Student Corner
Notices for Students
Semester Registration For All The Students Will Be Held Through ICAR New Software AMS. For registration: Click Here
U.G. Students Semester Registration Process: Click Here
P.G./Ph.D. Students Semester Registration Process: Click Here
Link for students (Except B.Tech students) for depositing fee online Click Here
- मण्डी समिति छात्रवृत्ति केवल कृषि, मत्स्य संकाय के स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों के लिए आवेदन पत्र

- Notice regarding application form for freeship in tution fee to UG students (other than staff wards)

- Notice regarding submission of ICAR JRF/SRF fellowship payment and contingency form

- Corrigendum regarding office order no. DSW/FREESHIP/2024-25/79
- List of students getting Freeship in Tution Fee to Employees's Wards
- Last date of registration has been extended for UG, PG & Ph.D. students (Except all MBA & B.V.Sc.)
- List of students getting Freeship in Tution Fee to Employees's Wards
- Compartment Examinations Scehdule I Sem 2024-25 for B.Tech. Students
- Higher Anti-Ragging Committee for the academic session 2024-25 (UGC Regulation 2009)
- Academic Calendar, II Semester 2024-25 for students of PG/Ph.D. programme (Except all MBA students)
- Academic Calendar, II Semester 2024-25 for students of UG programme for NEP system (Except all B.V.Sc. students)
- Academic Calendar, II Semester 2024-25 for students of UG programme (Except all B.V.Sc. students)
- स्नातक छात्र-छात्राओं के लिए योग्यता छात्रवृत्ति के भुगतान हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Application Form for the Sanction of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Application Form for Renewal of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Office order regarding modification in academic regulations for examination & evaluation system for UG students (except B.V.Sc. & A.H.) from academic year 2024-25

- Regarding submission of ICAR fellowship application format for ICAR-NTS/JRF/VCI/SRF New Students

