Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Susheel Singh Bhandari
DESIGNATION: | Assistant Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), M.Tech. (Thermal Science), Ph.D. (Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science) |
SPECIALISATION: | Thermal Engineering |
EMAIL: | bhandarisusheel31[at]gmail[dot]com susheelsinghbhandari[dot]me[at]gbpuat-tech[dot]ac[dot]in |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9410725208 |
Research Areas/Areas of Interest
Selected Research Publications
- Shubham Mallik and S. S. Bhandari, Melting performance enhancement of Lauric acid in a horizontal shell and tube latent heat storage system using different fin configuration , 9th International and 49st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2022, Paper No. 981, December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667.
- Govind Verma and S. S. Bhandari, Performance comparison of different phase change materials on a box type solar cooker during off sunshine hours in Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), Proceedings of International Conference on Threats and challenges to sustainability of natural resources: contemporary remedial tools and techniques (TCSNR- 2021), Oct 23-24, 2021, College of Technology, GBPUA&T Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand, India, ISBN:978-93-91664-02-2.
- S. S. Bhandari, Deepak Pal and Govind Verma, Experimental studies on hybrid solar cooker using phase change materials and PV Technology, Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 17-20, 2021, IHMTC2021–342, pp. 1397-1402, IIT Madras, Chennai-600036, Tamil Nadu, India.
- S. S. Bhandari, Maneesh S. Bhandari, and Devaki Nandan, Phase change materials (PCMs): corroborates to temperature reduction for thermal comfort in buildings. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, Vo. 22 (2), pp. 118-142. (Peer reviewed Environmental, Agriculture and International Development Index).
- Govind Verma, A. Mehta, and S. S. Bhandari, Trend analysis and applicability of fuzzy time series models to night-time luminosity data of Uttarakhand state, India. Indian Journal of science and Technology, Vo. 15 (28), pp. 1372-1380. (Peer reviewed, web of science Journal).
- S. S. Bhandari, K. Muralidhar, and Y. M. Joshi, Enhanced thermal transport through a soft glassy nano-disk paste. Physical Review E, Vol. 87, pp. 022301-6 (2013). (Impact factor-2.25)
- S. S. Bhandari, K. Muralidhar, and Y. M. Joshi, Thermal diffusivity and viscosity of suspensions of disk-shaped nanoparticles. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 52, pp. 15114-15123 (2013). (Impact factor-2.20)
- A. Nigam, M. Maheswari, S. S. Bhandari and P. K. Panigrahi, Improved holographic reconstruction procedure for particle field and biological cell characterization. Proc. International conference on light, Optics’11 held at NIT Calicut, pp. OPD-6: 245-247, 23-25th May 2011.
- S. S. Bhandari, Y. M. Joshi and K. Muralidhar, Laser Interferometric determination of thermal diffusivity of transparent soft glassy materials, ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Paper Number: FEDSM-72228, 8-12th July 2012, Rio Grande-Puerto Rico, USA.
- S. S. Bhandari, Effect of sodium pyrophosphate and polyethylene oxide on thermal diffusivity of Laponite RD suspension, 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2014, Paper No. 421, December 12-14, 2014, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016.
- S. S. Bhandari, G. Gupta, P. Upreti, M. Negi, Performance Comparison of Different Phase Change Materials For Solar Cooking During off Sun Sunshine Hours, ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering, paper No. 94, 22-27 Feb., 2019
Other Information
Course coordinator (2015-2020)
Guest lecture/Invited speaker (2015-2020)
UG Project Completed- 4
M.Tech. Project Supervision- 3