Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Harendra Singh Rawat
DESIGNATION: | Associate Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Electrical Engineering |
EMAIL: | hsrawatengg[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411195422 |
Research Interest
Research Publications
Papers in International Journals:
- Maneesh Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Sachidananda Sen, Harendra Singh Rawat. 2023. “Emission-averse techno-economical study for an isolated microgrid system with solar energy and battery storage” Springer - Electrical Engineering,
- Harsh Dwivedi, Harendra Singh Rawat, Rajiv Singh, Shobhit Gupta, Sanyogita Rani. 2023. “Performance Analysis of Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor using Finite Element Method”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM). Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2023, pp: 1204-1209,, ISSN: 2395-5252, DOI: 10.35629/5252-050312041209.
- Sanyogita Rani, Harendra Singh Rawat, Rajiv Singh, Shobhit Gupta, Harsh Dwivedi. 2022. “Performance Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor using Finite Element Method”. International Journal of Engineering Inventions. Volume 11, Issue 11. November, 2022, pp. 84-91, e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-6491.
- Navneet K. Gupta, Shobhit Gupta, Rajiv Singh, Harendra Singh Rawat, Karan Sati. 2022. “Comparison of PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM). Volume 4, Issue 11, pp: 698-706. ISSN: 2395-5252.
- Karan Sati, Shobhit Gupta, Rajiv Singh, Harendra Singh Rawat, Navneet K. Gupta. 2022. “Effect of Voltage Sag Duration of Different Type Voltage Sags on the Performance of Induction Motor”. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2022, ISSN: 2320-2882.
- Shobhit Gupta, Ajay Srivastava, Harendra Singh Rawat. 2019. “Effect of Point of Sag Initiation on Performance of Induction Machine”, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), Vol. VI, Issue XI, November 2019. pp. 9-12.ISSN 2321-2705.
- Harendra Singh Rawat, Ajay Srivastava. 2017. “Comparison of Transversally and Axially Laminated Synchronous Reluctance Motors by Using FEM Based Analysis”. International Journal of Electrical Electronics & Computer Science Engineering (IJEECSE). Volume 4, Issue 5, October, 2017, pp.17-22. e-ISSN: 2348-2273, p-ISSN : 2454-1222. Web:
- Sunil Singh, Ajay Srivastava, Harendra Singh Rawat. 2017. “Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) System & Its Cost Analysis for Pantnagar University”. International Journal on Emerging Technologies (Special Issue: NCETST-2017), Published by Research Trend, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 600-603, p-ISSN: 0975-8364, e-ISSN: 2249-3255. Web:
- Samraat Sharma, Ajay Srivastav, Harendra Rawat, Vilas Warudkar. 2014. “Modeling and Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Connected to Grid Driven by Wind Turbine Using Fast Simulator and SVPWM Technique”. IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE). Volume 9, Issue 4, Ver. IV (July-August, 2014), pp. 61-71. e-ISSN: 2278-1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331. DOI: 10.9790/1676-09446171. Web:
Papers in Proceedings of International Conferences:
- Ravi Saxena, G.K. Banerji, Ajay Srivastava, Harendra Singh Rawat. 2007. “Performance Analysis of Axially Laminated Anisotropic Synchronous Reluctance Motor”. Proceedings of 7th WSEAS International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007, pp. 97-102. Web:
Papers in Proceedings of National Conferences:
- Singh, S., Srivastava A., Rawat H. S. 2015. “Scope and Implementation of Grid Interactive small Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System in Pantnagar University”. In: Proceedings of All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Pantnagar Local Center during June 12-13, 2015. p 57-62.
- Harendra Singh Rawat, Ajay Srivastava, Rajiv Singh, Shobhit Gupta. 2015. “Comparison and Performance Evaluation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines”. Proceedings of All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Pantnagar Local Center, during June 12-13, 2015, pp. 303-308.
- Shobhit Gupta, Ajay Srivastava, Rajiv Singh, Harendra Singh Rawat. 2015. “Comparison of RMS-Voltage Method and Peak Voltage Method for the Calculation of Voltage Sag”. Proceedings of All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Pantnagar Local Center, during June 12-13, 2015, pp. 309-312.
- Gupta, S., Rawat, H. S., Singh, R. 2014. “Micro-Hydro Power : An Overview”, In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Natural Resource Management & Environmental Concerns, organized by College of Technology, G.B. Pant Universityof Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during May 16-18, 2014. pp. IV 163- IV167.
- Singh, R., Gupta, S., Rawat, H. S. 2014. “Maximum Power Point Tracking Schemes in Wind Generators and their Comparison”, In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Natural Resource Management & Environmental Concerns, organized by College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during May 16-18, 2014. p IV 281- IV 288.
- Harendra Singh Rawat, Shobhit Gupta, Sunil Singh. 2009. “Calculation of Direct and Quadrature Axis Reactances by Simulation of Rotating Electrical Machine Design”. Proceedings of National Conference on Cutting Edge Computer and Electronics Technologies (CECET-2009), held at College of Technology, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, during January 14-16, 2009, pp. 620-622.
- Sunil Singh, Harendra Singh Rawat, Shobhit Gupta. 2009. “Electronic Governor for Isolated Micro Hydro Plant”. Proceedings of National Conference on Cutting Edge Computer and Electronics Technologies (CECET-2009), held at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, during January 14-16, 2009, pp. 628-630.
- Kumar, B., Singh, S., Rawat, H. S. 2009. “A Fuzzy Logic based high performance Vector Control Induction Motor Drive”, National conference on cutting edge Computer and Electronics Technologies- (CE)2T 2009. Organised by College of Technogy, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during February 14-16, 2009. pp. 581-583.