Department of Agronomy

Dr. D.K. Shukla
DESIGNATION: | Junior Research Officer |
EMAIL: | shukladk1974[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9410755714 (M) |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest
Selected Research Publications
- Shukla, D. K. and Mishra, O. P. 2006. Efficacy of different herbicides in bed planted late sown wheat Indian Journal of Weed Science. 38(1&2):12-15 (NAAS rating 5.84)
- Tripathi, M. K.; Chaturvedi, S.; Shukla, D. K. and Mahapatra, B. S. 2010. Yield performance and quality in India Mustard (B. juncea) as affected by integrated nutrient management. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 55(2):138-142. NAAS rating 5.55
- Kumar, B. and Shukla, D. K. 2012. Effect of planting dates and varieties on neck and finger blast disease and grain yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) in mid Garhwal Hills. Journal of Crop and Weed 8(2): 117-119. (ISSN 0974-6315 NAAS rating 5.46)
- Shukla, D. K., Bhushan, C. Singh, V. K., and Singh, Gurvinder. 2016. Effect of Tillage and Irrigation Levels on Productivity, Irrigation water use efficiency, economics and Energetic of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum)in Tarai region. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 7(6spl.):s131-s135 (ISSN 0976 3988 NAAS rating 5.11).
- Hasanain, Md.; Shukla, D. K.; Singh, V. K.; Singh, S. P.; Bhushan, C. and Gouda, H. S. 2018. Evaluation of fertility levles and weed management practices on summer mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] under tarai region of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Chemical Studies: 6(6):893-895 (ISSN 2349-8528 NAAS rating 5.31)
- Kumar, A.; Pramanick, B.; Mahapatra, B. S.; Singh, S. P. and Shukla, D. K. 2019. Growth, yield and quality improvement of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) grown under tarai region of Uttarakhand, India through integrated nutrient management practices. Industrial Crops & Products 140 (2019) 111710. ISSN0926-6690 NAAS rating 11.65).
- Shukla, D. K.; Singh, V. K.; Bhushan, C. and Kumar, A. 2019. Influence of phosphorus fertilisation on productivity and biological sustainability of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) + Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) intercropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 64(3): 315-319. ISSN 0537-197X NAAS rating 5.55
- Hasanain, M.; Shukla, D. K.; Singh, R. K.; Gouda, H. S.; Sadhukhan, R.; Singh, V. K. and Kumar, J. 2019. Effect of fertility levels and weed management practices on weed control efficiency, yield and nutrients uptake in summer mungbean (Vigna radiata). Indian Journal of Agronomy 64(3): 418-421. ISSN 0537-197X NAAS rating 5.55
- Hasanain, M.; Shukla, D. K.; Singh R.K; Upadhyay, P.K.; Shekhawat, Kapila; Rathore, S. S.; and Singh; V. K. 2020. Effect of nutrient and weed management on growth and yield of summer mungbean (Vigna radiata). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90(4):771-4. ISSN 0019-5022 NAAS rating 6.37
- Dey, P.; Mahapatra, B. S.; Pramanick, B.; Kumar, A.; Negi, M. S.; Paul, J.; Shukla, D. K. and Singh, S. P. 2021. Quality optimization of flax fiber through durational management of water retting technology under sub-tropical climate. Industrial Crops & Products 162:113277 (ISSN0926-6690 NAAS rating 11.65).
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