Dr. B.C. Mondal Head, Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Contacts +91-9411344356 mondal_bc[at]yahoo[dot]com
About Us
Salient Achievements
By-pass protein for dairy animals
The protein requirement of dairy animals is considered for the rumen microbial growth and for animal itself. The animal utilizes the microbial protein and dietary undegraded protein (UDP) reaching small intestine. If degradation of protein in rumen is decreased, animal will receive more undegraded protein or by-pass protein at intestinal level and animal will be benefited. Concentrate feeds consists oil cakes, cereals and cereals by-products. The effective dry matter degradability revealed that cotton seed cake is less degradable compared to mustard cake and linseed cake. Increased UDP level in the diet did not affect the blood biochemical constituents and serum enzyme activities and might decreased stress on hepatic tissue. Increasing UDP level from 41 % to 48 % of dietary CP and also increasing plane of nutrition from 100 % to 115 % of NRC requirements, though non-significant, but maintain a consistently higher milk production and also there was an increase in body weight gain.
Safe feeding of urea to dairy animals
Feed intake and palatability of urea treated wheat/ paddy straw was increased. Milk production was increased in crossbred cattle fed with urea treated wheat/ paddy straw. The animals fed urea treated straw did not show any adverse effect. Urea concentration in the milk of animals fed urea treated straw was estimated and the results revealed that the qualitative test was negative while the quantitative test indicated that urea in the milk was within safe limit. The wheat/ paddy straw can be treated at the rate of 4 kg urea per 100 kg straw. Four kg urea is dissolved in 40 litres of water and mixed thoroughly with 100 kg straw and stored after pressing it properly for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks it can be fed to dairy animals of the age above than 6 months. The nutritive value of straw increases and is utilized better by the dairy animals.
Use of herbs as feed additive
Various feed additives are being used in dairy animals to enhance the utilization of feeds. In growing crossbred heifers the mixture of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Urtica dioica (Bichhu) and Eclipta Alba (Bhrangraj) herbs in equal proportion mixed in concentrate mixture at 1 % level as feed additive improved feed utilization in terms of digestible crude protein intake and digestibility is of crude fibre, organic matter and crude protein and body weight gain in crossbred heifers. These herbs can be used at 1 % level in the concentrate mixture as feed additive in the ration of heifers for better growth and nutrient utilization.
By-pass fat for dairy animals
Feeding bypass fat (calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids) at 4 per cent level in concentrate mixture is beneficial in terms of improvement in milk yield and unsaturated fatty acids in milk fat without affecting the digestibility of nutrients. Increase in unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, linoleic and linolenic acid in milk of cows fed calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids may be beneficial to consumers. Thus supplementing the ration of lactating cows with bypass fat improved the milk production as well as milk quality.
TMR for dairy animals
Green to fodder ratio of 60:40 in terms of dry matter availability was found to be adequate in growing and lactating cattle. For growing heifers under farm conditions TMR containing mustard oil cake is recommended for best result. Wheat bran is cheaper than maize and could be used to the extent of 80 % of the requirement in concentrate mixture. Lactating cows kept under farm conditions also produced more milk, consumed lesser TMR containing mustard oil cake.
Area specific mineral mixture
n hilly and mountain zone of Uttarakhand, the mineral mapping was done in Pithoragarh and Nainital districts of Kumaun division and Pauri district of Garhwal division; whereas under Tarai plain zone, it was done in Udham Singh Nagar district of Kumaun division and Haridwar district of Garhwal division. Based on the deficiencies of minerals, the various Area Specific Mineral Mixtures (ASMM) were developed and incorporated in the ration of dairy animals under field conditions which helped in improving the milk production and in ameliorating the reproductive problems. The mineral supplementation recommended in Hilly region viz., in Pithoragarh district are calcium, phosphorus, copper and manganese; in Nainital district calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and zinc and in Pauri district phosphorus and copper while in plain region viz., in Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar calcium, phosphorus and copper. Above Area Specific Mineral mixture (ASMM) is recommended to be included in the ration of the animals for balancing the ration under feeding practices/ systems in the Uttarakhand for improving the milk production, maintaining good health and reproductive performance of dairy animals.

Dr. B.C. Mondal
Professor & Head

Dr. Anil Kumar
+91-9411195445, +91-9027677866

Dr. Anshu Rahal

Dr. Ripusudan Kumar
Associate Professor
+91-9412017906, +91-9756510122
kumar_ripu[at] rediffmail[dot]com

