Department of Plant Pathology

Dr. R.P. Singh

SPECIALISATION:Maize & Vegetable Pathology, Microbial Ecology, Fungicides
CONTACT NO.:+91-7500941100 (M)

Selected Research Publications

  1. Kabadwal, B.C., Sharma, R., Tewari, R., Tewari, A.K., Singh, R.P. and Dandona, J.K. (2019). Field efficacy of different combinations of Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus against major diseases of tomato in Uttakhand(India), Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 29:1.

  2. Singh, K.P., Kumar, J., Singh, A., Prasad, R.K., Singh, R.P. and Prasad, D. (2016). Maturation, Ascospores Discharge Pattern and Relevance of Mills Criteria for Predicting Apple Scab Infection Period in India. Plant Pathology Journal 15: 108-123.

  3. Singh, K.P, Kumar, J., Singh, A., Prasad, R.K., Singh, R.P. and Prasad, D. (2015). Predicting Potential Ascospore Dose of Venturia inaequalis (Cks) Wint in Farmers Apple Orchards in Central Himalayas of India. Plant Pathology Journal 14: 189-195.

  4. Dutta, A; Pant, K.; Kumar, P. and Singh, R. P. (2004). Impact of agro-climatic and socio-economic variability on the nutritional status of inhabitants in the Garhwal Himalayas. Ecology and Food Nutrition, 43:409-420.