Department of Agronomy

Dr. Dhananjay Kumar Singh
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
EMAIL: | dhananjayrahul[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411320066 (M) |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest
Research Projects
- Standardization of Agronomic Package and Practices of KalaZeera funded by ICAR under Hoticulture Technology Mission-II
- System Research to Increase the NUE Through IntegratedApproach for Rice Based Cropping System of Kashmir Valleyfunded by ICAR under NATP
- Development of organic package of practices for various farming situations in Uttaranchal funded by Government of Utatrakhand
- Redesigning the farmer-extension-agriculture research in India with ICT-mediated knowledge management funded by ICAR NAIP
Selected Research Publications
- Azad S. Panwar, Meraj A. Ansari, Natesan Ravisankar, Subhash Babu, Ashisa K. Prusty, Prakash C. Ghasal, Jairam Choudhary, Mohammad Shamim, Raghuveer Singh, K. J Raghavendra, Debashis Dutta, Amrit L. Meena, Gautam V. Chauhan, Majhrool H. Ansari, Raghavendra Singh, C.S. Aulakh, D. K. Singh and P.B. Sharma 2022. Effect of organic farming on the restoration of soil quality ecosystem services and productivity in rice-wheat agro-ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science DOI 10:3389-972394 (NAAS: 11.44)
- M.K. Bhatt, K.P. Raverkar, Ramesh Chandra, Navneet Pareek, Labanya, R, Vineet Kumar, Shikhar Kaushik and D.K. Singh. 2019. Effect of long term balanced and imbalanced inorganic fertilizer and FYM application on chemical fraction of DTPA-extractable micronutrients and yields under rice-wheat cropping system in mollisols. Soil Use and Management.36:261-173 (NAAS: 9.65)
- Ashvin Kumar Meena, D. K. Singh, Pooran C. Pandey & Gangadhar Nanda. 2019. Dynamics of dry matter and nitrogen distribution in transplanted rice on mollisols, Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42:7, 749-758, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1567777 (NAAS: 8.28)
- D.K. Singh, P.C. Pandey, Gangadhar Nanda and Shilpi Gupta (2018) Long-term effect of inorganic fertilizer and farmyard manure application on productivity, sustainability and profitability of rice-wheat system in Millisols.Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 65(2): 139-151.(DOI:1080/03650340.2018.1491032). (NAAS: 8.25)
- L. Ditzler, T.A. Breland, C. Francis, M. Chakraborty, D.K. Singh, A. Srivastava, F. Eyhorn, J.C.J. Groot, J. Six, C. Decock (2017) Identifying viable nutrient management interventions at the farm level: the case of smallholder organic Basmati rice production in Uttarakhand, India. Agricultural Systems 161: 61-71. (NAAS: 12.77)
- D.K. Singh, Zenab Akhtar, Shilpi Gupta, Ashish Srivastava and M. Chakraborty (2016) Production strategies of organic basmati rice in Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India).Organic Agriculture (Springer) 7(1): 21-30.DOI 10.1007/S13165-015-0143-1) (p ISSN No.: 1879-4238) (NAAS: 12.02)
- D.K. Singh, P.C. Pandey, Naiyar Ali and Shilpi Gupta (2015). Stand establishment techniques of rice in conjunction with nutrient sources for soil health and productivity of rice-wheat under system. Indian Journal of Agronomy60(1): 31-37. (NAAS:5.55)
- D.K. Singh, K.N. Singh, Lal Singh and J.K. Singh (2009). Real time nitrogen management for N-use efficiency in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) under temperate Kashmir conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences79(10):772-75. (NAAS: 6.37)
- D.K. Singh and R.L. Agrawal (2004). Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of pearlmillet (Pennisetumglaucum L.) grown in sole and intercropping system under rainfed conditions. Indian Journal of Agronomy 49(3):151-153. (NAAS: 5.55)
- Rajendra Prasad, D.K. Singh and R.K. Singh (2001). Temporal variation in mineral nitrogen in soil as influenced by incorporation of legume or cereal residues under submergence or well drained conditions.Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,47. 133-139. (NAAS: 8.25)
Student Guided
- Fellow, International Society for Noni Science International Society for Noni Sciences
- Fellow, Indian Society of Agronomy Indian Society of Agronomy
- Director, Board of Directors TaraiSeed & Development Corporation, Uttarakhand
- Faculty Excellence Award. G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar
- AICRP on Rice Agronomy received ICAR-Best Centre Award under my leadership as PI ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad
- Network Project on Organic Farming received ICAR-Best Center Award under my leadership as PI ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram
- Member, University Management Committee G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar
- Member, College Discipline Board G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar
- Best Paper Presentation Award In 20th International Conference on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. World Academy of Science of Technology, Paris (France),
- Member, Core Group on State Climate Change Work Programme, Govt. of Uttarakhand
- Member, State Level Coordination Committee as CGM, Directorate of Univ. Farm Govt. of Uttarakhand, Activities done by NABARD
- Member, Board Meetings Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board, Dehradun
- Editor, Indian Journal of Agronomy