Department of Veterinary Pathology

Dr. Seema Agrawal
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Head |
SPECIALISATION: | Toxicopathology |
EMAIL: | seema_patho[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9756753533 |
Research Areas/Areas of interest
Selected Research Publications
- Kuntal Singh Naresh, Agarwal Seema and Chauhan R.S.(2020) An Experimental Study on Cell Mediated Immune Response in nano Alumina (Aluminium oxide/Boehmite)Treated White Leghorn Chickens. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci. 9(10):1895-1901
- Chandra Astha, Agarwal Seema, Singh Deepti and Patil Amit (2018). Alteration of serum biochemical parameters due to cow urine distillate in triazophos intoxicated white leghorn cockerels. Toxicology International I25(1), 1-6
- Sakshi Tiwari, Seema Agarwal and Amit Shukla (2016). Elucidation of pathological alterations and ameliorative efficacy of cow urine distillate following subchronic exposure of implacloprid in white leghorn cockerels. Indian Journal of veterinary pathology. Vol.40(3) 281-283.
- Agarwal, Seema and Agrawal, D.K. 2014. Effect of chemical industry effluent on haematological parameters of mice. Indian J of Veterinary Pathology 38(4):281-285
- Agarwal, Seema; Agarwal, D.K. (2012) Immunopathological Effects of Chemical Industry Effluents on macrophage functions in mice. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology 36(2):245-246.
Student Guided