- Revised Final Examination Schedule I Sem 2024-25
- Notice regarding Asian Agri-History Foundation Research Fellowship 2023-24
- Internal Complaint Committee for Gender Sensitization, Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students
- उत्तराखंड कृषि उत्पादन मण्डी परिषद छात्रवृत्ति के भुगतान के संबन्ध हेतु सूचना
- Application form and notice for the Bharat Ratna Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant Award 2023-24 Last Date Extended Last Date Extended to 13/11/2024 Last Date Extended
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee
- पी0एच0डी0 के छात्रों की द्वितीय षण्मास में अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- पी0एच0डी0 के छात्रों की द्वितीय षण्मास में अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Notice regarding Merit Scholarship for B.Tech. 3rd/4th year Agri. Engg. Students Last Date Extended Corrigendum
- Notice regarding submission of information about extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities for the award of Chancellor's Gold Medal 2023-24 (As per approval of Academic Council)
- Notice regarding submission of information about extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities for the award of Chancellor's Gold Medal 2023-24
- Application of ‘Prof. Gajendra Singh All Round Best Student Award’ for 4th Year College of Technology
- Notice regarding Institute Verification for Student Scholarships
- Notice regarding application for Mrs. UMA GUPTA Fellowship
- Notice regarding submission of application for Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Needy student fund
- पी0एच0डी0 के छात्रों की प्रथम षण्मास में नवीनीकरण अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Order regarding fee to be paid in case of readmitted/re-registered under payment seats
- Application for Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Gold Medal/Award for the year 2023-24
- Application for Smt. Bimla Rani Memorial Award for the year 2023-24
- Notice regarding Asian Agri-History Foundation Research Fellowship 2023-24
- Application form regarding Sri. Amit Gautam Award
- Application form regarding Mr. Varun Panwar Memorial Award
- Application form regarding Dr. K.C. Sharma Fellowship
- Application for Freeship in Tution Fee to Employees's Wards for the session 2024-25
- Office order regarding extension of Thesis submission date for II Sem 2023-24 upto 05.09.2024
- Notice regarding submission of online application for ICAR NTS (UG) and JRF fellowship
- Anti-Ragging Committee & Squads for academic session 2024-25
- Academic Calendar, I Semester 2024-25 for students of PG/Ph.D. programme (Except all MBA students)
- Academic Calendar, I Semester 2024-25 for students of UG programme (Except all B.V.Sc. students)
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee
- पी0एच0डी0 के छात्रों की प्रथम षण्मास में नवीनीकरण अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Fee Structure of different degree programmes of the University for the academic year 2024-25
- Notice and Application Form for Mrs. UMA GUPTA Fellowship
- Application Form For Sanction of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Application Form For Renewal of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Final Examination Schedule II Sem 2023-24
- Office order regarding freeship in tution fee to students for academic year 2023-24
- आई0सी0ए0आर0-एन0टी0एस0 फैलोशिप के भुगतान के सम्बन्ध हेतु सूचना
- Final Examination Schedule 2023-24, II Sem (Special case as per the Notice No. Reg/Exam/1138 Dated 22.05.2024)
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Notice for Priyank Pathak Scholarship Last Date Extended Notice
- Notice for getting information of VCI Students regarding submission of application for ICAR-NTS Fellowship
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Applications invited for Bharat Ratna Govind Ballabh Pant Award 2022-23 for Master's and Ph.D. Students
- Regarding providing information of students enrolled in Ph.D. programmes through ICAR
- Anti-Ragging Notice by UGC
- पी0एच0डी0 के पुराने छात्रों की प्रथम षण्मास की संयुक्त सी0जी0पी0ए0 भिजवाने हेतु सूचना
- Notice regarding submission of online application for ICAR-SRF Fellowship for PhD Students
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee
- Logo Competition for designing IEC GM 2025 logo :- Information Brochure
- Applications invited for Bharat Ratna Govind Ballabh Pant Award 2022-23 for Master's and Ph.D. Students
- मण्डी समिति छात्रवृत्ति केवल कृषि, मत्स्य संकाय के स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों के लिए आवेदन पत्र
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee
- Academic Calendar for the II Semester 2023-24 of PG/Ph.D. students
- Academic Calendar for the II Semester 2023-24 of UG students (Except all B.V.Sc. students)
- Office order regarding extension of Thesis submission date upto 04.03.2024
- Information needed from ICAR-NTS/JRF/SRF 2023-24 students
- List of University wards getting freeship in tution fee
- Application Form for freeship in tution fee to UG students (other than staff wards)
- Notice regarding submission of online application for ICAR-NTS Fellowship
- Notice for BIS Contest: “Shaping Tomorrow's Sustainability Standards” Contest Form Information Brochure
- Final Examination Schedule, I Sem 2023-24 (for UG ICAR students)
