Department of Animal Nutrition

Dr. Ripusudan Kumar
DESIGNATION: | Associate Professor |
QUALIFICATION: | NET (Animal Nutrition), Ph.D. Animal Nutrition |
SPECIALISATION: | Animal Nutrition |
EMAIL: | kumar[dot]ripusudan[at]gmail[dot]com, kumar_ripu[at] rediffmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412017906, +91-9756510122 |
Research Projects
Sl. No. | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | PI/CO-PI | Duration |
Development of Organic Package of Practices for Various Farming Situations of Uttaranchal’ | Govt of Uttarakhand | Co-Nodal Officer | Oct, 2006 to Oct, 2008 | |
Soil conservation and maximization of forage production in Uttaranchal Hills | G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora. | Co-Project Leader | Dec 2007 to Dec 2010 | |
Consortium research project on “Costs and reterun in milk production, Developing standerlized methodology and estimates for varbius production systems” (Lead Center- NDRI, Karnal) | Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, MOA,GO | Co-Project Leader | 2012 to 2014 | |
Backyard Poultry Rearing and Goat Farming for Scheduled Caste People of Uttarakhand | ICAR-SC Sub Plan | Co-Project Leader | 2020 March-2021 March |
Selected Research Publications
- Ripusudan Kumar, Ashok kumar and S.K. Rastogi. (2006).Comparative blood bio-chemical profile of dairy cattle in three different regions of Uttaranchal. Indian J. of Animal Sciences.76 (8): 599-604.
- Prashant Shinde, R.S.Dass, A.K. Garg, V. K. Chaturvedi and Ripusudan Kumar. (2006). Effect of Zinc supplementation from different sources on growth, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolic profile, and immune response of male guinea pigs. Biological Trace Element Research. 112(3): 247-262.
- S.Imam, M.R. Ansari, Ripusudan Kumar, Vishal Mudgal, V.P. Varshney and R.S.Dass. (2009). Effect of inorganic and organic zinc supplementation on serum testosterone level in Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bulls. Indian J. of Animal Sciences.79 (5): 611-614.
- R.S. Dass, Ripusudan Kumar, K.P.Bhandane, R.K. Tiwari, Vishal Mudgal, A.K.Garg and V.P. Varsheney (2009). Effect of zinc-sulphate treated soybean-meal feeding on nutrient utilization and blood metabolic profile in male Murrah Buffalo caves. Indian J. of Animal Sciences.79 (11): 1156-116.
- R.K. Khulbe, Ripusudan Kumar, Salej Sood, P.K. Agrawal and J. C. Bhatt. (2015). Chemical composition and In sacco digestibility of Indian and Japanese barnyard millet stovers. Range Management. & Agroforestry 36 (1): 72-75.
- Biswanath Sahoo, Ripusudan kumar, A.K. Garg, Ranjan K. Mohanta, Anjuli Agarwal and A.K.Sharma (2017) Effect of supplementing area specific mineral mixture on productive performance of crossbred cows. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition. 34(4): 414-419
- PK Malik, Y Uyeno, AP Kolte, R Kumar, S Trivedi, R Bhatta (2019) Screening of phyto-sources from foothill of Himalayan mountain for livestock methane reduction SN Applied Sciences. 1:232