Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Jyothi Prasad

SPECIALISATION:Hydrology-Watershed Management, Irrigation Management
EMAIL:profjyothiprasad[at]gmail[dot]com, jptce[at]gbpuat-tech[dot]ac[dot]in, prasad_jyothi[at]live[dot]com
CONTACT NO.:+91-9410119571 (M)
Detailed Profile: Click Here

Selected Research Publications

  1. “Performance Evaluation of Existing Small Hydro Power Projects of Uttarakhand – A Case Study” – J Prasad, H J S Prasad at International Conference on Small Hydropower (Hydro Srilanka) at Kandy, Srilanka during 22-24, October 2007.

  2. “Watershed Development Project at Shiwaliks, Uttaranchal: A Case Study” – Ravi Vaish, Jyothi prasad during “International Workshop on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM-2007)”, at Bangalore February 5 - 7, 2007.

  3. “Integrated Management Of Natural Resources: A Key To Conservation, Consumption and Commerce In Mountains” - Uma Melkania, H J Shiva Prasad, Jyothi Prasad and Asha Upadhya, Dept. of Science and Technology Sponsored National Workshop on Integrated Management of Natural Resources in Mountains (IMNRM) at G B pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantanagar during Nov.28-Dec.02, 2005

  4. “Integrated Water Resources Management In Hilly Areas – Need Of The Hour”-H J Shiva Prasad and Jyothi Prasad, Dept. of Science and Technology Sponsored National Workshop on Integrated Management of Natural Resources in Mountains (IMNRM) at G B pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantanagar during Nov.28-Dec.02, 2005

  5. “Environmentally Sustainable Development of Uttaranchal: Small Hydro Power as Renewable Energy”-Jyothi Prasad at Third general Assembly and International Conference: Women’s Impact on Science and Technology to be held at Bangalore hosted by Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. Of India in collaboaration with Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research and Third World Organization for Women in Science (TWOWS), Italy during November 21-25, 2005.