- Final Examination Schedule 2023-24, I Sem Corrigendum I Corrigendum II Corrigendum III Corrigendum IV
- Notice and application form regarding DEFIAA France Programme Project during 2024
- Application form for the sanction of University Fellowship to the Ph.D. students
- Notice for ICAR-JRF/SRF/NTS/VCI Students regarding submission of application for ICAR-NTS Fellowship
- Order regarding sanction of Freeship in Tuition Fee to employee wards for academic year 2023-24
- Advertisement for Dual Doctoral Programme between GBPUAT, Pantnagar and Western Sydney University (WSU), Australia :- Click Here To Download Application Form
- Application for Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Needy Student Fund for the year 2022-23
- Application Form For Renewal of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Student Aid Fund Fee में वृद्धि हेतु सूचना
- Aziz A. Siddiqui Scholarship for Meritorious UG Student in Agriculture
- Starting of Dr. Y.V. Singh Award for Best Ph.D. Thesis in Vegetable Science from session 2021-22
- डॉ0 संतोष कुमार शर्मा अवार्ड तथा डॉ विजय नारायण माथुर अवार्ड के दिशा निर्देशों (guidelines) में शैक्षिक वर्ष 2023 में परिवर्तन हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- मण्डी समिति छात्रवृत्ति पाने वाले कृषि, मत्स्य संकाय के स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों के नवीनीकरण (Renewal) हेतु
- मण्डी समिति छात्रवृत्ति केवल कृषि, मत्स्य संकाय के स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों के लिए आवेदन पत्र
- Academic Calendar for the I Semester 2023-24 for ICAR Entrants UG Students
- Academic Calendar for the I Semester 2023-24 of PG/Ph.D. students Revised Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar for the I Semester 2023-24 of UG students (Except all B.V.Sc. students) Revised Academic Calendar
- Regarding Institute Verification For Student Scholarships
- राष्ट्रीय एकता दौड़ हेतु सूचना
- Notice regarding Asian Agri-History Foundation Research Fellowship 2022-23
- Notice regarding last date extension of Dr. Dhyan Pal Singh Memorial Award
- आई0सी0ए0आर0-एन0टी0एस0 फैलोशिप के भुगतान के सम्बन्ध हेतु सूचना
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- University Level Anti-Ragging Committee for the academic session 2023-24 according to Compliance of UGC Regulation 2009
- Notice regarding submission of information about extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities for the award of Chancellor's Gold Medal 2022-23
- Order regarding fee refund in case of all cancellations of admissions/migrations Corrigendum
- स्नातक छात्र-छात्राओं के लिए योग्यता छात्रवृत्ति के भुगतान हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Office-order regarding extension of Thesis submission date in II Sem. 2022-23 upto 08.09.2023
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Notice regarding Payment Form for University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Application Form and Notice regarding Mrs. UMA Gupta Fellowship Last Date Extended Last Date Extended upto 15/08/2023 Last Date Extended upto 20/09/2023
- Application for Merit Scholarship for 3rd and 4th year B.Tech. (Agri. Engg.) Students
- Application for Sri. Amit Gautam Award for 4th year B.Tech. (Electr. Engg.) Students
- Application for Mr. Varun Panwar Memorial Award 2022-23 for 2nd, 3rd and final year B.Sc. Ag. Students
- Application for Smt. Bimla Rani Memorial Award for the year 2022-23
- Application for Dr. K.C. Sharma Fellowship for the M.Sc. Ag. (Agronomy) 2nd year students
- Application for Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Gold Medal/Award for the year 2022-23
- Office order regarding guidelines/rules/criteria for providing financial help to students
- Office order regarding guidelines/rules/criteria for donation for instituting various fellowships/scholarship/awards
- मण्डी समिति छात्रवृत्ति केवल कृषि, मत्स्य संकाय के स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों के लिए आवेदन पत्र
- Office-order regarding extension of Thesis submission date in II Sem. 2022-23 upto 06.09.2023
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- Application Form for Freeship in Tuition Fee to Employees Wards for the session 2023-24
- Order regarding sanction of Freeship in Tuition Fee to students for academic year 2022-23
- University Level Anti-Ragging Committee for the academic session 2023-24
- Academic Calendar for the I Semester 2023-24 of MBA II year students
- Academic Calendar for the I Semester 2023-24 of MBA I year students
- List of students getting freeship in tuition fee for the academic year 2022-23
- Revised Fee Structure of degree programmes of the University for the academic year 2023-24
- List of students getting freeship in tution fee for the academic year 2022-23
- Applications are invited for the award of "Bharat Ratna Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant Award" - 2021-22 Last Date Extended Notice
- Last Date Extended for applying for Priyank Pathak Scholarship 2022-23
- Final Examination Schedule 2022-23, II Sem
- आई0सी0ए0आर0 एन0टी0एस0 फैलोशिप के भुगतान हेतु सूचना
- Application form for the renewal of University Ph.D. Fellowship
- Application form for the sanction of University Fellowship to the Ph.D. students
- वर्ष 2022 -23 की द्वितीय षठमास में प्रवेशित छात्र छात्राओं के प्रवेश निरस्त हो जाने पर शुल्क कटौती हेतु कार्यालय आदेश
- पी0एच0डी0 छात्रों के अध्येयतावृत्ति की स्वीकृति हेतु कार्यालय आदेश