectors of Uttarakhand. Journal of Hill Agriculture, 9(2): 198-202.
- Arora;S.,Singh; A, Chaudhary; S, Rana; K. and Tripathi; A.K. (2018) Economic assessment of hybrid paddy producers in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. Int. J.Pure App. Bio sci. SPI 6(1):69-75.
- Tripathi;A.K., Bohra;J.S., Upadhyay;A.K., Singh;S., Mishra;P.K., Gangwar;R.R.,Chaudhary;S., Rai;R.K., Singh;A. and Singh;J. (2018) Yield Maximization of rice and wheat through demonstration of improved method of cultivation in Patehra block of Mirzapur district in Vindhyan region. Int.J. Agril. Sci.,volume 10,issue10,pp 6181-6183.
- Tripathi; A.K. and Singh; J.P. (2018). An economic analysis of production and marketing of wheat in Ghazipur district of eastern U. P. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 7, Special issue 1,pp. 1686-1688.
- Tripathi;A.K., Bohra;J.S.,Singh;N.,Singh;A.,Upadhyay;A.K.,Singh;S.,Mishra;P.K.,Singh;H.N.,and Chaudhary; S.(2018).Dissemination of Improved Pumpkin variety and Its Production Technology Through Demonstrations in Mirzapur district of Vindhyan Region. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp.5477-5480.
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