Department of Animal Nutrition

Dr. Anil Kumar
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | Ph.D. (Animal Nutrition) |
SPECIALISATION: | Ruminant Nutrition |
EMAIL: | anil701k[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411195445, +91-9027677866 |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Sl. No. | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | PI/CO-PI | Duration |
Manipulation of rumen microbial ecosystem for improving the utilization of straws and stovers | NATP (ICAR), New Delhi | Principal Investigator | January 2000-December 2003 | |
Studies on the influence of feeding different rumen degradable protein (RDP) and undegradable dietary protein (UDP) ratio on milk yield in lactating cattle | ICAR, New Delhi | Principal Investigator | October 2000-December 2003 | |
Effect of urea supplemented ration to bovine on milk production and milk quality | UPDASP (UPCAR), Lucknow | Principal Investigator | February 2001-September 2003 | |
Effect of feeding by-pass fat as calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids on milk yield and composition and nutrient utilization in lactating crossbred cows | Tinna Oils and Chemicals Limited, New Delhi | Co-Principal Investigator | December 2003-December 2004 | |
Studies on macro and micro nutrients in relation to deficiency diseases and production in animals | Department of Agriculture, Government of UP, Lucknow | Co-Principal Investigator | September 1999- August 2002 | |
By-passing dietary fats from bio-hydrogenation for improving production quality in ruminants | ICAR, New Delhi | Co-Principal Investigator | August 2004-October 2006 | |
AICRP on Improvement of feed resources and nutrient utilization in raising animal production. | ICAR, New Delhi | Co-Principal Investigator | April 2004-March 2014 | |
Mineral status of animal maintained at Livestock Research Centre, Pantnagar | University funded project, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | Principal Investigator | April 1991-March 1995 | |
Production performance of water buffaloes fed Original XPC™ | Sponsor by Diamond V, Global Marketing and Research, USA | Principal Investigator | June 2015- December 2016 |
Selected Research Publications
- Purushothman, S., Kumar, Anil and Tiwari, D. P. 2008. Effect of feeding calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids on performance of lactating crossbred cows. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 21 (3): 376-385.
- Kumar, Anil, Kumar, D., Singh, P. K., Dhiman, T. and Yoon, I. 2019. Effect of dietary supplementation of XPC on milk production in lactating Murrah buffaloes. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 19: 487-494.
- Kumar, M. R., Tiwari, D. P. and Kumar, Anil. 2005. Effect of undegradable dietary protein level and plane of nutrition on lactation performance in crossbred cattle. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 18 (10): 1407-1413.
- Gupta, N., Kumar, Anil and Tiwari, D. P. 2005. Effect of herbs as feed additive on nutrient utilization and growth in crossbred heifers fed paddy straw based ration. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 75 (1): 52-55.
- Singh, M., Tiwari, D. P., Kumar, Anil and Ravi Kumar, M. 2003. Effect of feeding transgenic cottonseed vis-à-vis non-transgenic cottonseed on haematobiochemical constituents in lactating Murrah buffaloes. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 16: 1732-1737.
- Singh, P. K., Kumar, Anil and Tiwari, D. P. 2019. Effects of dietary supplementation of black cumin, garlic and turmeric on the production performance and egg quality of White Leghorn hens. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 19: 361-370.
- Jarial, S., Kumar, Anil and Padmakumar V. 2013. Assessment of feeding practices, nutritional status and gap for dairy buffaloes in hilly districts Tehri Garhwal and Pithoragarh of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 83 (9): 960–963.
- Tiwari S. K., Kumar, Anil, Tiwari, D. P. Mondal, B. C. and Saxena P. C. 2012. Response to strategic dietary mineral mixture supplementation in cattle and buffaloes under field condition (Hill region) of Nainital district of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (11): 1381–1385.
- Mewara, K. K., Kumar, Anil, Rao, P. V. R. and Tiwari, D. P. 2008. Effect of soybean oil supplementation on nutrient utilization and milk yield and milk quality in lactating crossbred cows. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 78 (7): 751-757.
- Tiwary, M. K., Tiwari, D. P., Kumar, Anil and Mondal, B. C. 2007. Existing feeding practices, nutrient availability and reproductive status of dairy cattle and buffaloes in Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Sciences, 7(2): 177-185.