Department of Soil & Water Conservation Engineering

Dr. Pradeep Singh Kashyap
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Soil & Water Conservation Engg. |
EMAIL: | pskashyap[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411144044 (M) |
Selected Research Publications
- Tamta, S., Kashyap, P.S., Kumar, Pankaj, 2018. Estimation of Evaporation in Hilly Area by Using Ann and Canfis System Based Models. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(1): 911-919
- Saran, B, Kashyap, P. S. and Kumar, P. (2017). Evaporation estimation by multilayer perceptron based Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Techniques. Indian Journal of Ecology. 44 (1): 108-112.
- Singh S. K. and Kashyap P. S. (2016). Sediment outflow from paddy mulch at varying land slopes under simulated rainfall conditions. HortFlora Res. Spectrum, 5(4): 275-283.
- Singh, SK, Kashyap, P. S. and Singh, P (2016). Runoff and sediment generation from grass mulch treatments at varying land slopes under simulated rainfall conditions. Progressive Research. 11 (special-viii) : 5385-5389
- Kumar, P., Panwar, R., Kashyap P.S. and Kumar, D. (2015). Weekly pan evaporation estimation by Stephens-Stewart and Griffith models. HortFlora Research Spectrum. 4(2): 97-101
- Kashyap, P.S., Verma, A. and Siebert, S. (2014). Intercropping for Efficient Resource Utilization in Indian Agriculture : A Review. HortFlora Research Spectrum. 3(4): 310-314