Dr. Manju Lata
Assistant Professor
Research Projects
Sl.No. | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Faculty Name | PI/CO-PI |
1. | Manipulation of rumen microbial ecosystem for improving the utilization of straws and stovers | NATP (ICAR), New Delhi | Dr Anil Kumar, B. D. Lakhchaura | PI, Co-PI |
2. | Studies on the influence of feeding different rumen degradable protein (RDP) and undegradable dietary protein (UDP) ratio on milk yield in lactating cattle | ICAR, New Delhi | Dr Anil Kumar, Dr D. P. Tiwari | PI, Co-PI |
3. | Effect of urea supplemented ration to bovine on milk production and milk quality | UPDASP (UPCAR), Lucknow | Dr Anil Kumar, Dr V. D. Sharma, Dr Y. P. S. Dabas | PI, Co-PI |
4. | Evaluation of locally available feeds and fodders, improve quality and to formulate complete economic rations in rice-wheat production system | NATP (ICAR), New Delhi | Dr Ashoka Kumar , Dr S. K. Rastogi | PI, Co-PI |
5. | Effect of feeding by-pass fat as calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids on milk yield and composition and nutrient utilization in lactating crossbred cows | Tinna Oils and Chemicals Limited, New Delhi | Dr D. P. Tiwari, Dr Anil Kumar | PI, Co-PI |
6. | Studies on macro and micro nutrients in relation to deficiency diseases and production in animals | Department of Agriculture, Government of UP, Lucknow | Dr M. C. Sharma, Dr Anil Kumar, Dr Mahesh Kumar | PI, Co-PI |
7. | By-passing dietary fats from bio-hydrogenation for improving production quality in ruminants | ICAR, New Delhi | Dr P. V. Raman Rao, Dr Anil Kumar | PI, Co-PI |
8. | AICRP on Improvement of feed resources and nutrient utilization in raising animal production | ICAR, New Delhi | Dr D. P. Tiwari , Dr Anil Kumar, Dr B. C. Mondal, Dr S. K. Rastogi | PI, Co-PI |
9. | Mineral status of animal maintained at Livestock Research Centre, Pantnagar | University funded project, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | Dr Anil Kumar | PI |
10. | Production performance of water buffaloes fed Original XPC™ | Diamond V, Global Marketing and Research, U.S. | Dr Anil Kumar, Dr Ashoka Kumar | PI, Co-PI |
Departmental Achievements:
- In urban and peri-urban areas majority of farmers follow sani method followed by moist and dry concentrate mixture in feeding dairy animals. Feeding complete feed system in dairy animals was observed to be superior over conventional feeding system in terms of dry matter intake and digestibility of different nutrients. Further ruminal biochemical parameters viz. total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, TVFA and ruminal enzymes viz. carboxymethyl cellulase, xylanase, α and β glycosidase were significantly higher in animals fed complete ration, which may be advantageous in improving the utilization of different nutrients for production purpose. The complete feed with green fodder was found superior in terms of improvement in milk production in crossbred cattle as compared to conventional feeding system and also complete feed without green fodder.
- The enzymes produced by the ruminal microbes digest fibrous feeds in ruminants. Techniques for the estimation of fibre degrading ruminal enzymes have been standardized.Maximum activity of fibre degrading enzymes was found in the particulate material (PM) fraction at 2 hrs post feeding. The activity of xylanase and β-glucosidase was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in animals fed high roughage ration. The difference in the activity of various enzymes with high roughage or high concentrate ration could be the result of change in microbial population affected by diet composition. Mixture of Bacopa monneiri (brahmi), Eclipta alba (bhringraj) and Urtica dioica (bichchu) herbs at 1 % level in the concentrate mixture as feed additive in the ration of heifers resulted in better growth and nutrient utilization.
- The transgenic cotton seed was found to contain higher percentage of crude protein and ether extract as compared to non-transgenic cotton seed. Both transgenic and non-transgenic cotton seed had similar nutritional values in terms of feed intake, nutrients oligestibility, milk yield and milk constituents and without any adverse effect on health status of buffaloes as assessed from hematological constituents.
Detailed Information of Ph.D. Students Animal Nutrition
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of Admission | Advisor Name | Thesis Title (Tentative) |
1. | Manju Lata | 30077 | 2018 | Dr. B.C. Mondal | Effect of dietary incorporation of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Production performance of Japanese Quail |
2. | Mohit Bhardwaj | 55566 | 2019 | Dr. B. C. Mondal | Effect of dietary incorporation of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Production performance of Japanese Quail |
3. | Londhe Arvind Sudhakar | 57031 | 2020 | Dr. Anshu Rahal | Supplementation effect of zinc on varietal different cereal based diet in Poultry |
Detailed Information of P.G. Students Animal Nutrition
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of Admission | Advisor Name | Thesis Title (Tentative) |
Priyanka Bhandari | 49730 | 2021 | Dr. Anshu Rahal | Effect of dietary supplementation of elephant apple (Dilleria indica) fruit powder on performance of commercial laying birds. | |
Manas Arora | 49745 | 2021 | Dr. Ripusudan Kumar | Effect of replacing deoiled rice bran wtth mushroom (agaricus bisphorus) waste on the performance of Rhode Island Red chicks. | |
Shriya Bhatt | 49778 | 2021 | Dr. B.C. Mondal | Effect of feeding selective vis-à-vis commercial mineral mixture on performance of crossbred calves in early life. | |
Kadam Suyesha Dnyandeo | 58507 | 2021 | Dr. B.C. Mondal | Effect of dietary supplementation of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seed powder on production performance, haemato-biochemical parameters and carcass traits of Japanese quails. | |
Vinod Garjola | 51454 | 2022 | Dr. Anshu Rahal | Not Yet Decided |