Department of Agronomy

Dr. Gurvinder Singh
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
EMAIL: | guruagronomy[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9456067551 (M) |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest
Selected Research Publications
- Debarati Datta, Subhash Chandra, Chaitanya Prasad Nath, Gouranga Kar, Sourav Ghosh, Sumit Chaturvedi, Amit Bhatnagar, Gurvinder Singh and Veer Singh.2022. Soil-plant water dynamics, yield, quality and profitability of spring sweet corn under variable irrigation scheduling, crop establishment and moisture conservation practices. Field Crops Research 279 (2022) 108450. (NAAS rating 11.22).
- Suhita Pyne, Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra, Amit Bhatnagar, K. P. Raverkar,Sumit Chaturvedi and Arkaprava Roy.2022. Economic, water saving and energy efficient crop establishment and inter-culture practices for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Indian humid subtropics. Archives of agronomy and soil science Naas rating 9.09)
- Suhita Pyne, Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra, Amit bhatnagar, K.P. Raverkar, Sumit Chaturvedi, and Arkaparva Roy.2022. Growth, Dry Mater partitioning and productivity of wheat(Triticum aestivum L) under different establishment methods and inter- culture practices. Indian Journal of ecology, 49(4)1313-1319.( Naas rating5.79)
- Anchal Dass, Subhash Chandra, Anil K. Choudhry, Gurvinder Singh and S. Sudhishri. 2015. Influence of field re-ponding pattern and plant spacing on rice root-shoot characteristics, yield and water productivity of two modern cultivars under SRI management in Indian Mollisos. Paddy and water environment, DOI 10. 1007/S 10333-015-0477-2( Naas rating 7.55)
- Debaratti Dutta, Subhash Chandra, Sumit Chaturvedi, Amit Bhatnagar, Gurvinder Singh and Veer Singh. 2020. Spring sweet corn (Zea mays) response to irrigation levels, sowing methods and moisture conservation practices. Indian Journal of Agriculture sciences 90 (5) 990-994. ( Naas rating 6.37)
- Gurvinder Singh, Tanay Saha, Subhash Chandra, Amit Bhatnagar and Samarth. 2018.Productivity of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) and wheat(Triticum aestivum ) as relay and sequential cropping system under different irrigation scheduling. Indian Journal of Agronomy.63(1):110-116. ( Naas rating5.55)
- Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra and Vinod Kumar. 2016. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity, profitability, irrigation water use efficiency and energetics under different irrigation levels and sowing methods. Indian J. Agron, 61(3): 336-341. ( Naas rating5.55)
- Gurvinder Singh, Lalit Kumar, Subhash Chandra, Amit Bhatnagar and K. P. Raverkar. 2016. Energy Requirement under Different Planting Methods of Sugarcane with and without Preparatory Tillage. Indian Journal of Ecology 43(1): 75-79. ( Naas rating 5.79 )
- Lalit Kumar, Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra, Amit Bhatnagar and K.P. Raverkar.2014. Yield, quality and irrigation WUE as influenced by pre- planting tillage and crop establishment methods in Tarai belt of Uttarakhand. Indian J.Agron59(1):1-20( Naas rating 5.55)
- Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra and Anchal Dass.2011. Productivity and profitability of vegetable pea under sprinkler irrigation and PSB seed inoculation. Indian J. Agril .Sci 83(7):745-747. ( Naas rating 6.37)
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