Dr. Seema Agrawal Head, Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Contacts +91-9756753533 seema_patho[at]rediffmail[dot]com
About Us
Departmental Facilities
- Coagglution Test: A simple and rapid Immunodiagnostic test for Parvo- virus infection in dogs.
- Isolation of canine Parvovirus from clinical cases of gastroenteritis.
- Dot immunobinding assay: A rapid and cost effect test for diagnosis of Rotavirus infection in calves and Parvovirus infection in dogs.
- Histoplasmosis reported in heifer- A first report from India.
- Research on calf diarrhoea revealed the presence of Rotavirus as its cause.
- The detailed pathogenesis of rotavirus infection was studied alongwith its histopathological, immunohistochemical and electronmicroscopic features.
- A very cost effective, rapid, sensitive specific diagnostic test “Dog Immunobinding Assay” was developed for quick diagnosis of rotavirus in calves ( Vet.Rec. 130:381).
- The Immunopathogenesis of rotavirus infection revealed the role of cell mediated immunity at local level in the intestine for the first time (J.Comp. Path. 107: 118).
- The Immunoperoxidase techniques were developed for the demonstration of rotavirus antigen in intestinal tissue. Besides, the specific antibody producing cells were also demonstrated in calves, which were helpful in diagnosis of subclinical and convalscent cases of diarrhoea.
- Morphometric studies, D-xylose malabsorption assay, Transmission and scanning electronmicroscopic studies were undertaken for the first time in this disease.
- Colibacillosis in poultry: 63 different “O” serogroups of Escherichia coli reported. Pathogenicity and drug resistance of E. coli strains studied.
- Role of Yersinia enterocolitica in osteoporotic changes in mice established.
- Acupuncture technique applied for treatment of Aspiration pneumonia in calves.
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Dr. Seema Agrawal
Professor & Head

Dr. R.S. Chauhan
Dr. Munish Batra
Publications of Faculty
S.No. | Publications | Nos. |
1. | Books (Authored / Edited) | 45 |
2. | Monographs, Res. Bulletin & Booklets | 12 |
3. | Laboratory Manuals | 44 |
4. | Chapters in Books | 87 |
5. | Review Papers | 25 |
6. | Research Papers | 270 |
7. | Papers Presented in Conference/ Abstracts | 276 |
8. | Popular / Semi Technical Papers | 365 |
9. | Pamphlets | 19 |
10. | Multimedia CD'S | 42 |
Detailed information of PG students
S.No. | Student Name | ID. No. | Year of Admission | Advisor Name | Thesis Title (Tentative) |
Tanaya | 51271 | 2023 | Dr. Munesh Batra | Not yet decided | |
Pooja Mehera | 51280 | 2023 | Dr. Seema Agarwal | Not yet decided |