Department of Horticulture

Dr. D.C. Dimri
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Head |
QUALIFICATION: | Ph.D. (Horticulture) |
EMAIL: | dineshdimri61[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412984236 |
Research Areas/Areas of interest
Selected Research Publications
- Pandey, K.K.; Dimri, D.C.; Rao, V.K.; Lal, S. Uniyal, SP and Pal, R.S. 2017. Response of different nitrogen regimes through neem coated urea and calcium sprays on bio-chemical attributes and antioxidant of peach. International J. Chem. Studies. 5(6):1528-1534.
- Brijwal, M; Dimri, D. C., Kishor, A. and Mishra, D. S. (2016) Effect of pollination methods on fruit set and physical characteristics of litchi fruits. Indian J. Hort., 73(2):165-170.
- Dimri D.C.; Petwal, A. and Kamboj, P. (2005). Determination of optimum time for chip budding in apple cv. Red Fuji. Acta Hort., 696(Part II):173-176.
- Kumar, N.; Dimri, D.C. and Nigam, J.K. 2004. Studies on flowering, fruit set and fruit growth pattern of some promising peach cultivars grown under humid temperate mid hills of Uttaranchal. Indian J. Hort., 61(3): 271- 272.
- Dimri, D.C. and Singh, R. 1996. Peroxidase isozyme polymorphism and self- incompatibility in citrus. Indian J. Hort., 53(3): 189-194.
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