Department of Plant Pathology

Dr. K.P.S. Kushwaha

SPECIALISATION:Pulse Pathology, Mycology (Mushroom)
CONTACT NO.:+91-9411160014 (M)

Research Projects

AICRP Projects

S.No. Project Name PC/PI/Co-PI/Associate Scientist
All India Coordinated MullaRP Improvement Project PI- Dr. K.P.S. Kushwaha

Selected Research Publications

  1. Das Arpita, Prihar Ashok K, Saxena Deepa, Singh Deepak, Singha K. D, Kushwaha K.P.S Chand Ramesh, Bal R.S, Chandra Subhash and Gupta Sanjeev (2019). Deciphering Genotype – by -Environment interactions for targeting test Environments and rust resistant Genotypes in field pea (Pisum sativum L.) Frontiers in Plant Sciences.10;1-15.

  2. Das Arpita, Gupta Sanjeev, Prihar Ashok K, Singh Deepak, Chand Ramesh, Pratap Aditya, Singha K. D, and Kushwaha K.P.S. (2019) Delineating Genotype x Environment interactions towards durable resistance in Mungbean against Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora canescens) using GGE biplot. Plant breeding ; 00:1-12.

  3. M. Sharma, T. Kiran Babu, R. Ghosh, R. Telangre, A. Rathore, L. Kaur, K.P.S. Kushwaha, R. Das, S. Pande. (2013). Multi-environment field testing for identification and validation of genetic resistance to Botrytis cinerea causing Botrytis grey mold in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Crop Proc. (54): 106-113.

  4. Bhalla, K.; Sarbhoy, A.K.; Kulshrestha, M.; Kushwaha, K.P.S. (2001). New species of Phaeoramularia, Pseudocercospora and Stenella from Western Ghats of India. Microbiological Research. 156(1): 107-112.