Department of Agronomy

Dr. Ajay Kumar
DESIGNATION: | Assistant Professor |
EMAIL: | drajaysrivastava[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412925737 (M) |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Projects Handled 03
Selected Research Publications
S.No. | Publication | NAAS Rating | Impact Factor |
Kumar A.,Pramanick B., Mahapatra B.S., Singh S.P., and Shukla D.K. (2019). Growth, yield and quality improvement of flax (Linumusitattisimum L.) grown under tarai region of Uttarakhnad, India through integrated nutrient management practices. Industrial Crops and Products.140 (2019) 111710 | 12.45 | 6.449 | |
Dey P., Mahapatra B.S., Pramanick B., Kumar A., Negi M S., Paul J., Shukla D.K., and Singh SP. (2021). Quality optimization of flax fibre through durational management of water retting technology under sub-tropical climate. Industrial Crops and Products 162 (2021) 113277 | 12.45 | 6.449 | |
Pramanick.B, Mahapatra B.S., Datta D., Dey P., Singh S.P., Kumar A., Pramanik B and Awasthi N.2023An innovative approach to improve oil production and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) with multi-nutrient-rich polyhalite.Heliyon9.e13997 | 9.78 | 3.78 | |
Mahapatra. B.S.; Kumar Ajay.; Misra. A.; Kumar. R. and Pareek R.P. 2005. Soil fertility and productivity in rice (Oryzasativa) – wheat (Triticumaestivum) cropping system as influenced by Crotalaria juncea green manuring. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 75 (10) : 636-639. | 6.37 | 0.374 | |
Kumar Ajay.; Mahapatra. B.S.; Misra. A.; Patro. H.K. and Singh S.P. 2007. Nodulation, biomass production, nutrient accumulation, carbon: nitrogen ration and decomposition rate of various green manuring crops in submerged rice (Oryzasativa) soil. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 77 (5): 273-275. | 6.37 | 0.374 | |
Patro H, Mahapatra BS, Sharma GL, Ajaykumar. Total productivity, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium removal and economics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system with integrated nitrogen management in rice. Indian Journal of Agronomy 2005; 50(2):97-98. | -- | --- | |
KUMAR, A., H.K. PATRO, and KEWALANAND. 2010. Effect of zinc and sulphur on herb, oil yield, and quality of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) var. Kosi. J. Chem. Pharm. Res. 2(4):642-648. | --- | --- | |
PATRO, H.K., KUMAR, AJAY, SHUKLA, D.K. AND MAHAPATRA, B.S. (2011) Total productivity nutrient uptake and economics of rice wheat cropping system as influenced by Crotalaria Juneagreen manuring, J. Environ. Res. Develop., 5(3), 532-541, | --- | --- | |
Kumar A 2013 Adoption behaviour and constraints in wheat production technologies for higher wheat productivity in hills of Uttarakhand 1 (2): 6-9 | --- | --- | |
Mahapatra BS, Misra A, Chilana K, Kumar A, Singh SP (2006a) Growth and yield of Basmati rice under organic mode during initial years of conversion in relation to nutrient management practices. J Ecofriendly Agric 1(1):1–5 | --- | --- |
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